The enmarie® Sisal Dry Brush

This is one of the simplest and easiest ways to improve your skin health and well-being. Dry Brush massage is an ancient practice brushing the whole body with repetitive strokes using a dry natural bristle brush to remove dead skin cells. Removing the dry, flaky skin brings newer and healthier skin cells to the surface. The younger cells hold water better and thus allows moisturizer to better penetrate. Dry brush massage stimulates blood flow and the lymph nodes to deliver nutrients to the skin and banish waste and toxins from the body. Dry brushing is best carried out before a bath or shower, to wash off the impurities. The enmarie® Sisal Dry Brush
comes from the Agave Cactus which yields a durable, stiff vegetable fiber.
It is made with firm, dense bristles making it an excellent brush for those more experienced with dry brushing.
