The Figure of the Cross was Found impressed upon her Heart | Her Body is Incorrupt |Story of Saints

Saint of the Day - 9 July - St Veronica Giuliani - Italian Capuchin Poor Clares nun, Abbot, Mystic, Stigmatist. (1660 at Mercatello, Duchy of Urbino (part of modern Italy) as Ursula Giuliani - 9 July 1727 at Città di Castello, Italy of natural causes). The figure of the cross was found impressed upon her heart. Her body is incorrupt. She was beatified on 17 June 1804 by Pope Pius VII and canonised on 26 May 1839 by Pope Gregory XVI. Attributes - crowned with thorns and embracing the Cross, holding a heart marked with a cross, embracing a Crucifix
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