Secrets to Mastering the Pike Position

🎥 In This Video: I share 5 amazing standing pike progressions that have worked wonders for hundreds of my clients. These aren't just any stretches-these are game-changers!
Here’s the scoop: Many of my clients have came to me feeling like stiff boards, struggling to even touch their toes. But with these standing pike variations, we made incredible progress together. Not everyone needs a nose-to-shin pike, but nearly everyone can benefit from better hamstring flexibility. Imagine less lower back pain, fewer injuries, improved physical performance, and more!
💪 Why You Need to Watch:
Learn 5 standing pike progressions to boost your flexibility.
Find a variation that fits your current ability.
Incorporate it into your training 2-3 times a week-even as a warm-up.
Stick with it for 6-8 weeks and watch your flexibility soar!
DOWNLOAD: Free Core Compression and Forward Fold Flexibility Program:
Work with me Online Personal Training: www.thesustainabletrainingmet...
0:00 Intro
0:08 Why Standing and Not Seated
0:41 Elephant Walks
2:11 Elephant Walks Sets & Reps
2:41 Squat to Pike Elvated, Weighted
5:11 Squat to Pike Elevated Sets & Repos
5:50 Why Bent-Knee to Straight-Knee
7:19 Core Compression and Forward Fold Program
7:57 Forward Fold to Target
8:45 Progressing Forward Fold to Target
10:03 Forward Fold to Target Sets & Reps
10:54 Squat to Pike, Stick Under Bench
11:37 Progressing Squat to Pike, Stick Under Bench
12:54 Squat to Pike, Stick Under Bench Sets & Reps
13:42 Squat to Pike, Elevated, Barbell Behind Feet
16:11 Accessory work
16:54 Monitoring progress
