The truth about Neo-Nazis in Ukraine

When Putin launched his invasion of Ukraine it was under the guise of ‘denazifying’ the country. But are there really any Nazis in Ukraine? Or is this just a story spun by the Kremlin? Aris Roussinos joins Freddie Sayers to unpick this contentious topic and seek some insight into Ukraine’s far-Right factions.
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// Timecodes //
00:00 - 00:40 - Introduction
00:40 - 02:18 - Does Ukraine have a Nazi problem?
02:18 - 09:39 - The Azov movement & Ukraine’s Far Right
09:39 - 12:28 - Is Ukraine’s hard Right different to other countries?
12:28 - 15:37 - Could Ukraine’s Far Right pose a threat once the war with Russia ends?
15:37 - 16:58 - What is the scale of the problem?
16:58 - 17:44 - Concluding thoughts
#Ukraine #Russia #UnHerd

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  • @franceszajac9834
    @franceszajac98342 жыл бұрын

    my confusion is real, in 2019 congress was calling them a terrorist group and today my tax dollars are giving them weapons??!!

  • @Lizzied1301


    2 жыл бұрын

    Its all about money darling... all about money. No morals, ethics, just money. Its insidious!

  • @matthewkopp2391


    2 жыл бұрын

    And it was a very bipartisan objection, especially with Representatives. Now Massie and Omar are ridiculed for not getting with the progrom.

  • @gungaugeguy5028


    2 жыл бұрын

    Finally Zelensky Admits to Neo-Nazi Azov Battalian:

  • @user-qd7so5bn9i


    2 жыл бұрын


  • @MrAlasoft


    2 жыл бұрын

    YES .. y-e-s

  • @aneliyaivanova8404
    @aneliyaivanova84042 жыл бұрын

    I am Bulgarian and I remember on our national tv couple of years ago the journalists on the news reporting about atrocities against our Bulgarians living in Donbass by Ukrainian.We have Bulgarian minority(150000-250000 citizens there).8 years ago not just Russians but our people too had their homes destroyed,our national flag burned ,our monuments with our Bulgarian heroes names covered with paint .All region with Bulgarians without any humanitarian aid ,some of them died with starvation,our bulgarians involved in politics chased by Ukrainian nationalists and some of them died.It’s not just Azov battalions,but Aidar,Dnipr regiment,Right Sector and etc.I am shamed that all West and my own country shut their eyes about the death of 14000 thousand people ,why we should forget the Alley of Angels,why we should forget the burned Odessa House of Trade Unions(investigations has been made by independent journalists with photos,because Ukrainians covered everything),what about “The library”in Mariupol next to the airport….I don’t support wars and I feel sorry for the normal Ukrainian and Russians because they suffered the most because some political games 😡

  • @tedmusson5179


    Жыл бұрын

    This is a justified response by Vlad and an amazing twisting of reality by U$ slanted capitalist based media. My country, which I spell kkkanada in tribute to the many Native children raped, tortured, murdered, and dumped into unmarked graves by govt and church, has a pugboy PM and a Uke nazigirl #2 who's grandpa was a newspaper executive working for hitler in Ukraine during WWII whence two decades after Stalin et al, USSR saved thousands of Jewish lives from U$ aided and allied pogrom creator tsars, 1917-23 and who two and a half decades later saved millions of Jews from l significently U$ promoted nazi Germany. Two and a half decades whence U$ barely survived being herded by wealthy nazi favouring thugs that Smedley Butler saved U$ and the world from, though Spain was collaterally destroyed by this same gang of international nazi criminals. The U$ propaganda machine has distorted the reality of both WW's from which U$ profited hugely both financially and militarily. Minus the capitalist propaganda Stalin would be accorded the hero status and savior of many millions at the cost of 27,000,000 of his own constituents that he deserves. We have managed to survive the U$ assault on humanity, and we will survive the U$~UK~I$R~€U~NATO~UN capitalist assault better than USSR survived the treason of Gorbachev and Yeltsin. However 1991 was but a speedbump on the road to rational commie Sr and cappie Jr members of the future mixed economy which with emergence of +BRICS+ and demergence of the U$ led international capitalist gangster organized crime cabal, we will prevail. The left east is on the rise, and the right west is in full collapse mode. Fortunately the east is far more civilized than the west has shown for half a millennia. Ask any African... +BRICS+ will prevail.

  • @jonathansledge5790


    Жыл бұрын

    F ukraine. I hope they cleanse the nation of nazis there. The us needs to stay out of these problems.

  • @YaGoodryl


    Жыл бұрын

    My ex is Ukrainian Bulgarian from Bolgrad, Odesa region. They speak Bulgarian at home, have Bulgarian choral centre and events. Literally nothing of what you describe was ever heard by me or even trying to google it. Also those are not Bulgarian citizens that you mentioned by ethnicity. They are Ukrainian citizens and identify themselves as such.

  • @fira7908


    Жыл бұрын

    @@YaGoodryl depends where you Google 😅. She is telling the truth

  • @aneliyaivanova8404


    Жыл бұрын

    @@YaGoodryl yes they are called Bessarabian Bulgarians.I am talking of some events after2014.You can Google it ,many photos are proof of what I am talking about.I could send you a link from our TV since 2015 if you know bulgarian.I could send you a links to prove what I am talking about.And yes depends where you Google it .They are Ukrainians but with Bulgarian ethnicity.And you said by yourself they speaking at home,did they speak it on the streets between them.Our MP last year went within this region(Bolgrad) to supply Bulgarian books material and some school equipment and why he was arrested and with black stamp in his passport.And like I said if you know different languages except English I could send you a proof if KZread not delete them.Nobody trust anymore your President ,mate,all Europe shaking now.All etnicities living in the territory of U.Raine are Ukrainians nobody denied this(even they called Ukrainians themselves)doesn’t matter if they are Roma people,Russian people ,Bulgarians,Polish,Romanians-just the regime since 2015 turn out really bad towards them.And if everything is so free why most of your TV are been banned ,why your authorities try to expelled Orthodox Church and their priests chased .I am watching too your channels and I don’t like what they said on them.Most of the rest of the world not believe you anymore.Just feel really sorry for your nation and all the soldiers what your president send into a meat grinder.

  • @tatianalyulkin410
    @tatianalyulkin410 Жыл бұрын

    When you're Ukrainian by blood and a Rebel by choice and your Loyalist friends are openly telling you ( ad nauseam, since 2014 ) that unless you accept Petlyura and Bandera YOU'RE NOT A UKRAINIAN PERIOD, believe me- it's a huge problem!

  • @sanyiamotospidov1673


    Жыл бұрын


  • @hehaller3017


    Жыл бұрын

    Bandera😨 Didn't he ally with Hitler? Helping killing Jews and Polish people? Correct me if I'm wrong.

  • @keltberanski2757


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@@hehaller3017not wrong at all

  • @alinayug


    Жыл бұрын

    in Ukraine there is a monument to Bandera

  • @user-sb5bj3bm6d


    Жыл бұрын

    Bandera was no more nazi than Finland and the Finnish was nazi !!! Bandera was fighting anyone that wanted to subdue Ukraine and it's ppl. He was fighting the Polish before the soviets them the Nazis and then the soviets; in short everyone and/or anything that has tried to take away the freedom of Ukraine's and subdue their lands !! In 1942 German intelligence concluded that Ukrainian nationalists were indifferent to the plight of the Jews and were willing to either kill them or help them, depending on what better served their cause. Several Jews took part in Bandera's underground movement, including one of Bandera's close associates Richard Yary who was also married to a Jewish woman. Another notable Jewish UPA member was Leyba-Itzik "Valeriy" Dombrovsky. According to a report to the Chief of the Security Police in Berlin dated 30 March 1942, " has been clearly established that the Bandera movement provided forged passports not only for its own members, but also for Jews.". 
The false papers were most likely supplied to Jewish doctors or skilled workers who could be useful for the movement. When Bandera was in conflict with the Germans, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army under his authority sheltered many Jews and included Jewish fighters and medical personnel. 
Eight days after Germany's invasion of the USSR, on 30 June 1941, the OUN-B proclaimed the establishment of Ukrainian State in Lviv, with Yaroslav Stetsko as premier. In response to the declaration, OUN-B leaders and associates were arrested and imprisoned by the Gestapo (ca.1500 persons[31]). Many OUN-B members were killed outright or perished in jails and concentration camps (both of Bandera's brothers were eventually murdered at Auschwitz). On 18 September 1941 Bandera and Stetsko were sent to Sachsenhausen concentration camp in "Zellenbau Bunker". Bandera was imprisoned along with some of the most important prisoners of the Third Reich, such as the ex-prime minister of France Léon Blum and ex-chancellor of Austria, Kurt Schuschnigg. The prisoners of Zellenbau received help from the Red Cross unlike common concentration camp prisoners and were able to send and receive parcels from their relatives. Unwilling and unable to openly resist the Germans in early 1942, the OUN methodically set about creating a clandestine organization, engaging in propaganda work, and building weapons stockpiles. A major aspect of its program was the infiltration of the local police; the OUN-B was able to establish control over the police academy in Rivne. By doing so the OUN-B hoped to eventually overwhelm the German occupation authorities ("If there were fifty policemen to five Germans, who would hold power then?"). By late 1942, the status quo for the OUN-B was proving to be increasingly difficult. The German authorities were becoming increasingly repressive towards the Ukrainian population, and the Ukrainian police were reluctant to take part in such actions. Furthermore, Soviet partisan activity threatened to become the major outlet for anti-German resistance among western Ukrainians. By March 1943, the OUN-B leadership issued secret instructions ordering their members who had joined the German police in 1941-1942, numbering between 4,000 and 5,000 trained and armed soldiers, to desert with their weapons and to join the units of the OUN-B in Volyn. Antisemitism was a common attribute of agrarian radical right-wing Eastern European organizations, such as the Croatian Ustashe, the Yugoslav Zbor and the Romanian Iron Guard. The OUN's ideology, on the other hand, did not emphasize antisemitism and racism despite the presence of some antisemitic writing. Indeed, three of its leaders, General Mykola Kapustiansky, Rico Yary (himself of Hungarian-Jewish descent), and Mykola Stsyborsky (the OUN's chief theorist, were married to Jewish women and Jews belonged to the OUN's underground movement in many high ranking positions The OUN in the early 1930s considered Ukraine's primary enemies to be Poles and Russians, with Jews playing a secondary role or not considered an enemy. An article published in 1930 by OUN leader Mykola Stsyborsky denounced the anti-Jewish pogroms of 1918, stating that most of its victims were innocent rather than Bolsheviks. Stsyborsky wrote that Jewish rights should be respected, that the OUN ought to convince Jews that their organization was no threat to them and that Ukrainians ought to maintain close contacts with Jews nationally and internationally. Three years later, an article in the OUN journal Rozbudova Natsii ("Development of the Nation"), despite its focus on Jews' alleged exploitation of Ukrainian peasants, also stated that Jews, as well as Ukrainians, were victims of Soviet policies. In a recently published letter to the Israeli journalist, writer, and translator Shlomo Even-Shoshan dated 17 May 1965, Anatoly Kuznetsov commented on the Babi Yar atrocity: In the two years that followed, Ukrainians, Russians, Gypsies and people of all nationalities were murdered in Babi Yar. The belief that Babi Yar is an exclusively Jewish grave is wrong... It is an international grave. Nobody will ever determine how many and what nationalities are buried there, because 90% of the corpses were burned, their ashes scattered in ravines and fields. Victims of other massacres at the site included Soviet prisoners of war, communists, Roma people and Ukrainian Nationalists It is estimated that between 100,000 and 150,000 people were murdered at Babi Yar during the German occupation. Babi Yar became presented as a place of execution of jew but the true is Babi Yar was used by the Nazi to execute anyone they wanted to kill by it Gypsy or the Patients of the Ivan Pavlov Psychiatric Hospital who were gassed and then dumped into the ravine; or the thousands of other ethnic Ukrainians that were murdered at Babi Yar and among those murdered were 621 members of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) Also the Ukrainian poet and activist Olena Teliha and her husband, and renowned bandurist Mykhailo Teliha, were murdered there on 21 February 1942. Also murdered in 1941 was Ukrainian activist writer Ivan Rohach, his sister, and his staff. So NO it was not just jews that ended up in Babi Yar and the fact that 621 members of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) show clearly that Russia claiming that the OUN was NAZI collaborators is absolute BS and that the OUN had nothing to do with the killing at Babi Yar that is a myth that the soviets pushed to discredit the OUN after ww2 was over in this way dirty their name, becouse the OUN had become an underground anti communist movement at the time fighting the Communist regime !!!

  • @owl-pan
    @owl-pan Жыл бұрын

    Good episode, could have mentioned that the first "government" (non-elected) after the coup contained Svoboda-party. Their pr-"institute" in Kiev was named "Joseph Goebbels Institute" for many years. This goverment criminalized russian language as officilal language and also educative language on schools - mother tongue to 30% of the eastern and southern population. Also to add that the private nazi-miliz Azov-regiment who commited countless atrocities in the Donbas since 2014 was financed and equiped by Kolomoisky, interesting fact.

  • @ubergeraldine


    Жыл бұрын

    He’s a very evil man. Wasn’t he banned from entering the US in 2020… owned a bank seen as a threat to Ukrainian political stability?… owned the media company which employed and manipulated Zelensky into his current position… and now the Biden administration is supporting the him… and Black Rock has an actual contract to rebuild Ukraine… no wonder there is no interest in ending this conflict. Lives are expendable and money is eternal; as long as some people are still alive to be fleeced.

  • @JP-ve7pp
    @JP-ve7pp2 жыл бұрын

    You have forgotten to mention that members of the Azov movement have been trained by Canada and other NATO members as reported by GW's Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (IERES) in September 2021.

  • @serenity8145


    2 жыл бұрын

    It’s sickening to know the depths of depravity NATO will go to spite Russia.

  • @bearskyshebearsky


    2 жыл бұрын

    Yet Canada was accusing the truckers of Fascism.

  • @qrsx66


    2 жыл бұрын

    Do they present themselves as members of a particular organization or as individuals ? Canada trained Chinese forces to extreme cold combat, US finances Chinese students that are sent by the CCP to acquire certain key knowledges, or their reasearchs. Elsewhere I heard Kurdish fighters in Turkey saying that when young people contact them to join the fight, the first thing they recommend them to be usefull to the cause is to do military training in the Turkish army. Then join them in the fight against the same military. So, many fucked up things happen, but there's not necessarily an intention to specifically support the group.

  • @williamfraser7959


    2 жыл бұрын

    spread the truth!

  • @SanMikeva


    2 жыл бұрын

    This statement lacks A LOT of clarity and is almost certainly giving people a very specific interpretation which is very likely not reflecting the truth. Who cares if Canada and NATO trained some of them? Because the meaningful, data-driven questions aren’t asked: what does it mean they’ve trained them? Who is them? How many of them are present in the Azov Battalion? For what purposes did Canada and NATO train these individuals? Was it for ideological, Nazi, white supremacist paramilitary reasons? Or was their training completely unrelated to their personal and extreme ideological views? None of these are answered.

  • @cosmopolitanbay9508
    @cosmopolitanbay95082 жыл бұрын

    The one question that was not discussed is the extent to which Azov, Aidar, Kraken and other para-military formations have been terrorising the local population - either ethnic minorities, or people openly against the new Ukranian idea born in 2014. There are accounts of assassinations, rapes, beatings, destruction of property and what have you, performed by this militia.

  • @georgegunnell6319


    2 жыл бұрын

    In 2019 Zelensky visited the Azov fighters in the Donbas region to demand they stop disobeying his mandate as the newly elected peace candidate president and finally observe the ceasefire. They literally laughed at him, told him if he continued with his peace antics they would kill him, and sent him back to Kyiv. My impression is the Russian perspective is considerably more accurate and truthful than is the west’s, sad to say. We need to acknowledge the damage Nazism has done to Ukraine society, work with the Russians to secure the rights and safety of those targeted by nazism in Ukraine, and formalize a freeze on the expansion of NATO. Peace

  • @joyduncan9434


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@georgegunnell6319 There is no compromising with terrorists which Zelensky is finding out as Ukrainians die.

  • @SaurierDNA


    2 жыл бұрын

    Journalist Patrick Lancaster, probably well known to many now, has shocking footage on youtube about mass graves in the Donbass region... , with bodies of decapitated civilians.. So these Ukraine militias are real monsters. (Just for the record: be aware that KZread often lets you see your own commend to a video, but nobody else can see it if youtube finds it not conform main stream narrative . YT does not inform you on this, so a hidden way of censureship)

  • @sassy3923


    2 жыл бұрын

    Great point.....everyone is ignoring this in the same way everyone in authority ignored natural immunity during covid.

  • @baka1949


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@georgegunnell6319 In what way is the Russian perspective more accurate than the Ukrainian perspective? Acknowledge the 'damage Nazism has done to Ukrainian society'? Recently? How do you come up with that when we all just heard that there is no popular support for Nazism in Ukraine?

  • @NS-mz8gq
    @NS-mz8gq Жыл бұрын

    I am not Ukrainian and I live in one of the western countries,many years ago I was going out with a Ukrainian girl and she invited me to a Ukrainian club and when I walked in I thought I just walked into a nazi club with photos of nazi looking people on the walls.I was approached by a couple of scary guys and I was asked if I was Ukrainian and then told to leave if I wanted to be safe.Not long after that we ended the relationship.What I have learned is that the western countries nurtured these kind associations during the Cold War and now they have infiltrated many of these eastern bloc countries with this kind of ideology.

  • @sit-insforsithis1568


    Жыл бұрын

    “Nazi looking people” go back to your sandbox this is a serious discussion

  • @BrianGriffin846


    3 ай бұрын

    So what are you saying? Because you had an Ukrainian girlfriend doesn’t mean that you can generalize all Ukrainian. BS

  • @NS-mz8gq


    3 ай бұрын

    @@BrianGriffin846 No what I am saying is that Ukraine has lived peacefully with Russia for many years and are both Slavic and all of a sudden the north western Ukrainians which were predominantly collaborators with the Nazis during Second World War take over the government and start killing innocent people and because Ukrainians were in fear and you aether for us or against us just like any criminals.But none of this would have been possible without the infiltration of the Nazi Ukrainians that came from the west.And how do I know this well I live in the west and my country of origin was destroyed by the same nationalist that went back to cause mayhem, and they have been poisoned by the nationalist that the west nurtured since the Second World War.

  • @JaneDoe-ew7ry
    @JaneDoe-ew7ry Жыл бұрын

    Ukraine is the first country that incorporated Nazis in the official army. The Azov battalion became part of the Ukrainian army. Actually, Ukranians were among the first to join the SS, when they started recruiting non-Germans. Some things you can't whitewash them, as hard as you try.

  • @xxvxxv5588


    Жыл бұрын

    Define "nazi".

  • @llengsuch3426
    @llengsuch34262 жыл бұрын

    I'm reminded of mujahideen fighters being trained and supplied with arms by America, to fight against the USSR in the 80s. Later on, they morphed into the Taliban ... and we know what happened after that.

  • @kypdurron62


    2 жыл бұрын

    There's a big difference between that situation, the cultural hegemony there, and the fairly limited scope of any far right/neo-nazi elements in Ukraine.

  • 2 жыл бұрын

    Yeah. They got less than 1% in the last election. They have no seat in Government. Some powerhouse they are.

  • @jncc1701


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@kypdurron62 yes it’s always different- right ? 😆

  • @jncc1701


    2 жыл бұрын

    @ guess you never heard of a certain German ? He too didn’t get much electoral support initially. The reality is the Western narrative isn’t holding up to scrutiny, and that’s not good.

  • @seanzibonanzi64


    2 жыл бұрын

    A bunch of fascists with stingers pissed at EU and NATO. What could go wrong?

  • @pl3317
    @pl33172 жыл бұрын

    I don't think the neo-nazis were Putin's main argument for the invasion. What has also been significant was the bombing of civilians in Dombas and Lugansk, the bio-labs all over Ukraine and the cutting off of the water supply to Crimea, as well as security issues with NATO and the EU.

  • @yidiandianpang


    2 жыл бұрын

    His real reason is he does not believe Ukraine should exist, Russia needs to be great and this means control over it's sphere of influence (русский мир) dating back to imperial times as he mentioned at the start of his speech. The rest is excuses based on partial truths.

  • @user-xh6yw5kl7p


    2 жыл бұрын

    The bombing of civilians in Donbass is made by nazis, so these reasons are linked

  • @pl3317


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@user-xh6yw5kl7p Yes, I think they used the Neo-nazis to execute the killings but I can't be sure who initiates the command.

  • @user-xh6yw5kl7p


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@pl3317 twisted my words

  • @gungaugeguy5028


    2 жыл бұрын

    After much time, finally Zelensky Admits to Neo-Nazi Azov Battalian:

  • @willclarke7532
    @willclarke7532 Жыл бұрын

    Just watched this video that states at the start there is no nazi problem then goes on to describe that there is in fact a real nazi issue in Ukraine. 😂😂😂

  • @DIREWOLFx75
    @DIREWOLFx752 жыл бұрын

    "Maybe 20000 maximum"? Really? That's what the Azov-regiment have at times claimed as their number of "warriors" just by itself! And early this year, there were "bragging" by one of them(from a member of Kraken IIRC) online about how the Bandera movement as a whole had "over 120000 noble warriors!"(not necessarily an exact quote, i may be a translator, but i have no clue about Slavic languages). Also, in 2014, Right Sektor just by itself was confirmed to have over 5000, while Azov-regiment at the time is known to have had around 1500. And there were literally DOZENS additional "battalions" formed, none of them had less than 300 "soldiers" and the vast majority of them were either nazi or extreme rightwing nationalist. Only 2 of the 50 battalions formed have i been able to confirm were definitely NOT either, they were instead fundamentalist, hardcore fanatical christians with a heavy nationalist bent. Still, lets be extremely conservative, say only 30 of those 50 battalions were actually nazis. Say that the average number of soldiers were just 500(they varied from 300 to 1500(Azov) with a probably average closer to 6 or 7 hundred). That's still 15000, and Right Sektor stayed separate with their 5000. Meaning that 20000 is the MINIMUM of what they STARTED WITH in 2014, not the maximum. And they have recruited massively since. What's worse, is that Ukraine from 2015 and onwards kept running "summercamps" for children aged 8 and up(paid for by foreign aid money), that were essentially "Hitlerjugend" style military training. And extremely hardcore indoctrination. "Never point your gun at a human, except Russians, because they're not humans, so that's fine." Oh, found one of the articles about it, from the DailyMail, yep this is the one that the above quote was from: And there's been HEAVY recruiting from the "graduates" from those camps for at least 6-7 years. Unless the Azov-units took extremely severe losses against the Donbass militias ever since 2014, they have greatly INCREASED their total numbers since then. The official plan stated in 2014 was to increase these battalions to a total of 110000. Still not including Right Sektor who were aiming for 20000 all by themselves. And their influence? When they said "do as we want or we hang you" to Zelensky? He folded instantly. And when Gonzalo Lira disappeared in Kharkov? Kraken proudly stated that they had killed "the traitor". Also worth remembering is how many of these units like to put an "SS" in front, even if they have stopped doing that in public for a while. Azov-regiment likes to call each other as SS Totenkopf. Then there's SS Galicia and SS Kraken. And so on... Anyone who claims 20000 is the MAXIMUM possible? They're either biased or incompetent.

  • @johnrambo99999
    @johnrambo999992 жыл бұрын

    Didn't talk about the Ukranian national hero Stepan Bandera and his bronze statues. Edit: I feel there was a bit of tip toeing around just how embedded nazism is Ukranian politics.

  • @johnknox2303


    2 жыл бұрын

    Agree, Freddy is allowing only so much ...

  • @davidtorr7762


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@johnknox2303 British sensibilities at play - they don't like mentioning the war

  • @karenbaines4308


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@johnknox2303 We no longer live in a free democracy - we are all self-censoring now.

  • @karenbaines4308


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@davidtorr7762 Nor do they like mentioning the money laundering or child trafficking that is funneled through Ukraine.

  • @mickyboymccoy7632


    2 жыл бұрын

    Or the 14,000 ethic Russians killed in the Donbass region since 2014 and the burning alive of ethic Russians in Odessa.

  • @TR12365
    @TR123652 жыл бұрын

    What an interesting and nuanced discussion. And what a shame no mainstream media will look beyond 'Ukraine good, Russia bad.'

  • @Embassy_of_Jupiter


    2 жыл бұрын

    "Maybe we shouldn't openly celebrate nazis" "Why do you want Ukrainians to die, you monster?"

  • @craigo2656


    2 жыл бұрын

    Singularly the most irresponsible piece of reporting I have ever seen in my life. Unherd should be deeply ashamed of themselves. There is a time and a place for everything and this smells of exploitation of a humanitarian disaster to get clicks. Regardless of the veracity of this piece, and it seems to be a sensationalised self serving version of the truth from the research I have done, it should not be done now. It would have a place in a months time, but right now it simply hands propaganda to Russia on a platter. It is clearly a very dangerous time for innocent Ukrainian civilians and your are DIRECTLY aiding there persecutors. Aiding the persecutors of genuine war crimes. That shows a deep seated lack of moral foundation. In a country of 44 million and an army of 250,000 you are talking about a tiny tiny minority.

  • @craigo2656


    2 жыл бұрын

    Russian has a far right movement that numbers in the hundreds of thousands. It is extremely simple answer regarding good and bad, Russian invasion bad, Russia slaughtering thousands of innocent civilians bad. If you have problems with that assessment then you have deep seated problems.

  • @ajisenramen888


    2 жыл бұрын

    “Regardless of the veracity of this piece” Feelings don’t change facts The risk of the UPA = Ukrainian Insurgent Army The Mujahideen were funded and supported by the West When you “Cry Havoc and let slip the dogs of War” it is unpredictable The dogs can turn around and eat you. Much like in GOT

  • @matthewbrown9029


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@ajisenramen888 love the reference. Spot on

  • @m.l.6685
    @m.l.6685 Жыл бұрын

    A great topic which is currently being brushed under the carpet. There's a huge issue of difference in the opinion who is responsible for the atrocities in Marriupol. If you speak and understand both Russian and Ukrainian languages, it's worth looking at personal diaries of people who lived through hell in Mariupol and still staying there. And there are plenty of those people. Their unanimous voice is that they have been terrorised by the Azov group - shelled, shot at, used as a live shield and massacred. Young kids, women, whoever was left - telling terrible truths, which everyone in the world seems to ignore. Look at what Ukraine's ex-president said about people of that region back in 2014 (?) - 'their kids will be sheltering in the cellars because and our kids will go to school. Because they can't do anything!'. This is word for word what Poroshenko said.

  • @paulmakinson1965
    @paulmakinson1965 Жыл бұрын

    This is what I know from people who have joined the Azov batalion. The unit has been absorbed into the Ukrainian military. Since, many people want to join it, not because of the politics, but because of the reputation a an elite unit. The militant part of the Azov batalion has been diluted by new recruits. Many of the original militant members have left because of the change, or they have simply retired. Now, people don't care about your politics when you join as long as you are willing to fight and make the cut. What I have witnessed personally with military in my own country (France) is that people who are attracted to military careers are rarely the liberal types. They tend to be at least rather conservative, always quite nationalistic and sometimes quite on the far right. Those who are will rarely openly admit to being white supremacists or racists, but I suspect this is just a "don't ask, don't say attitude" encouraged by the military hierarchy. There are a few of them in all walks of life, so an organisation biased to right will have more of them than average. I believe that if you make it your life's mission to defend your nation against foreign enemies, nationalism comes naturally. And you tend to find nationalism on the right or far right end of the political spectrum. There are also a few working class people who join the military as a chance to social advancement, a secure job and a means to acquire an education and skills that can open career opportunities in civilian life once the military contract has reached its end.

  • @CSWRB
    @CSWRB2 жыл бұрын

    Freddie proving again that BOTH sides need to be heard to find the truth.

  • @CSWRB


    2 жыл бұрын

    @Tim Harvard-Sweeting Yes, agree there can be more than two opposing positions. I guess my main point was that the truth is sometimes to be found in the middle of them, so at the least all should have the ability to be heard.

  • @mrsslim9029


    2 жыл бұрын

    I appreciate the courage to speak openly about the very real issues of having military Nazis, supported by the Ukraine regime and receiving military aid and training from the UK and other Western countries. You missed the point deliberately I suspect that these militia have been attacking the Russian speaking areas of the east Ukraine savagely for years. Ti believe they even succeeded to have Russian language banned in some areas. Please correct me if I have got that wrong.

  • @iAmEhead


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@mrsslim9029 I don't think the language was banned in the sense that you can't speak it anymore. It's just not recognized as an official language of state. Some countries have official languages and some don't. The issue is always a thorny one.

  • @volodymyrrynk9371


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@mrsslim9029 yes, you've got it totally wrong, sorry

  • @midwestplantgeeks8643


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@mrsslim9029 Americans have more nazi in military, politics and public types than Ukraine. The whole GOP Save America First supported by all the propaganda outlets manipulating is overtly fascist. Any Putin apologist grasping from reasons to support a tyrant is basically a nazi or an active enabler. All the both sides folks are always conservatives aka fascist in belief's and supportive of active fascists, always

  • @wolfy789
    @wolfy7892 жыл бұрын

    The US was arming and training groups like Azov, Aidar and right sector leading up to the coup in 2014

  • @deylia6467


    2 жыл бұрын

    Why it reminds me of taliban

  • @gungaugeguy5028


    2 жыл бұрын

    Finally Zelensky Admits to Neo-Nazi Azov Battalian:

  • @user-ux9nc2hu3z


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@deylia6467 Find ten differences😂😂😂

  • @jenniraisovna5698


    2 жыл бұрын

    What do you think of this accusation that it's Putin who organized the coup? West keeps stating this all over but I don't seem to believe it due to investigations by some independent journalists, but of course leaving the facts out of the whole picture just like what we see with Bucha today. Russia is losing in propaganda but the way the west supports all sorts of lies and staged events in Ukraine is utterly disgusting 🤮

  • @user-ux9nc2hu3z


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@jenniraisovna5698 Bucha it's fake.

  • @kevinmorthorst521
    @kevinmorthorst5212 жыл бұрын

    Finally some real talk regarding this subject. Thank you gentlemen.

  • @gfan83


    Жыл бұрын

    He is just Spin doctor.

  • @kevinmorthorst521


    Жыл бұрын

    @@gfan83 Proof please?

  • @X9xredgkoa


    5 ай бұрын

    @@gfan83cope lmao

  • @andreyansimov5442
    @andreyansimov5442 Жыл бұрын

    Documentary of Time magazine with millions of views called "Inside white supremacy training camp in Ukraine" from 2021 shows it all. And I think this interview by you is so detailed and you just pointed all the hot spots.

  • @banjo1434
    @banjo14342 жыл бұрын

    When you mention this topic on the forums you are denounced as a Russian troll. But this problem is not going away.

  • @andreabocchi6676


    11 ай бұрын

    Well, in the present situation, with all the atrocities committed by Russians against the civil population of Ukraine, to waste time and worries on the extreme right sympathizers of Ukraine seems to me really an inconceivable mistake, that can be done only by diehard Russian fans or by very very naive people.

  • @tatianalyulkin410


    10 ай бұрын

    The fact that the scumbags like Petlyura, Bandera and Shukhevich are the National Heroes of Ukraine doesn't bother you at all. You're a racist darling and an anti Semite.

  • @X9xredgkoa


    5 ай бұрын

    @@andreabocchi6676said some random ahh mf with no understanding of the matter whatsoever

  • @S_Padival
    @S_Padival2 жыл бұрын

    The interviewee is not being entirely truthful about the political power of the Nazis in Ukraine - look up Andriy Parubiy, co-founder of 2 Nazi parties and he was a speaker of Ukr parliament! 😵‍💫

  • @theonlycaulfield


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@donnie27brascoViktor Yuschenko faced an assassination attempt when he ran against a Russia-backed candidate.

  • @sgameirojr


    2 жыл бұрын

    And of course look at the ties between the Zelenskyy regime and oligarchs Ihor Kolomoyskyi, who also funded Azov and other nationalist battalions. This government is a puppet government.

  • @MrBezagreen


    2 жыл бұрын

    I think he was trying not to be just another pro-putin speaker. He knows that most Westerners at this point are pro-Ukraine, saying that the Ukranian state is filled with Nazis or saying directly that NATO is supplying, arming and training Nazis could be inflammatory to some people due to the intense media bias over here. So he tread around the subject lightly but I was still able to understand the truth behind what he was revealing.

  • @aryasayne


    2 жыл бұрын

    You need to be careful on KZread. YT, google, FB, DDG, Wikipedia, and to a lesser extent, Twitter, are all bought and paid for by the WEF/US Govt same as all the MSM. They will censor the truth about Ukraine just as they censored the truth about jabs. So far Twitter is still ok but watch as more and more accounts get cancelled for not spouting US propaganda and trying to tell the truth. Only the biggest and smallest accounts survive. The instinct of hawkish neolibs is to immediately report any tweets that don't conform to their narrative. IMO that's pointless as they just go elsewhere and become more extreme due to the echo chamber. I've seen tweets from commies in South America, Africa, Asia etc all calling the US imperial fascists, and a Syrian talking about how the Russians defeated ISIS in Syria using the exact same tactics and how the US supported ISIS. He was laughing at MSM saying that Syrians are going to Ukraine, and that it's ISIS fighting for Ukraine because they hate the Russians for destroying them in Syria. The rush to silence these people means we'll never discover the truth. Their lived experience is the truth.

  • @kbeetles


    2 жыл бұрын

    It is not just white supremacy these groups are after, they want no other ethnic population but Ukrainians. The Hungarians within Ukraine (thanks to WW2 Treaties cooked up by the West....)have been persecuted, beaten up, intimidated for many years by these neo-Nazis. Their right for using the Hungarian language is denied. They are second class citizens.

  • @tomasringstrom9380
    @tomasringstrom9380 Жыл бұрын

    Really appreciate that the interview has different nuances .. very rare these days.. swedish television sent a documentary about the dark side of the Ukranian revolution I think it was made by french reporters. Extremely frightening.. and frightening aswell is that swedish television took it off their content directly after the war started.. Seems like we are now supposed to only get one view of the situation by mainstream media.

  • @philipangelo595


    Жыл бұрын

    Same situation here in the States. We're being bombed with propaganda and our population is falling for it........AGAIN!!

  • @anibalsinalma1364
    @anibalsinalma13649 ай бұрын

    The truth is out there for everyone to see.

  • @mikefry5704
    @mikefry57042 жыл бұрын

    Still amazing that western media does not talk about this well done for giving news we can decide on. Thank you.

  • @xxvxxv5588


    2 жыл бұрын

    Why media don't talk about cult of Stalin in Russia? It's not a problem?

  • @lenperf2495


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@xxvxxv5588 Stalin was against nazis. Russia cannot afford having nazis and NATO in Ukraine. It is clear as a bell!

  • @robmoore7708


    2 жыл бұрын

    BBC newsnight 2019.

  • @rickfucci4512


    2 жыл бұрын

    The war culture we live in is filled with death cults. Organizations that believe in making a better world thorough death and destruction. Some have more effective propaganda machines to fool the masses into an infantilized coma of complexity, confusion, coercion, etc.... When you ad the perverse incentives for participation, these organizations achieve a spectrum of membership from aggressive participation to reluctant compliance. It is hard to take it apart without unraveling the whole delusion that enables the masses to be members/citizens of the various empires and still sleep at night.

  • @Crypt0n1an


    2 жыл бұрын

    I commend Aris and Freddie for being brave enough to go against the prevailing western narrative on this topic, which by the way up until a couple of years ago readily admitted to the neo nazi problem in Ukraine with countless media reports on the issue, that you can still find online, yet suddenly we cannot talk about this anymore. However there are some inaccuracies. The claim that the coup in 2014 had nothing to do with neo nazis or that neo nazis had little to do with that is patently false. Also this idea that neo nazis are not embedded in the Ukrainian government is also false. There are many accounts, many of them from western media readily available online from a few years ago that point to the fact that these neo nazis would storm parliament and force certain votes to take place by MPs. Accounts that point towards Zelenskyy himself threatened strongarmed and in many cases disregarded by them. Instances that show Neo nazi leaders being embedded in the government in key positions, particularly regarding security forces(military, police and internal policy making positions). The coup itself was made violent by the neo nazis who MOST likely were the snipers on roofs that killed some 100 protestors during the events of 2014. Instances where these neo nazis admit that they were the spearhead of the coup and without them it would not have been possible. So as you can see ultra nationalists and neo nazis are far more embedded and normalized part of Ukrainian government and society than we are being led to believe. Are they running the show, not quite, but they have way more influence than people think. All this is readily available online with substantive video and other documentation to support this position. PS: As for this idea that by comparison Ukraine is no more far right than any other western nation is patently absurd. Pay attention to the clever switch in language there, we were specifically talking about nazis or ultranationalists here and suddenly we switched to far right. Well, far right in the west is anyone to the right of a moderate these days, that term has lost it's meaning. For example in many western nations what qualifies as far right are simple nationalists who want stricter border controls and the preservation of their national culture and identity in the land of their ancestors. No talk of white supremacy or the aryan race or racist language or anything like that yet they are being branded as extremists and nazis and fringe. So doing what all minorities are given free reign to do in the west(ie advocating for their own self interests and sub culture) is suddenly extremist if white people try to do it in their own country in the most mild mannered way. By contrast in Ukraine we are talking about literal nazis in the isles of power deeply embedded in the military and security forces and well past the point of normalization in Ukrainian society, yet somehow they are conflated with simple well meaning nationalists in the west. Which western country has literal nazis in government? So nice sleight of hand there but no bueno.

  • @KENACT1
    @KENACT12 жыл бұрын

    Putin gave de-nazification as one of his reasons, there were others. The primary reason was to make sure that NATO did not extend into the Ukraine. Limiting influence is a common reason for war. The U.S. did it in Granada; Britain and France launched the Crimean war to limit Russian influence, and also in the British case to make sure that a competing naval force did not arise.

  • @jeffbetts9420


    2 жыл бұрын

    Think you will find Russia started the Crimean war by attacking and destroying a fleet of Turkish ships.

  • @KENACT1


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@jeffbetts9420 That started a war between Russia and Turkey, such a common thing that usually no one took notice. But Russia's advance into the Balkans and the display of competent naval power was what brought in France and Britain. Britain in face was so alarmed by the idea of Russia as a naval competitor that their main objective was Sevastopol and the end of the Russian navy in the Black Sea. France wanted to keep Russia from carving up the "sick man of Europe" before they could.

  • @jeffbetts9420


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@KENACT1 War between Russia and Turkey started before the destruction of the Turkish fleet. But it was the destruction of the fleet that dragged Britain and French into the war. The Russian navy was a threat to many countries at this time, as far away as Australia. So yes the Brits did want to limit the power of the Russian navy.

  • @KENACT1


    2 жыл бұрын

    @I dunno But Oh, he wanted the fascist militias destroyed all right, they were the counter to his militias in the Donbass, and the unlikely sponsor of the neo-fascists, a Jewish oligarch named Kolomoisky, is dangerous because of his international connections. But yeah, the main objective is the "Finlandization" of Ukraine, if that cold-war phrase still has meaning. Putin is too smart to try to occupy Ukraine, he doesn't have the troops anyway, and it's easier and cheaper to turn a country into a satellite than to conquer it. He's following the Mongol strategy. They didn't seek to extinguish other nations but to turn them into tributaries.

  • @Lasstpak


    2 жыл бұрын

    Two wrongs always makes things right. Crimea war was also 150 years ago and Russia was waging a war. What war did Ukraine waged in 2014. There was also no talks about joining NATO in 2014, only closer ties with EU.

  • @sefora805
    @sefora80510 ай бұрын

    You missed or didn’t want to state it: they are essentially anti slav & consider themselves Aryan & day Ukraine was an Aryan country.

  • @BobHoopClassic
    @BobHoopClassic2 жыл бұрын

    We need more articles like this one... A very balanced, objective and informative vid!

  • @colincampbell4261


    Жыл бұрын

    Not balance at all.

  • @thesilkpainter


    Жыл бұрын

    It would be a little more balanced to also mention the amount of neo nazis, imperialists and downright fascists on the Russian side.... JUst for the complete picture... and to be unbiased.

  • @ishi2k8
    @ishi2k82 жыл бұрын

    Glad more people are talking about this... The presence of the Neo Nazi's alone, doesn't justify the war but it's important to talk about this to give context, otherwise we're no better and as censored as countries like China

  • @Justyburger


    2 жыл бұрын

    It's not just the prescence of Nazi's that justifies the war. It's NATO expansion and the fact that Ukraine wants to be in NATO. It's the 14K dead in the Donbass, It's the biolabs, it's the ignoring of the Minsk Agreement, it's the meddling with Nordstream 2. It's actually a whole lot of things that finally brought Russia to the point of invasion. Quite honestly, when I look at the long list, I support Russia's campaign. I just don't know what the ultimate strategy is and neither should I. I don't know whether there will be an east and west Ukraine, no Ukraine at all or what exactly the political landscape will look like in a number of months time. I know one thing though, and it's that NATO needs to keep out or we will see Russia really bring out some heavy equipment. Russia has only been using about 20% of it's conventional capacity in this war, as far as I can tell from all the information I've looked at.

  • @Elementaldomain


    2 жыл бұрын

    You started out with some thoughtful comments about censorship but it doesn’t sound like you are very knowledgeable about the situation…It’s appears you know very little to nothing of the Azov battalions, who they are and what their agenda is. I will start you off by quoting their motto to you “We are going to remove the non-white factions, along with the sub humans (brown, black and Asian) from the planet and restore the Aryan race to its proper place”. Nor does it seem you know of the history of the continuing massacres of the people in Donestsk and Lugansk (Maidan and Odessa massacres, torture and atrocities committed by them. I would suggest you do some in depth research before commenting blithely and shallowly on a tragic situation where 14K ethnic Russians have endured genocide in the last 8 years.

  • @haidan45


    2 жыл бұрын

    I am Chinese, 6 years working abroad, so i know the world by my own eyes and think, please say how do you know about China? who is brain washed?

  • @Elementaldomain


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@haidan45 I am South Korean. I have a lot of friends in China. Where you live and what race a person is, is not important. What your eyes see and what your ears hear is not necessarily truth. Most people form opinions based upon past experiences coupled with conjecture; coupled with prejudices, coupled with the propensity to accept dogma as their truth, etc. There are what we call “woke” people all over the world. As you may have read in my comments, I stated verifiable facts, not an opinion based on who knows what. As I often say, “you can lead a horse to water, you cannot make them drink”. You are of course entitled to form any opinion that you desire but saying you are Chinese and living abroad doesn’t prove you are correct in your assumptions. Peace Be with you!

  • @maximusvonce1381


    2 жыл бұрын

    Mathias Blum. Excellent. thanks for confirming what i already was aware of.

  • @marcomongke3116
    @marcomongke31162 жыл бұрын

    And yes Germany is now arming them the most. The irony..

  • @Alexp37


    2 жыл бұрын

    Yep. As a German this pisses me off SO much.

  • @annatopolnicka1542


    2 жыл бұрын

    Germany definitely isn't arming them the most, Poland is. Saying that someone can bomb peaceful cities, kill civilians because there're some groups in Ukraine ,that may not serve the best interest of humanity is like saying, that China is somewhat justified to bomb New York, because there are Antifa members in this city, or that Russia can bomb eastern Germany, because there live 10% of AfD voters there. Crazy even to discuss it.

  • @Alexp37


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@annatopolnicka1542 BS. Germany killed 27 MILLION Russians during WWII. Now we are giving fascists in Ukrain German weapons to kill Russians with. We have NO RIGHT to do so. Also, please stop spreading this pathetic BS lies that Russia is bombing civilians. Heared that on the news or read that in the newspaper? Pathetically naiv.

  • @marcomongke3116


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@annatopolnicka1542 @Anna Topolnicka plenty of other NATO countries out there. Yet Germany getting involved suddenly and harming their economy most and now may have to pay premium gas in the future seems a bit self damaging. And dont put words in my mouth i didnt justify Putins war or restoring of USSR in any way. I will however mock the hypocrisy of the west. This was an avoidable war.

  • @Jay...777


    2 жыл бұрын

    Scholz is a fool. Merkel would probably have done better. One stinger can down any commercial jet - Germans will live to rue the day.

  • @519djw6
    @519djw62 жыл бұрын

    *What is meant by "Nazis"? For the German National Socialists during WWII, it was considered "acceptable" to integrate Western Slavs into the Third Reich--with the proviso that they could be Germanized in language and culture. However, the Eastern Slavs were given no such consideration. How could these "Azov Regiments" delude themselves to the point that they use Germanic/Nazi regalia? Eighty years ago, they would have been considered "Untermenschen" and would only have been tolerated as long as they were useful in the war against the Soviet Union, whose land they craved for the purpose of creating a "Greater Germany." Answers Please!*

  • @hohaia01
    @hohaia01 Жыл бұрын

    I don't think it's his main reason for invading Ukraine. The main reason would be to prevent the genocide in the Donbass.

  • @petarn2204
    @petarn22042 жыл бұрын

    I believe this is a very mild depiction of situation in Ukraine in context of Nazism.

  • @gungaugeguy5028


    2 жыл бұрын

    After much time, finally Zelensky Admits to Neo-Nazi Azov Battalian:

  • @Alan-er8ky


    Жыл бұрын

    True, there are hard-core and historical facts that's bigger than this depiction. Putin is a real leader.

  • @dlewisfl


    Жыл бұрын

    No mention of Right Sector, no mention of the adolation of Stepan Bandera, no mention of other neo-Nazis like C14. Seriously lacking in describing the true extent of the neo-Nazi problem.

  • @corndogius5706
    @corndogius57062 жыл бұрын

    Unherd should stand as a textbook example for why alternative medie will eventually over take MSM narrative pushing. To the point, nuanced, and as ever informative about a contentious topic.

  • @craigo2656


    2 жыл бұрын

    Singularly the most irresponsible piece of reporting I have ever seen in my life. Unherd should be deeply ashamed of themselves. There is a time and a place for everything and this smells of exploitation of a humanitarian disaster to get clicks. Regardless of the veracity of this piece, and it seems to be a sensationalised self serving version of the truth from the research I have done, it should not be done now. It would have a place in a months time, but right now it simply hands propaganda to Russia on a platter. It is clearly a very dangerous time for innocent Ukrainian civilians and your are DIRECTLY aiding there persecutors. Aiding the persecutors of genuine war crimes. That shows a deep seated lack of moral foundation. In a country of 44 million and an army of 250,000 you are talking about a tiny tiny minority.

  • @JA-rn2fz


    2 жыл бұрын

    In my opinion if a Racist Nazi Battalion has been supported by the western elites within our nation's and hidden by MSM? It would drastically change the views of the people around the world... How can anyone knowingly support Nazis? That would inturn cause ww 3... Amazing how the MSM narratives has people wanting to support Ukraine at the same time unbeknownst they're supporting a Nazi Battalion and the racism it emanates??? God Bless us from this evil. Amen 🙏

  • @craigo2656


    2 жыл бұрын

    Morally flawed, unsubscribed.

  • @weechid9784


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@craigo2656 You think the truth is morally flawed?

  • @corndogius5706


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@craigo2656 What are you on about! “Self serving” and “lack of moral foundation”, but this piece should be delayed because it might upset a narrative. Did you even think before writing your comment or even watch the video? Also this isnt a football game, dont have to just pick a side. People are suffering on both sides. They’re just reporting whats happening. thats it. They made it very clear that Putins narrative was wrong.

  • @taraosborne4559
    @taraosborne4559 Жыл бұрын

    I’m half way through this video and still NOTHING on what’s been happening to the eastern Ukrainian citizens in Donbas!!?? They have been being slaughtered…. Children, women, seniors all civilians towns and neighborhoods have been terrorized since 2014!! Why is this not discussed???

  • @SuperBalenko123
    @SuperBalenko123 Жыл бұрын

    I would have liked to hear more about the cult of Stepan Bandera in Ukraine. You know, the fact his birthday is being celebrated as a holiday, the fact that Zaluzhny took a selfie in front of his portrait, that kind of thing. Things which are connected to the state more directly.

  • @xxvxxv5588


    Жыл бұрын

    There is no such thing as "cult of Stepan Bandera" in Ukraine.

  • @SuperBalenko123


    Жыл бұрын

    @@xxvxxv5588 Thanks for your observation, but I understand there are statues of Bandera in Ukraine, that his birthday has been declared a national holiday, I have seen Zaluzhny take a selfie in front of a portrait of Bandera with a nice text going with it... IDK, it is always good to talk to somebody who has a different opinion (the only way we can ever learn, IMO), but you have to back up your claim with something... just claiming something is not enough to convince anyone. I don't know of any other European country which celebrates fascists that openly.

  • @xxvxxv5588


    Жыл бұрын

    @@SuperBalenko123 There are many people in Ukraine who have more statues in their honor thаn Stepan Bandera. Only a small part of people can not ironically celebrate his birthday. It can also be noted that there is no image of Stepan Bandera on Ukrainian banknotes. I think that an example of a European country that "celebrates fаshism" can be Russia. The leader of Russia, Vladimir Putin, is close to fаshism. And the level of hix xenophobiatowards Ukrainians is much higher than the level of xenophobia of Stepаn Bаnderа towards any ethnic group. Russia is quite far from the values of tolerant liberalism and an open society, which are usually seen аs opposition to fаshism and authoritarianism.

  • @SuperBalenko123


    Жыл бұрын

    @@xxvxxv5588 With all due respect... : the fact that there are people who have more statues than Bandera in Ukraine is totally irrelevant for this argument. So is the fact that his face isn't on any of Ukrainian banknotes. Bandera was a fascist and he should not have a single statue erected to his honour anywhere. If a country allows itself to erect even a single monument to a fascist like Ukraine did, then that should be open to objective discussions on international level. And IMO, in the end it should be condemned. And why would you celebrate somebody's birthday as a national holiday, unless as a country you believe that the person in question has done something very important and positive for you? When you do that, it means you agree with and approve of the ideas the person in question was representing. I think you yourself are Ukrainian and you are just in deep pain because of everything that is happening in your country right now. And it is perfectly understandable. Don't get me wrong, I also think the war is absolutely horrible and the greatest tragedy imaginable. I am sorry for every single civilian killed in Ukraine. BUT: I also think it is us in the west (the Netherlands here) who caused this war by pushing nato all the way to Russian borders even though we said we would not do that, and even though Russia has called it a red line and Putin has been whining about that since at least 2015. I think it is important for you (for all Ukrainians) to understand that we in the west could not care less about Ukraine or Ukrainians. The only thing our governments are interested in, is hurting Russia as much as we can. What pisses me off immensely on top of all of that is the fact that nobody asked us (the little people from western Europe) at all if this is what we want. We are already paying dearly for supporting US imperialism. The whole of EU has become destabilised because of this war, companies are closing, people are losing jobs. I am genuinely scared of the upcoming winter now that the US have destroyed NS2 and have cut us off from affordable Russian energy. I do believe people will be freezing to death next winter in western Europe (of course I hope I am wrong about that). I think you guys need peace asap, in any way it would be possible. Please understand that Ukraine cannot win this war militarily; the only alternatives Ukraine has to a crushing defeat is trying to drag the west actively into this war, turning it actually into WWIII. I am sure we will both agree, that is not what any sane person could want as it will lead to possibly ending all life on the planet. I wish you all the best and I hope peace comes to Ukraine asap.

  • @xxvxxv5588


    Жыл бұрын

    @@SuperBalenko123 You guessed it, I'm Ukrainian. OK. I will answer each point. 1. I don't think it's reаsonаble to remove all Bandera statues, introduce laws against ethnic nationalism, and constantly make excuses and try to be too nice to avoid being accused of nazism/fаscism. Because such accusations are inspired usuаlly by anti-ukrainian sentiments, and not by the desire to build progressive anti-fаscist world of equality and tolerance. We were hated and our lands were perceived as an object of political cultural and ethnic expansion long before Bandera was born. It is simply wrong from a moral point of view to attach so much importance to those who perceive you as ethnically stigmatized enemies. Any healthy and useful norms of morality are against this. 2. Anti-ukrainism as part of Russian political culture existed not only long before the birth of Bandera, but before the creation of NATO. Therefore, the thesis about "NATO provocation" is simply ridiculous. Yes, anti-ukrainism is a problem and we should talk about it. Russians still allow terrible chauvinism towards Ukrainians by the standards of the 19th century, and this is аbsolutely problemаtic. 3. Oh yes, I have no illusions that Western countries would be interested in a strong and prosperous Ukrаine. Although you probably won't argue with the fact that the West is more pro-ukrainian than "the rest" and in the Netherlands there are much more people with a sense of empathy for Ukrainians than, for example, in Indonesia. 4. It should also be noted that it is not necessary to have a great degree of sympathy for Ukraine or Ukrainians in order to condemn a war where there is a clear victim and a clear aggressor. It will not be an exaggeration to say that we are fighting for the same rights that the Russians аlreаdy have. Russians have their own state where Russians are sfау and their culture dominant. The idea that Russia is under threat is simply ridiculous. That is, the pro-Ukrainian position and the neutral position coincide. An absolutely neutral statement about the equality of Ukrainians and Russians, which would provide for a political order where both a protected Ukrainian and a Russian state would coexist peаcefully аnd with sense of distаnce is what can be accepted as an argument against for Ukraine. Maybe not for you, but many other people. 5. I agree with the probability of a complete military victory for Ukraine. But this does not mean that a draw is not possible. The current state of affairs is a moderate victory for Russia. Nevertheless, there is a chance for a draw, which can become a reality if the balance of power partially changes in favor of Ukraine. Yes, drew is possible.

  • @fishmud3264
    @fishmud32642 жыл бұрын

    From this guy said that 2014 was a revolution, I knew what page he was on. The USA investing over 7 billion into disabling Ukraine is not a revolution!

  • @malcolmrowe5031


    2 жыл бұрын

    Once again the USA creating a problem so they can profit

  • @mika274


    2 жыл бұрын

    There is a video of one of the azov guys talking about how, without US support and without the azov actually participating in the maidan coup. The protest would have been 'gay rights march'(his words).

  • @fishmud3264


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@mika274 Interesting, do you have a link bruh?

  • @fishmud3264


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@malcolmrowe5031 They really do that? I thought it was to spread freedom and democracy? 😂

  • @mika274


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@fishmud3264 you can check one of Jimmy dore's video from I think two weeks ago. Nearly at the start of the war. His coverage is very one sided but it introduces a different perspective.

  • @angelvids6024
    @angelvids60242 жыл бұрын

    This corroborates my own research I did when the invasion began. Ukraine is a very complex place.

  • @gardeniainbloom812


    2 жыл бұрын

    It is. Yet once again Joe public is being invited/manipulated to think in emotionally simplistic, binary terms. We will never learn.

  • @PrinceCbass


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@gardeniainbloom812 complex = corrupt

  • @bonniespeck


    2 жыл бұрын

    Same thing I did….research. Go watch Oliver Stones movies too. Ukraine on Fire 2016 and Revealing Ukraine 2019.

  • @albatross8361


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@bonniespeck I have just finished watching them, they are both on Rumble if they are not on YT. I really should have watched them both before now., a lot of interesting content. Some of it I was already aware of, but I think Stone helps pull it all together to provide a bigger and more complete picture.

  • @pilotmanpaul


    2 жыл бұрын

    Its a corrupt shithole with a lot of things going on. Good luck unpacking all of it.

  • @ollvebranch
    @ollvebranch Жыл бұрын

    Our UK🇬🇧 great grandfather’s will be turning in their graves.

  • @richardstevens9291
    @richardstevens92912 жыл бұрын

    Fascinating and useful stuff to give us a perspective on what is going on.

  • @roadrunner1337
    @roadrunner13372 жыл бұрын

    It isn't just the Nazi issue. The expansion of NATO is key, as is Minsk 2 not being adhered to, and the fact that Donbass has been being shelled for 8 years. Also, we will await the results of the bio labs issue, we do not know whether there was an urgent issue Putin was worried about. Having said all that, this is a human tragedy, but my guess is that if Ukraine had been told NO to NATO membership this tragedy may not have happened. That would not have solved the persecution of ethnic Russians in Donbass though. As ever Freddie is a far better interviewer than any legacy media counterpart.

  • @nenirouvelliv


    2 жыл бұрын

    If Ukraine had been in NATO your garbage country would've never tried to invade it in the first place.

  • @JarmilaXymenaGorna
    @JarmilaXymenaGorna2 жыл бұрын

    Thank you both. Very enlightening. I wish Bandera was mentioned in the interview - apparently his statues are ‘gracing’ many Ukrainian cities till this very day… As a Pole (and also a Jew) I am completely traumatised by what happened to the Polish living in Ukraine during the war… the methods used by the Banderists and the UPA (Ukrainian Uprising Army) on the Poles…. Savage primitive brutal - these expressions are all understatements. We have an ongoing debate amongst friends - which of the two evil is more evil: atrocities committed with cool calculation and cold hearted ‘reason’ and method (read: the Nazi extermination camps and gas chambers) or ‘passion crime’ , ‘reason of the heart’ and emotional investment in committing them (read: the Banderists’ ethnic cleansing of the Poles in Wołyń, which involved sawing women in half, chopping their limbs off with axes - there’s a famous image of that, viewing of which changed me forever - chopping heads off, removing eyes and over 300 other registered tortures)… I’ll forever wonder. I used to think a calculated cold blooded evil is worse… I used to think - you can at least try to explain emotions which motivate people (which does not equal justifying them but at least trying to understand the pull of the heart). After seeing the images of the victims of the Banderists I no longer know the answer to our enquiry.

  • @xxvxxv5588


    2 жыл бұрын

    Modern-day Urkrainian natiionalism is not anti-polish at all. As an Ukrainian and as someone who is more nationalist than cosmopolitan I don`t have negative attitudes towrads ethnic Poles, I`m against anti-polish sanctions from EU. There are no serious reasons for rivalry between Ukrainians and Poles in XXI century.

  • @JarmilaXymenaGorna


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@xxvxxv5588 especially that there are hardy if any Poles left in Ukraine nowadays. Thanks for your comment. I was addressing a slightly different issue actually. BTW What’s your name? 😉

  • @xxvxxv5588


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@JarmilaXymenaGorna why do you need my name?)

  • @JarmilaXymenaGorna


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@xxvxxv5588 so that we’re on ‘equal terms’ as they say 😂 just kidding. I always thought it’s nice to know names of partners in discussion. Not to worry 😉

  • @proselytizingorthodoxpente8304


    2 жыл бұрын

    As a Pole you should know the Russians worked hand in glove with the nazis in occupied Poland.

  • @denfoot1111
    @denfoot1111 Жыл бұрын

    How long will this stay up on KZread?

  • @ianlawrie
    @ianlawrie Жыл бұрын

    Looking at this today, the silence about Azov and other extreme right wing units in Ukraine is even more deafening. Not only that but weapons have been flooding into Ukraine in a constant stream from the West. Once again the West and particularly the US have created a monster which inevitably will turn on them.

  • @historyoneonone9690
    @historyoneonone96902 жыл бұрын

    "They are useful?" So was Waffen SS and you can search images from Eastern Front and what was their ideology and doing. And I can assure you they were very useful at that time. We as Europe took slippery slope this time.

  • @qrsx66


    2 жыл бұрын

    They are useful to both sides after all.

  • @ilyas859


    2 жыл бұрын

    “If we see that Germany is winning the war, we ought to help Russia; and if that Russia is winning, we ought to help Germany, and in that way let them kill as many as possible.. . ” Truman as a Senator in 1941

  • @historyoneonone9690


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@ilyas859 Thank you for that referral Sergei. I did not know it but it says much nowadays. Same doctrine.

  • @erinundra


    2 жыл бұрын

    accompanied by their Ukrainian brothers in arms. Most of the guards in the death camps were Ukrainians. I believe pockets of nazis exist all over Ukraine. Weak or sympathetic leaders have allowed these groups to flourish, including the current one.

  • @gungaugeguy5028


    2 жыл бұрын

    Finally Zelensky Admits to Neo-Nazi Azov Battalian:

  • @elliottdennis2014
    @elliottdennis20142 жыл бұрын

    What I find utterly absurd is how people of a Slavic ethnicity can unironically identify with Nazi ideology and with these Nordic undertones. Are these people just in utter denial about who they are and what their history is, or what Hitler and Nazi ideology says about the Slavs?

  • @epylypiuktomlin2102


    2 жыл бұрын

    It s much more complex than it seems. Also, there are traitors in all nations, follow the money always. Most ordinary ukrainians are just like ordinary russians, just like ordinary brits.

  • @ThePtoleme


    2 жыл бұрын

    There are always more or less convincing rationales (e.g. the Rus' were originally Norse people). Exactly the same question arises for the support of communism or a figure like Stalin in Russia.

  • @diagorasofmelos4345


    2 жыл бұрын

    There's a reason SS battalions existed.

  • @benjaminr6153


    2 жыл бұрын

    I think Nazi ideology vis a vis Slavs was never entirely clear. After all, the Germans did raise SS battalions from slavic peoples such as Ukrainians, Croats, Slovaks, Belarusians and Russians

  • @vikkipollock5402


    2 жыл бұрын

    Yea it is pretty dumb. Here is a little background for you. Azov battalions is almost entirely ethnic Russians. In that area of Ukraine, USSR removed actual Ukrainians and moved those to countries like Kazakhstan. Then populated eastern and part south of Ukrainian with people from all over USSR, mostly from Russia and the lowest economic/educational level. My dad grew up in Mariupol. His teachers told his class’ why bother teaching you, you will all end up in jail anyway’ . And apart for my dad, it was true. Very rough, getto type populated that area. So Azov makes sense their- not the smartest or nicest of the bunch. I hope Zelensky thought about that the hell to do with them after the war.

  • @beddythecorgi4269
    @beddythecorgi4269 Жыл бұрын

    My favorite exchange so far. 2:58 "that does sound quite Nazi" (in the most stereotypical British stiff upper lip understated way) "It sounds quite Nazi" That made me burst out laughing how dry that exchange was agreeing on its fitting a common understanding of what "nazi" means.

  • @Wellaitay
    @Wellaitay Жыл бұрын

    We haven't heard about this from the main-massmedia. We have been lead to cry more about Russian envasion rather been thaught the truth.

  • @rosem5041
    @rosem50412 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for highlighting this, there’s always two sides to a story. Kyra Rudik a Ukrainian minister whilst holding a rifle stated “we are fighting For the new world order”.

  • @pogo1140


    2 жыл бұрын

    Rudin is a member of the "Voice" a liberal political party.

  • @natalyar.1271


    2 жыл бұрын

    Where is the link?

  • @pogo1140


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@natalyar.1271 wiki, nor, CNN, times of india. Official Ukrainian party listing.

  • @aryasayne


    2 жыл бұрын

    The NWO of the WEF definitely want a fascist global govt, meanwhile they support revolutionary communist causes such as BLM to foment dissent. Divide and rule. The neolibs and socialists lap it up. Useful idiots.

  • @alanbstard4


    2 жыл бұрын

    which is something the Nazis would hate

  • @lizzibizzioni7478
    @lizzibizzioni74782 жыл бұрын

    Can we be real here please! Zelenksy heads a coalition government which has extreme right wing elements precisely because they do hold sway in Ukrainian society. Just because people have not joined the Azov battalions themselves does not mean they do not sympathise with the movement. The roots of this existed way before 2014. The western regions of the country have a strong tradition of ultra-nationalism and one of its previous leaders was Stepan Bandera. This is not ‘fringe’ as you slyly inserted into your twisting of the narrative here Freddy (rather desperately I have to say). Stepan Bandera, once head of the Ukranian nation in the 1930’s, was a staff officer with the SS Waffen. He was used by the Nazis as a Jew hunter and a Russian hunter. He would go round them up for transportation to concentration camps or just engage in mass executions on the spot. Far from inexplicably having any shame for this a wide range of Ukranians still celebrate a Stepan Bandera Day and celebrate his nationalist stance and historical deeds. The current Azov movement and others of the same ilk continually display their insignia based on the SS logo to plenty of cheering and clapping. Nazi salutes are also encouraged especially on Stepan Bandera day which is a national public holiday. This is why the rift in Ukraine has grown because unsurprisingly the Russian speaking Ukrainians and I assume less radical Ukrainians in the Western Ukrainian cities are not of the same spirit and acknowledge the horrific historical catalogue of the abuse towards Russian people Jews and others by the Nazis. It is very important to recognise that Russian speaking Ukrainian people in the Donbass region which consists of many cities, some of whom have populations of up to a million, have been virtually under siege by Ukrainian militia for 8 years (a siege largely enacted by Azov influenced soldiers who want anyone with Russian genes out of Ukraine). Since 2014 there have been 14,000 officially recorded deaths of Ukrainian Russian-speaking people in the Eastern Donbass region all occurring when 700 OSCE ceasefires were violated. Where are the Western neo-liberal public displays of outrage about this? So I repeat Zelensky heads a COALITION government which contains this group. He would not have won the election without their buy-in so they are not ‘fringe’! Already you are grooming your audience to look at this (invasion) as having exacerbated the growth of these groups and thereby twisting the narrative to make it look like Putin has caused it! Unbelievable. Get out of your rut and look at the truth and look at the part the West has played and is playing in this. We know the West only to well and have suffered greatly in the past couple of years from their shenanigans as far as creating scary narratives in one moment only to offer up a new rule or regulation to enslave us further the next. We have to hold a mirror up to ourselves with all this hysterical moral outrage which is deliberately designed to trap us into thinking that our freaking hand-puppet leaders worked from behind by banksters did not cause the financial Armageddon that was already on the cards before Putin parked his first tank. Keep out of Eastern Europe cultural conundrums. We do not speak Russian nor do we understand the mentality of people who have suffered the deprivations of Communism, Sovietism, Nazism or any of that first hand. Nor do we intriniscally understand the interwoven Slavic culture and their way of dealing with it. Or what the generational post-trauma effects are of having lost 28 MILLION people while successfully staving off Nazi occupation of Europe in WW2. We do however only too well understand the anglosphere and all its failings. It is therefore imperative that we look at ourselves properly knowing that prior to this disastrous war we were dealing with a secretive self-protective unknown quantity in the Russian Federation that had never hidden that it feels territorially threatened by provocative overwhelming NATO expansion in eastern Europe. We owed it to Ukraine not to encourage them to embark into a self-inflicted quagmire. An unconscionable US/CIA backed coup in 2014 ignored that entirely. In 2013 Ukraine had suffered huge financial problems for a long time to the extent that the EU and IMF were about to bail them out. We all know how badly that can work out for a nation, and so does Putin who offered Ukraine a better deal in 2013 which would have led to independent extraction and distribution of Ukrainian resources and less onerous financial help than the IMF scavengers would have seized the profits for the Western banksters eventually. Shortly after Putin engaged with Ukraine on this Victoria Nuland stepped in and announced from Washington (with Chevron and Exxon representatives standing behind her) that the US were giving 4 billion dollars to Ukraine to bring democracy. LMAO. This interventionism has thrown Ukraine under the bus. Now we sit cackling with Putinhisplace voodoo dolls and watch Putin-the-bad-guy being cited as totally to blame (as far as the corporate media propaganda, and you, it seems, can sell the idea anyway) from our comfortable Western sofas with popcorn well away from the bombing. Disgusting.

  • @Elementaldomain


    2 жыл бұрын

    So VERY well said. I listened to it and was WHAT? People need to see, really see what is going on, and by whom. I would highly recommend Patrick Lancaster on YT. He has a very graphic video up of the cluster bomb attack on Donetsk by NeoNational/Azov troops.

  • @Kay-lc4ku


    2 жыл бұрын

    Oh my god, you gave a more comprehensive & sensible picture of this conflict than I ever could 🤍 you even managed to squeeze the 2013 IMF 17bil € blackmail deal in there & for that, I salute you ! Eloquently & brilliantly said, thank you !

  • @shooster5884


    2 жыл бұрын

    I don't think many ordinary people in western Europe or North America understand the complexities of Ukraine but equally I don't think either that many ordinary people think that NATO or western powers are Lily white in their involvements around the world either, nor blame Putin for the political situation in Ukraine. But people do blame him for the invasion of the country.

  • @Elementaldomain


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@shooster5884 You make a fairly ambiguous statement in your last sentence. Would you care to back that up with links to what you allude to as the majority of people opposing the incursion? BTW….an invasion is when you are not invited it by a country or people’s to intervene. So I assume you do not understand that the DPR and LPR expressly called upon Russia to intercede….in their country..upon their behalf to stop the genocide. You do realize that 14K people have been murdered in the last 8 years by the NeoNationalist/Azov battalions? This is not a matter of opinion without facts. It is easy enough for you to look up the Maidan and Odessa massacres. I would also suggest you take a serious look at Patrick Lancaster’s KZread page and watch what the Neo’s did yesterday in a civilian area, dropping a cluster bomb on the town square in Donetsk. Take a look at all the dead civilians, body pieces, people lying there bleeding to death while waiting for help….and come back here and post again about invasion.

  • @shooster5884


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@Elementaldomain Yes, I have read up on the massacres you mentioned. From outside it is very hard to understand the complexities of Ukraine but if Putin was invited in to a section of Ukraine by the people there to defend the people, has he not gone way beyond that territory? And maybe we are not being shown the positive welcome and support the Russian troops are getting in those areas from the civilians. I have read enough about this Azov battalion and their supporters to yes believe that they are brutal to those they hate, but nothing in my mind justifies Putin destroying the entire country in a haphazard manner with ill trained conscripts involved and threatening the world with nuclear war and forcing millions to flee the country.

  • @Ola-1114
    @Ola-11142 жыл бұрын

    😂😂😂 did he say they are weak, the have a huge influence and big support.

  • @js8705
    @js87052 жыл бұрын

    So important that these types of discussions happen in mainstream media, surely media is there to keep the world informed. Ignorance helps governments to spread propaganda. Thanks UnHeard for your very informative, educational and unbiased reporting.

  • @athmane1104


    Жыл бұрын

    It will never happen in the mainstream media for the simple reason they are pushing the official narrative and will not do real, unbiased journalism. In Syria, it was obvious for anyone with a half-brain the rebels were Jihadists who wanted to establish an Islamic state and purge the minorities (especially Alawites). The MSM coined the word "moderate rebel" to obfuscate this fact. I even remember them doing PR-style interviews with these "moderate rebels" in Damascus to present them as freedom fighters who just happen to be conservative Muslims LOL!

  • @MineFullStop


    Жыл бұрын

    You will never hear this stuff in mainstream media. Can you imagine the world knowing the US and their western puppets are supporting Naz1s. KZread won't allow me to even say Naz1s without banning my comment so I have to put the number 1 instead of the i.

  • @endivjakdivjak6451


    Жыл бұрын

    Well but the discussion started that Putins claims about neonazis are wrong and than we listen all about neonazis....I mean what is the reason behind to have this kind of discussions if you are denying something at the start and than confessing all about the neonazis or banderites in Ukraine...we call it " fog mixing "

  • @MortgagePlannerTom
    @MortgagePlannerTom2 жыл бұрын

    Freddy, a deep dive into the bio research labs in Ukraine would be really helpful. It's not clear as to the type of research going on in those facilities and for what purpose.

  • @onepartyroule


    2 жыл бұрын

    Nothing burger. There are labs all over the world doing bio research.

  • @simonpedge


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@onepartyroule And how many of those in war zones, being bombed etc? Covid 2.0?

  • @fishmud3264


    2 жыл бұрын

    It would be good actually. There's info is on what Bio labs are in Ukraine if you come off Google and youtube. Bitchute, Brand new tube, Rumble and oddessey

  • @fishmud3264


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@simonpedge lol exactly

  • @fishmud3264


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@onepartyroule Nothing Burger? If Russia had 13 Bio labs in Mexico, would you consider that a nothing burger?

  • @susanjackett9268
    @susanjackett92682 жыл бұрын

    It has to be said out loud. People should be able to see the bigger picture, which, as usual, we don't see in biased media/press coverage? Plus U.S. involvement in Ukraine.

  • @gungaugeguy5028


    2 жыл бұрын

    Finally Zelensky Admits to Neo-Nazi Azov Battalian:

  • @thesilkpainter


    Жыл бұрын

    OH... and... RuZZian interference in Ukraine... since... let's see ... Oh I know: Ukrainian independence! Just to complete your bigger picture.

  • @TamG443
    @TamG443 Жыл бұрын

    If the basic premise is clarified, then everything else changes also. Russian did NOT invade the Ukraine. Russia entered the Ukraine at the request for help from the Donbass area , which had been the victim of Ukrainian bombing for the last 8 whole years. The Donbass area had voted to secede from the Ukraine in 2014. The Ukraine refused to recognize their secession and began bombing that region , and has continued doing so for the last 8 years. The night before Russia entered the Ukraine, Putin recognized the Donbass' independence and went in as a protector and defender, Not as an invader. Crimea also voted for independence from the Ukraine at the same time , but they also asked to be reunited with Russia again, which Russia accepted. That is the only reason that they also didn't get bombed by the Ukraine too. Don't you think that 8 years of bombings , and the loss of over 15,000 lives , is enough. This was also verified by Amnesty International and had been written up in the Guardian and the Washington Post. Russia is not the bad guy here.

  • @AhmedAdly11
    @AhmedAdly11 Жыл бұрын

    10:10 Look; they held a huge birthday party for Bandera in the parliament, who was a massive NAZI. So although they are not represented in parliament, it is safe to say that neither are the Ukrainian people!

  • @Alexa-kb7fl
    @Alexa-kb7fl2 жыл бұрын

    I have an aversion to the legacy media lies - your integrity and efforts to seek and share the truth is very much appreciated and admired. Keep up the good journalism which is rare these days.

  • @suddentwist
    @suddentwist2 жыл бұрын

    All right. So to sum up what we know so far. There is an armed force called "Azov" financed by the Ukrainian Government, which happen to be an elite part of the regular army, has SS insignias on uniforms, it is armed by tanks and artilery, trained by UK instructors, possibly armed as well by NATO too, they like to show off on Kiev streets on a sunny day, greeting all Russian speaking population and Jews (a language no longer official in Ukraine as decided by liberal democratic regime), they are fighting against Russian minority since 2014, they've, actually, happened to be good fighters (as all SS troops in WWII happened to be), hence, by any measure an elite armed Ukranian forces, which makes them particularly useful at the moment as they kill a lot of Russians in the process (and probably expose to risk a lot of Russian speaking civilians in urban areas of Kharkiv as well) and there other such nazi militia financed by Ukranian government too, and we are afraid that they can be used by Putin's propaganda, which declares protection of Russian minority, denazification, soon to arrive NATO membership and deployment of middle-range nuclear misles as a pretext for invasion and of Medvedev playing on Wimbledon. Am I missing something?

  • @vikkipollock5402


    2 жыл бұрын

    You missed a key point about Azov- they are almost all ethnic Russians. They don’t speak Ukrainian. They are anti Federation that took their lands.

  • @RedFlyerMedia


    2 жыл бұрын

    You missed the part that the Ukraine Nazi military groups have been killing Russian speaking Ukraine civilians for many years.

  • @jk5042


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@vikkipollock5402 yeah, and the earth is flat

  • @Lizzied1301


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@vikkipollock5402 No.. they are NOT Russian. Go back to 2014, where this all began. he Azov Battalion was formed on 5 May 2014 in Berdiansk[28] by a white nationalist.[29][who? They were the ones who wanted to get rid of the Russians in Ukraine. They have been fighting Russian separatists since 2014. ] A provision in Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018, passed by the United States Congress, blocked military aid to Azov on the grounds of its white supremacist ideology; In 2015, a similar ban had been overturned by Congress.[1][2] Members of the battalion came from 22 countries and are of various backgrounds.[19][20] In 2017, the size of the regiment was estimated at more than 2,500 members,[21] but by 2022, it has been estimated to be 900 members.[2 In September 2014, the Azov Battalion was expanded from a battalion to a regiment and enrolled into the National Guard of Ukraine.[28][33] At this time, the unit worked to de-politicize itself: its far-right leadership left and founded the National Corps political party,[42] which works with its associated activist organization, Azov Civil Corps. At about this time it started receiving increased supplies of heavy arms.[33] The Azov Battalion received funding from the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and other sources (believed to be Ukrainian oligarchs).[33] So while its volunteers were officially paid 6,000 hryvnia ($316) per month, they really received around 10,000 hryvnia ($526) per month.[33] The national socialist "Patriot of Ukraine" websites were shut down or put under restricted access.[33] On 14 October, Azov Battalion servicemen took part in a march to commemorate the 72nd anniversary of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) in Kyiv organised by the Right Sector.[43] On 31 October 2014, deputy commander of the Azov Battalion Vadym Troyan was appointed head of Kyiv Oblast (province) police (this police force has no jurisdiction over the city of Kyiv).[44] On 11 November 2014, the Azov Battalion was officially incorporated into the National Guard of Ukraine.[28] As of late March 2015, despite a second ceasefire agreement (Minsk II), the Azov Battalion continued to prepare for war, with the group's leader seeing the ceasefire as "appeasement".[33][dubious - discuss] In August 2015, the Ukrainian government pulled all volunteer battalions, including the Azov Regiment, off the front lines around Mariupol, replacing them with regular military units.[45] The Azov Regiment was[who?] moved to a base in Urzuf, in the former seaside villa of deposed Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, about 40 kilometers (25 miles) to the southwest of Mariupol.[citation needed] Beginning in 2015, Azov has organised summer camps where children and teenagers receive combat training mixed with lectures on Ukrainian nationalism.[26][13] On 27 April 2016, 300 troops and light-armored vehicles from the regiment were assigned to Odessa to safeguard public order after Oblast Governor Mikheil Saakashvili wrote in social media about a rash of pro-Russian "titushki" attacks on civilians.[46] In 2017, the size of the regiment was estimated at more than 2,500 members.[21] In March 2022, Deutsche Welle reported that the battalion was the primary unit defending Mariupol in the siege of Mariupol.[47] The battalion was noted for well-produced drone videos and other media of its military activities.[11] Politics

  • @carlbervin8183


    2 жыл бұрын

    You could have added that the Azov Regiment number between 900 and 1,.500 members and are part of the regular Ukrainian Armed Forces. To say that they are financed by the Ukrainian government gives the impression that they are a separate force unto themselves which is not true. Ultimately as Commander in Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces they are responsible to him. .

  • @alexuzun6314
    @alexuzun6314 Жыл бұрын


  • @barquerojuancarlos7253
    @barquerojuancarlos7253 Жыл бұрын

    In 2015 the late US Congressman John Conyers tried to block military funding to Ukraine because of its neo-Nazis elements. But, in 2016, Congress removed the ban against funding neo-Nazis. Conyers had failed. In 2017, one of the longest running members of Congress resigned because of allegations sexual misconduct. In 2019 he passed away. Ignoring and dismissing accusations of neo-Nazis in Ukraine is quite important to the American establishment, particularly when the war serves geopolitical goals.

  • @P2E-Money
    @P2E-Money2 жыл бұрын

    I am from ukraine, all you need to know about me, is i am really afraid to say my opinion here because i can get to jail or get killed.

  • @leon19736


    Жыл бұрын

    Prigozin troll. You earned your 15 dollars

  • @endivjakdivjak6451


    Жыл бұрын

    @@leon19736 Have you maybe heard of SBU and Mirotvorec you peace of .... and if somebody is a troll here it is you...banderista 💩

  • @frankcoh8968


    Жыл бұрын

    @@leon19736 jebo ti prigozin mater

  • @kitcat4512


    Жыл бұрын

    God be with you.

  • @mickvonbornemann3824


    Жыл бұрын

    @@leon19736 well a Ukrainian SBU official was caught on camera boasting about all the people he personally disappeared, simply for not being nationalistic enough, according to their intercepted phone communications, regardless of the fact most were nobodies. You’ll find the footage on UTube if you look hard enough, maybe ‘Redacted’

  • @johnlymanfraser
    @johnlymanfraser2 жыл бұрын

    The black Sun symbol comes from the Thule Society. It represents the order of the black Sun. There is also the order of the white Sun. The Mosaic on the marble floor that you showed in your video was in the castle from the very beginning when it was built. Himmler embraced it as a meeting place for the SS . Both orders are occult in nature and are grounded in the ancient Pagan rituals of Northern Germany. In the order of the white sun the design is white instead of black and rotates in the opposite direction of the black Sun direction. Look up the Thule Society and you should find references to what I'm talking about in historical documentation.

  • @Anomalyy666


    2 жыл бұрын

    Black sun is real and no joke. They do operate in ukraine

  • @theonly6359


    2 жыл бұрын

    The black sun are many in Ukraine

  • @emilymaitlislaptop


    2 жыл бұрын

    Never knew roof bars could be so controversial, ho, ho...

  • @angelamonk716


    2 жыл бұрын

    Ancient Pagan Rituals include all of Abraham Religions ya know...just a reminder

  • @libafried5840


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@angelamonk716 Actually Judaism is a monotheistic religion with belief in One God, the Creator of the universe and life, and rejects paganism and worship of idols.

  • @qalmand8569
    @qalmand8569 Жыл бұрын

    This is some of the worst material on the Nazi question in Ukraine. I was waiting to see when the interviewer was going to talk about the 14,000 victims in the Dombas in charge of the Ukranian forces, notably the Azov regiment, a fact recognized by the UN since 2014. But nothing. He also does not mention the ban on the Russian language in Ukraine, the persecution of Russian speakers throughout the country. It would seem that the interviewer and interviewee had agreed to refer to the subject as if it were Russian propaganda...

  • @matthewm2528
    @matthewm25282 жыл бұрын

    Can we have an update video please? This was immensely enlightening and many things have happened since the publishing of this video

  • @ted7670
    @ted76702 жыл бұрын

    Too bad Aris didn't say anything about the whole Bandera mob. They try to rebrand him as a national hero, but if you dig just a bit under the surface it is obvious what this guy was. And the parade they had to mark his birthday in Kiev sure seemed like it had lots of support...

  • @gungaugeguy5028


    2 жыл бұрын

    After much time, finally Zelensky Admits to Neo-Nazi Azov Battalian:

  • @collie8
    @collie82 жыл бұрын

    I think last 8 years Azov has been heavily used in Donbas region where mostly Russian Ukrainians live.

  • @xxvxxv5588


    2 жыл бұрын

    Ethnic Ukrainians were majority in both Donetsk and Lugansk regions according to 2001 Ukraine census.

  • @Jay...777


    2 жыл бұрын

    Soon after 2014 the regular Ukrainian army drifted away from Donbas to be replaced by Azov. The Azov HQ is Mariupol, where they refuse to allow any civilians out of the city, keeping them as a human shield, held in a state of terror. Many images being displayed across our media are staged and fake - the Azov Nazis are a prolific source of image memes - a propaganda factory. Western media swallow it whole. It’s not just in Mariupol it’s everywhere similar. We should try to remember, the first casualty of war is truth.

  • @igorkostin5280


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@xxvxxv5588 Nice an answer. Actually it means 'yes'. "Yeah, may be they were a little bit violent, but to the minority of the population. May be they kill someone here and there but for the greater good."

  • @xxvxxv5588


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@igorkostin5280 Ukraine was not violent and cruel. Russia acted more brutally with their own separatists in the North Caucasus in the 90s and early 00s.

  • @collie8


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@xxvxxv5588 Who or what sparked up this problem? Money, greed and corruption. And incompetence. Everything else is a byproduct. Nazis, weapons, Crimea, UA in Nato.

  • @annacronk8872
    @annacronk88722 жыл бұрын

    There are three museums of Bundera In Ukraine, numbers of statues of him and his followers. Please, get information about this national hero of Ukraine and how many people he killed.

  • @Y_U_K_A
    @Y_U_K_A2 жыл бұрын

    Beginning in 2015, Azov has organized summer camps where children and teenagers receive combat training mixed with lectures on Ukrainian nationalism. Andriy Yevhenovych Biletsky is a Ukrainian white nationalist far-right politician and the leader of political party National Corps. He was the first commander of the volunteer militia Azov Battalion. After Biletsky was elected into the Ukrainian parliament in the 2014 Ukrainian parliamentary election he left the battalion in October 2016 (Ukrainian elected officials can not be in the military, nor the police). Azov's founding member Andriy Biletsky, leader of the far right Social-National Assembly (SNA), had stated in 2010 that "the historic mission of our nation" was to lead the "white races of the world in a final crusade for their survival.

  • @szabolcsbaksay5334
    @szabolcsbaksay53342 жыл бұрын

    it was nice to understand better this problem: there is a nazi problem in Ukraine, but in the same time there isn’t nazi problem.. however the Ukrainien state supports this neo-nazi group which aren't significant. it is strange, but okay. however there is a more serious accusation by Putin which is worth to investigate: the alleged genocide in Donetsk. is it true? did it really happened? a Hungarian historian university professor (Tamas Krausz), who is expert of that region states it happened and he knows the details very well.

  • @ThePtoleme


    2 жыл бұрын

    International organisations have published fairly accurate data on this subject. Does Krausz explain why this "genocide" would have taken place in the regions occupied by the militias armed by Putin and not in other regions with a Russophone majority?

  • @thealmightyaku-4153


    2 жыл бұрын

    Like the other guy said: there is not and has never been any persecution or oppression of ethnic Russians or Russian-speakers in Eastern Ukraine. There is no evidence at all. Civilian deaths and injuries in the Donbas were entirely due to fighting - mostly from the separatists breaking cease-fires - and show no signs of any genocide or whatever else. Any talk of mass graves is a lie: there are mass graves, but they are simply cheap communal graves and places morgues temporarily store extra bodies, and have been in use since the 70s. Tamas Krausz is a Marxist (which is to say, an ideologically blinded idiot) who supports Russia's rhetoric in order to bolster support for Russia amongst leftists, in part because there are hardcore Soviet-style communists (controlled by Moscow) among the separatists fighting against Ukraine, and because as a Marxist and like Putin's Russia he is also anti-Liberal - in other words, anti-Ukrainian-government and anti-anything-remotely-American (ie. NATO). So he's probably just straight-up lying: Marxists have no problem at all telling plain, bald-faced lies if they think it will help achieve their 'revolution'.

  • @szabolcsbaksay5334


    2 жыл бұрын

    ​@@thealmightyaku-4153 if i understand correctly what you are saying that none of the genocide can be true because this Kraus is an idiot and anti-American, and you think there is no evidence of genocide or atrocities against any minority in Ukraine and that anyone who says the opposit is lying. i think that for this reason alone, what you are saying is worth looking into further, let the truth come out, whatever it is.

  • @andrehunter1295


    2 жыл бұрын

    Google search " the cia may be breeding nazi in Ukraine "

  • @thealmightyaku-4153


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@szabolcsbaksay5334 I'm not saying that the claims about genocide aren't true just because Kraus is an idiot - I'm saying he is an idiot (because he's a communist) who goes along with the Kremlin's lies because he sees Russia's actions as a way to oppose the US and Liberalism, and because he's a communist he should not be trusted. Instead, what I'm saying is that the claims about genocide have no evidence behind them, and any claim they make can be shown to be false. Russia is making it all up. It's all a lie. I would post many links here to you to show how all the claims are lies, how the claims and 'evidence' Russia has used are lies and falsehoods, but for some reason youtube doesn't allow me to do so put links in comments. I can only wish you good luck finding the proper information.

  • @dannyboy8850
    @dannyboy88502 жыл бұрын

    Good to have an understanding of the Neo-Nazis situation where the Western media do not talk about. Great discussion!!!

  • @gungaugeguy5028


    2 жыл бұрын

    Finally Zelensky Admits to Neo-Nazi Azov Battalian:

  • @kitcat4512
    @kitcat4512 Жыл бұрын

    Why does the media never talk about the complete digitisation of Ukraine which is going on as we speak?

  • @simonsmatthew
    @simonsmatthew Жыл бұрын

    I think the question that I hoped would have been asked is what do Azov think of the fact that Ukraine and the war against Russia is being led by a Jew? How do they reconcile that?

  • @thomasmagnusson6043
    @thomasmagnusson60432 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for bringing another interesting and valuable interview into our realm. I myself have been very skeptical to this one sided reporting on events since the invasion started. Nothing in life is so black or white. But the whole matter of neo nazis at this level with this support, I even read that Israel is supporting them with weapons, and they even have summer camps for kids, shown by the Guardian a few years ago, is not a fling and won’t go away any time soon. Now do we want a country with that on their hands within Europe? Haven’t we learned anything from the last big war?

  • @elenad.2886


    2 жыл бұрын

    And it's a lot, a whole lot more to it. They're indoctrinating children since very young (kindergarten)... and their hate to anyone that's not supporting the extreme nationalist governments dates back to Stepan Bandera, a ukrainian nazi and simultaneously a national hero (especially in the western part of the country). There are OSCE reports on the war crimes of the ukrainian army in Donbas, years before the current invasion (and numerous other accounts of such atrocities). Also, try to watch at least the first 20 min from this documentary (at min 7.20 you have an excerpt from the website of Ukr Svoboda party, followed by footage with children being indoctrinated) but there's really so much more to know about these groups that are financed externally

  • @elenad.2886


    2 жыл бұрын

    A documentary on the Donbas genocide by french war journalist Anne-Laure Bonnel Another view from a german war reporter

  • @markusmaximus6636


    2 жыл бұрын

    One thing delirious Western commentary from the top and at the highest level down does not seem to appreciate or acknowledge is that Putin is a pure creature of the Russian deep state. He’s not just a rogue dictator, he represents the will of the entire Russian managerial elite.

  • @factorylad5071


    2 жыл бұрын

    @ Thomas Magnasson Thank you. The vigilantism brought and end to the coal mining them being run by gangs after relinquish of soviet control , so half rhe country out of work in the east.

  • @gillps5130


    2 жыл бұрын

    Why would Israel flirt with anti-semites, I wonder.

  • @xili0966
    @xili09662 жыл бұрын

    These guys are the real threat to Zelenskys life right now.

  • @MKTElM


    Жыл бұрын

    Zelensky's life is of no importance. it is the life of the good Ukrainian citizens and their familys whose lives are at risk because of this 'political' conflict. The people at the top in America have a lot to answer for. Esp Victoria Neuland.

  • @malluk3065


    Жыл бұрын

    @@MKTElM Does Russia have anything to answer for?

  • @MKTElM


    Жыл бұрын

    @@malluk3065 What do YOU think ? I am trying to be objective.

  • @malluk3065


    Жыл бұрын

    @@MKTElM I think they have a lot to answer for. What do you think?

  • @MKTElM


    Жыл бұрын

    @@malluk3065 I tend to agree with those who believe Russia was provoked intentionally. Prof. John Mearsheimer says so.

  • @Ykpaina988
    @Ykpaina98823 күн бұрын

    This is fair enough for me and I’m a very patriotic American of Ukrainian descent who grew up in Ukrainian north American culture

  • @sevrinbrown3821
    @sevrinbrown38213 ай бұрын

    Maybe I missed him say it but even though it is true that the Ukrainian neo Nazis are against non white ethnicities, they are also strongly against other white nationalists, like Slavs, Russians, etc. which I think is important to mention because it explains why they’re so dangerous where they are, as well as explain various massacres committed, as they are from a position of ethnic cleansing

  • @elektron2kim666
    @elektron2kim6662 жыл бұрын

    Feels like a part of the truth. Very professional. Not just some "screaming children" on the news.

  • @dancroitoru364


    2 жыл бұрын

    Why ? Because Freddie is smooth and the interview is staged cinematically so that it includes "the making of", film within film esthetics?? I find that cringe - Asking rhetorical questions about what a Nazi is when the image shows these guys wearing swastikas ? 20000 Nazis out of an army of 150000. That's not a tiny minority. So no, the "truth" was understated because the aim was just to play with words and create an empty form in order to virtue signal "objectivity".

  • @craigo2656


    2 жыл бұрын

    Morally flawed, unsubscribed.

  • @craigo2656


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@dancroitoru364 20,000 simply isn't true and no real data to back it up.

  • @craigo2656


    2 жыл бұрын

    Singularly the most irresponsible piece of reporting I have ever seen in my life. Unherd should be deeply ashamed of themselves. There is a time and a place for everything and this smells of exploitation of a humanitarian disaster to get clicks. Regardless of the veracity of this piece, and it seems to be a sensationalised self serving version of the truth from the research I have done, it should not be done now. It would have a place in a months time, but right now it simply hands propaganda to Russia on a platter. It is clearly a very dangerous time for innocent Ukrainian civilians and your are DIRECTLY aiding there persecutors. Aiding the persecutors of genuine war crimes. That shows a deep seated lack of moral foundation. In a country of 44 million and an army of 250,000 you are talking about a tiny tiny minority.

  • @dancroitoru364


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@craigo2656 So you have the real data to back it up? Or it's just enough you saying it's not true

  • @26Toshiro
    @26Toshiro2 жыл бұрын

    Fantastic interview. I fear you were spreading purely pro-western propaganda about this situation in the last few interviews regarding this, but at least this gives a better objective picture of what is going on. I recommend, however, you share with your audience the role of the US - particularly Victoria Nuland, Joe Biden, and others like McCain - in supporting the coup in 2014 and propping up a far-right nationalist government.

  • @johnknox2303


    2 жыл бұрын


  • @albatross8361


    2 жыл бұрын

    toshiro, I have just finished watching Oliver Stone's 'Ukraine on Fire' and 'Revealing Ukraine', which are both on Rumble if they are not on YT. I really should have watched them both before now., a lot of interesting content. Some of it I was already aware of, but I think Stone helps pull it all together to provide a bigger and more complete picture.

  • @dancroitoru364


    2 жыл бұрын

    This is not an objective view. It is the view the millennial class expects. Coffee without caffeine. Words without logos. History as a play of words. They somehow didn't get the in-between-words from their parents. They think these Ukr Neo Nazis are just playing a kindergarten game since Zelensky is Jewish after all. They do not connect the dots to the ravines of Ukraine 1941 ...

  • @TheWalonja


    2 жыл бұрын

  • @cybervigilante


    2 жыл бұрын

    A proxy government specifically tasked with poking the bear. Zelensky is corrupt, very rich, and a tool. He is not the Jesus the MSM is making him out to be.

  • @darrenedwards-xb6ok
    @darrenedwards-xb6ok Жыл бұрын

    Oh what a difference a year makes.

  • @DougStewart
    @DougStewart2 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for asking questions and for definitions every step because there can be no question or ambiguity after listening

  • @user-dj8cw5tj3v
    @user-dj8cw5tj3v2 жыл бұрын

    Thank you very much for bringing up this topic. But you are too good and innocent guys to imagine all the crimes of the Nazis in Ukraine and their complete impunity

  • @gungaugeguy5028


    2 жыл бұрын

    Finally Zelensky Admits to Neo-Nazi Azov Battalian:

  • @HK-zf7op


    Жыл бұрын

    And you don't think the seperatists in DPR & LPR havn't committed crimes? If only Russia had not formented the separatists with their GRU officers and Russian nationalists leading the take over of government buildings kidnapping of government officials this war would never have happened.

  • @thesilkpainter


    Жыл бұрын

    You Russian?

  • @irinaz9034


    Жыл бұрын

    @@thesilkpainter If it's the case it's changing the reality of what Azov does ?

  • @robinrowntree


    Жыл бұрын

    @@thesilkpainter Do you have a problem? I am European and I support Russia!

  • @eldare72
    @eldare722 жыл бұрын

    Good discussion, but a bit or even far too downplayed when it comes to nazi influences in Ukraine.

  • @ronmackinnon9374


    2 жыл бұрын

    I think UnHerd has been very courageous in its coverage of pandemic-related issues. But somehow, it's as if the consequences they fear of straying too far from the official western rhetoric on Russia-Ukraine are even more severe than those for reporting independently on covid. Echoing the establishment line that 'propaganda' can only be used in reference to what's coming from the Russian side, for example.

  • @gungaugeguy5028


    2 жыл бұрын

    Finally Zelensky Admits to Neo-Nazi Azov Battalian:

  • @GeorgeBletchly
    @GeorgeBletchly Жыл бұрын

    Surprising and in a way reassuring to hear this discusion on this site. What are they up to?

  • @JagoffCitizen
    @JagoffCitizen2 жыл бұрын

    The interview may have been (maybe understandably) cautious and incomplete, but the overall quality of the comments it has generated is heartening to see.

  • @joecapko4593
    @joecapko45932 жыл бұрын

    More thoughtfulness on display than a year of the New York Times and the rest of the mainstream.

  • @puk4763


    2 жыл бұрын

    Msm=lowest of the low

  • @gungaugeguy5028


    2 жыл бұрын

    Finally Zelensky Admits to Neo-Nazi Azov Battalian:

  • @sethmitchell4841
    @sethmitchell4841 Жыл бұрын

    Andrei biletsky is currently leader of an entire Ukrainian brigade( the third!)

  • @toniilievski3934
    @toniilievski3934 Жыл бұрын

    Its a sad story for the majority of the Ukraine ..

  • @forkingkingdom4625
    @forkingkingdom46252 жыл бұрын

    Putin's choice to invade was not primarily upon the reality of the Neo Nazi in the Ukrainian Military and government but because Israel, the US and other NATO countries where training and arming them. This is an aggressive and reckless progression of activity from NATO/US and forced Russia's hand. Also Zelensky was courting the EU and NATO membership to which NATO responded to Russia that any European country could join if they wanted to

  • @qrsx66


    2 жыл бұрын

    Or it's Russia that represents a menace to Ukraine. Always reverse the point of view. Russia has plenty of weapons and military force, is bigger than Ukraine. So they have to have weapons, good training, and maybe an alliance to even the relation. It makes sense or not ?

  • @layinlow77


    2 жыл бұрын

    And on top of that, NATO promised Russia that it wouldn't expand past Germany when the USSR fell in 1991. It did expand 13 or 14 times and Ukraine isn't the first time NATO missiles have been placed at Russia's border. And though this video did a good job at explaining the neo-nazis, it didn't touch on the 14,000 ethnic Russians killed in eastern Ukraine by such forces.

  • @qrsx66


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@layinlow77 If the conflict in Eastern Ukraine has made 13-14 000 victims (I think most agree this is good approximate number) it's the total number of casualties on both Ukrainian and pro-Russian side with 10 000 being fighters and not civilians. they're not all on Russia or independence side.

  • @layinlow77


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@qrsx66 That's the number of people killed in the Donbass region by western Ukrainian forces. This didn't start until after the 2014 coup. I'm sure there have also been casualties on the other side. I have heard it reported several times that 81% of civilian casualties are in the Donbass.

  • @asscheeks3212


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@layinlow77 NATO and The EU are barely allies, their friendship is similar to China and Russia. But once the opposing side is gone, they'll turn on each other. Azov is N@zi yes, but Ukraine have a lot of funding from Israel, who are themselves openly worser N@zis. Russia aren't really good guys either, they have massive Alt Right support since the Alt Right and Neocons are sworn enemies. Russia also committed a genocide against Georgians in 1992. Apparently just because people are in the same political spectrums, doesn't mean there is "Friendship" between the two. China and Vietnam still despise each other to this very day after the Communist schism to the point China and the CIA were once allies.

  • @dmi3kno
    @dmi3kno2 жыл бұрын

    Good that you dare looking into this. Few comments: 1) you need to start with Rukh nationalistic movement, explore the role of Stepan Bandera and the late Vyacheslav Chornovil in shaping the Ukrainian identity. Talk about Nazi collaborators under WWII and their fight against the Bolshevik Russia. They have done some atrocities, mostly in the Western Ukraine, closer to the Polish and Hungarian border. This should lead you to the rise and dissolution of Pravyi Sector, Pora movement etc in the revolutions 2004/2014. 2) next you need to talk about voluntary regiments and their role in Ukraine’s defense against Russian aggression of 2014. Start with Dnipro, talk about the role of Jewish community in forming and supporting these militia groups, crucial role of Kolomoyskyi in rapidly ramping up Ukrainian ability to withstand Russian military power in Donbass. 3) Then you can gradually transition into the rise of Azov and why it is formed there. Keep in mind, Dnipro and Azov are primarily Russian speaking pro-Ukraine groups. Talk about their relationships with Pravyi Sector, who is/was primarily Ukrainian speaking/nationalistic western Ukraine movement. 4) Finally, you need to interview ZSU officials about their view of Azov and Dnipro and the role they play in forming the eastern border defense of Ukraine and offering an alternative ideology to Russian TV propaganda for the young generation. It would be good to invite reps of Azov/Dnipro to talk about their worldview. 5) You touched on the electoral preferences of Ukrainians. I think you need to see the phenomenon of Azov/Dnipro in the context of Eastern Ukrainian demographics and electoral dynamics. These regions used to be 70% pro-Russian. Trace back the polls to 2004 and walk forwards from there, correlating support for Ukrainian state with the Russian aggression the rise of voluntary regiments. Finally, 6) Ukraine is a huge country both area-wise and population-wise. Talk about proportion to population and headcounts of ZSU personnel. Ukraine owes its patriots a huge debt for defending its borders in the darkest hours of early war (2014- ). Ukrainian nationalistic movement has been extremely important in carving out the country’s own identity from the Soviet past and forming a ideological backbone for the narrative that Ukraine in fact CAN be its own state and CAN have the national idea despite significant demographic differences between the East and the West which Russia seeks to wedge. Your interview is barely scratching the surface and does not answer the “why” question. Go through the bath water again to spare the baby. You can do better, I am sure. EDIT: For a start, have a look at this German report re-distributed by Swedish Defence Research Agency: Also this 2016 US military report might be interesting - Russian-speaking, SE Ukraine-born immigrant

  • @TheFlyingPlectrum


    2 жыл бұрын

    well said. This interview was really just a confirmation that there are some Neo-nazi style militia groups but failed to explain when, why and how they were formed.

  • @ThePtoleme


    2 жыл бұрын

    Obviously, the context is missing. Could you provide some links to dig deeper?

  • @laska554


    2 жыл бұрын

    Нытик, трус и лжец

  • @BluntTrauma621


    2 жыл бұрын

    So now the neo-NAZI Azov are Ruskis? Ugh.

  • @SanMikeva


    2 жыл бұрын

    This is such a nuanced, complex, and interesting point of view, and it so very refreshing to see someone write like this. Thank you.

  • @pavelnechaev6053
    @pavelnechaev6053 Жыл бұрын

    The nazification of ukraine wasnt the first cause of war, but it definetely wasnt the last.

  • @vincenmelgard7561
    @vincenmelgard75612 жыл бұрын

    This give sense to ethnic cleansing by Azov's militars against Ukrainian civilians, camouflaged as killings by Russian military

  • @johnneville403
    @johnneville4032 жыл бұрын

    Excellent interview. This is the kind of nuanced, accurate and objective reporting we simply don't get any more from the UK legacy media.

  • @simonvirus6417


    2 жыл бұрын

    Same in Australia, to many SHEEPLE

  • @happydoll2899


    2 жыл бұрын

    John Neville , How do you know that everything that is said is the truth? Do you even know what Ukraine is all about? Did you know that the citizens of Eastern Ukraine called for Russia's help because they were or are constantly being shot at by Western Ukrainians/Neo-Nazis and that over the years more than 15,000 people have been killed as a result? Why don't you search the truth on the internet?? WHY???

  • @jamesscottvideos


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@happydoll2899 You are right, we don't know, but I tend to believe it when the corporatist media censor it.

  • @natalyar.1271


    2 жыл бұрын

    That’s because speaking of 2K of people in the country of 44 mln doesn’t make sense, because they don’t affect anything in Ukr

  • @gungaugeguy5028


    2 жыл бұрын

    Finally Zelensky Admits to Neo-Nazi Azov Battalian:

  • @darrenmcmackin330
    @darrenmcmackin3302 жыл бұрын

    This is definitely how we talk about this. Thanks for the honest reporting.

  • @cycle9241
    @cycle92412 жыл бұрын

    Very well presented. Thank you.

  • @Bobby.truthsayer.1956
    @Bobby.truthsayer.1956 Жыл бұрын

    I was a starry eyed short term christian missionary in Ukraine for six years. I knew nothing about Ukrainian or Russian history. One of the leaders of our church there had a son who worked for AZOV as an administrator. As an ignorant American, I equated this militia as one of the militias in the states, just a patriotic bunch of men who like their guns and want to stand up for what is constitutionally right. I was clueless. I even wore an AZOV t-shirt and thought it was cool.

  • @theophanystudio2960
    @theophanystudio29602 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for this very even handed explanation. The original nazis didn’t have large numbers, initially. But once they gained power, their numbers swelled to the point where they could control all of Germany and all of its military apparatus. Russia has a long memory and they are not keen on seeing a repeat of the great patriotic war.

  • @ThePtoleme


    2 жыл бұрын

    Your view has nothing to do with historical events, as the Nazis became a mass political movement before taking power.

  • @theophanystudio2960


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@ThePtoleme , I don’t see how your comment contradicts my original comment. They started out small. As they gained some power, they grew in numbers. The Ukrainian nazis, though small in number, 20-25k strong, already have political and military power. It’s not inconceivable that they could grow so big that they could be in control of Ukraine.

  • @gungaugeguy5028


    2 жыл бұрын

    After much time, finally Zelensky Admits to Neo-Nazi Azov Battalian:

  • @johnnyboyvan
    @johnnyboyvan2 жыл бұрын

    Scary times. You would think by now humanity would have escaped this idiotic identities.

  • @davethebrahman9870


    2 жыл бұрын

    Yes, these communist presenters are appalling!

  • @soniavadnjal7553


    2 жыл бұрын

    Humanity is the plaything of billionaire elites like Soros.

  • @grandrapids57
    @grandrapids572 жыл бұрын

    Any video titled "The Truth about..." is stamp of quality we viewers require.

  • @mirba6933
    @mirba6933 Жыл бұрын

    Unheard. Thank you for showing us different ways of view at the same things.

  • @johncookson2494
    @johncookson24942 жыл бұрын

    Excellent report on a topic which needs to be understood more widely by the general public Best Regards

  • @gungaugeguy5028


    2 жыл бұрын

    After much time, finally Zelensky Admits to Neo-Nazi Azov Battalian:
