11 Unseen Realm: Lesson 6c - The Word, Name, and Angel (Part 3 The Angel)

This is Lesson 6, Part 3 of the series covering the Word, the Name, and the Angel of the LORD. I decided to go back over portions of Part 2, and continue into new material that was not covered previously. I provide multiple Scripture examples of YHWH (Yahweh, Jehovah) is the Word, the Name, and the Angel of the LORD. A couple of the examples were very interesting as they give us more insight in the New Testament where Jesus points to himself in the Old Testament, and even declares he existed before the world was created. We also cover what does it mean Jesus is the only Son of God, when we know there are many sons of God in the Divine Council ?
Scriptures covered in this lesson:
Genesis 18:1-15 (Sarah will have a son next year)
Genesis 22:11-14 (The Akadah)
Gensis 48:15-16 (Jacob's deathbed blessing)
Exodus 3:1-6 (The burning bush)
Judges 6:22-23 (Gideon)
Exodus 23:20-22 (The Name)
Isaiah 30:27-28 (The Name is a person)
John 17:5-6. 26 (Jesus is the Name)
John 1:17 (Word became flesh)
