The 1 Thing You Need To Become an Artist

Although it takes many things to become an artist, out of all the artists I've met during my time in LA, they all had one thing in common: family money. Lol jk. In all seriousness, they did all have one thing in common, which is the burning need to become an artist.
This may seem like a no brainer, but I still think it's a powerful thought experiment that is probably the #1 reason I have dedicated so many years of my life to art.
I'd imagine it's very similar to having a burning passion for other things, but this is so important for art because it takes so long to get paid and because you're going to be dealing with so much rejection.
Basically, if you don't have this voice inside of you, there is no need to pursue art because it's going to be miserable without it.
If you don't know whether or not you have this voice, or whether or not yours is passionate enough, just get started making some art and find out!
