Transforming your inner critic with Yvette Erasmus |

Find your best self without talking yourself out of it.
This is a 5-week course for negative self-talkers looking for a toolkit to help them discover their true potential.
You’ll walk away with a variety of practical approaches to support you, including the powerful, healing framework of Nonviolent Communication.
Some people call it an inner critic. Others call it negative self-talk. Whatever you call it, everyone has an internal voice that pipes up whenever it sees an opportunity to stop you from moving forward.
You know the one:
“You’re lazy”
“You’re not worth it”
“You’re not good enough”
“You’ll embarrass yourself”
“Why did you do that, again? Didn’t you learn from last time?!”
OUCH. Enough already.
The intention of ‪@YvetteErasmusPsyD‬ 's new course, 'From Inner Critic to Inner Coach: Unleash Your Deeper Potential' is this:
🌟 To (gently) kickstart you on an empowering journey towards a
more compassionate and supportive relationship with yourself,
so you can unleash your deeper potential🌟
(even though that voice is telling you not to)
You’ll hear about all this when you attend this live course with Yvette:
✅ Where that judgmental voice comes from - and why you have one.
✅ Why telling your inner critic to quiet down does not work - and what to do instead.
✅ How to get relief from your unkind inner monologue - and the art of positive self-talk.
✅ Practical tips to overcome self-doubt and increase self-trust
It does not matter how old you are. It’s never too late to start.
If you
✅ Habitually criticize yourself for perceived failures
✅ Let your perfectionism slow you down, or hold you back
✅ Compare yourself to others
✅ It’s likely you’d benefit from this course.
Yvette will teach you how to get back into the joyful flow of creation, without letting your inner critic stop you or slow you down.
Sign up for this course now:

