The Way Of The Jeet Kune Do Warrior!

Jeet Kune Do (Chinese: 截拳道; "
The "Way of the intercepting fist"; abbreviated JKD)
is a hybrid martial art conceived and practiced
by martial artist Bruce Lee.
It was formed from Lee's experiences in unarmed fighting
and self-defense-as well as eclectic , Zen Buddhist
and Taoist philosophies.-as a new school of martial arts thought.
The metaphor Lee borrowed from Chan Buddhism was
of constantly filling a cup with water, and then emptying it,
used for describing Lee's philosophy of "casting off what is useless".[
Lee considered traditional form-based martial arts,
which practiced pre-arranged patterns, forms and techniques,
to be restrictive and ineffective in dealing with
chaotic self-defense situations.
Lee believed that real combat was alive and dynamic
and conceived Jeet Kune Do to enable its practitioners
to adapt to the changes of live combat, believing that
it was only through its use in real combat that a
martial arts practitioner could judge a technique worthy of adoption.[
