The Case for Cosmic Modesty

-"If we want to find life elsewhere, we should search for it in all of its possible forms."
-“'There are many reasons to be modest,' my mother used to say when I was a kid. But after three decades as an astronomer, I can add one more reason: the richness of the universe around us."
-Avi Loeb
On June 16, 2017, the HIVE to THRIVE speaker series and activist/entrepreneur Sam Tabar hosted Harvard University's Department of Astronomy Chairman, Avi Loeb, for a wide ranging discussion. From the nature of scientific discovery to the possible intelligent origins of Fast Radio Bursts emanating from deep space, a sold out crowd packed The Alchemist's Kitchen to hear a true leader in the world of astronomy discuss these crucial topics.
Interviewed by: Sam Tabar
Produced by: John Sullivan of HIVE to THRIVE [] + Sam Tabar []
Creative Direction / Editing / Video by: Michael Tosner [Present Day Productions]
Illustration and Animation by: Mo Caicedo, Nick Martinelli, Deniz Ilhan [Hey Mister Post-production + Services]

