[Rowing Injury Assessment] by RowPhysio PT - Junior rower with right-sided shoulder pain


PROBLEM: 16 year old, 2nd year junior level rower comes to Physical Therapy with a chief complaint of right-sided shoulder pain. This video includes an initial basic breakdown of some observations seen while rowing on the erg, in an effort to correlate what we saw during clinical examination. Further investigation also targets a trunk/core loading deficiency that's not due to leg length discrepancy, but more a motor-sensory deficit (inability to engage the handle/flywheel with an even press through the legs).
TARGET TREATMENT: reteach/retool the long thoracic nerve to better control the serratus anterior and integrate it into the entire shoulder girdle; and start a progressive loading program centered around a stable pelvis. Rehab ratio: 85% off the erg, 15% on.
RowPhysio Physical Therapy is a subsidiary of Fiziologix Physical Therapy on Bainbridge Island, WA, USA. My name is Dr. Greg Spooner, DPT, a board certified Doctor of Physical Therapy with extensive experience at the oars, and working with rowers of all ages and skill levels from novice to Olympic medalists. Rowing performance and injury assessments available locally in person and worldwide via secure telehealth. Reach out to me directly at fiziologix.com/contact to schedule your injury or performance assessment.
** No identifying visual or demographics information given in this video, so as to preserve patient privacy. Video has been uploaded with permission from the patient and the patient’s parents. **

