Quite Simple Actually: 加減

加減 (kagen) is another tricky Japanese word that people very often use in everyday conversation. I explain this word with many real life example dialogues so that you can get the sense of how exactly this word should be used. There are many interesting and sometimes rough and vulgar REAL Japanese everyday dialogues in the video so you can also peep into how Japanese people actually speak privately with their family and friends. Textbooks don't usually introduce this aspect of Japanese life. This video is not only instructive and informative (it has lots of useful and common words and phrases people use everyday), but also quite entertaining. There are ridiculous dialogues and phrases that will blow your minds.
Hope you ENJOY the video!
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  • @kanamenaito
    @kanamenaito3 ай бұрын

    Video Transcript: 豆腐を箸で掴むには力を上手く加減しないといけません。 うわー、すごいきもちい。どうして田中さんはこんなにマッサージが上手なの? 人によって力を加減してるんですよ。肩を触ってみたら、だいたいどれぐらいの力で揉めばいいかわかるんです。 加減が難しい この前パークゴルフ初めてやったんだけどさ、あれ結構難しいね。力の加減が難しい。ちょっと力入れると飛びすぎちゃうし、でも力を入れないと全然飛ばないし。 そうそう、パークゴルフはね、まずその力加減が重要なんだよ。 力の加減,力加減 ねえ、これ何? ああそれ、ハリセンって言って、頭を叩いたりする道具。結構音が出る割には痛くないんだよね。 へえ、面白いね。ねえ、叩いてみていい? ああ、いいよ。 いってえええ!お前ちょっと力を加減しろよ! 手加減する ねえ、暇だからさ、ストリートファイターやろう。 俺がお前に勝てるわけないだろう? 大丈夫だって。俺手加減するからさあ。やろう? じゃあお前絶対手加減しろよ。 チェックメイト。 うわー、負けた。 ええ?あんたが負けたの?でも、手加減したんでしょ? いやいや、俺手加減なんてしてないよ。今回は本気でやったよ。ショーコ、お前本当に上手くなったな。 でしょ?私田中さんに勝つために一生懸命練習したもん。 ねえ、なんでコウタ泣いてんの? パパがプロレスごっこでこてんぱんにしたんだって。 あんた何やってんの。コウタはまだ9歳だよ?ちょっとは手加減してあげなさい。 俺はあいつをちゃんとした男だと認めてるんだ。男同士の戦いで手加減することは失礼に当たる。 あんた何バカなこといってんの。 いったあ!お前こそ少しは力を加減しろよ! あんたは立派な男なんでしょ?一発殴ったぐらいでそんなにめそめそしてるんじゃないわよあんた。 あれ?なんかテレビが変になったよ。 ああ、たまにこうなるんだよ。でも大丈夫、ちょっと叩けば治るから。おい、悟空、ちょっとそのテレビ軽く叩いてくれ。 おう、わかった! 軽くって言っただろ?ほんとうにもう。悟空は加減を知らないんだから。 ワリイなあ、クリリン! 塩加減 ねえ、ちょっと塩加減がわからないからさ、ちょっとこれ味見してみて。 んー、ちょっと薄いね。 薄い?じゃあちょっと塩入れてみるね。いやー、この料理塩加減が難しいんだよね。 焼き加減 ステーキの焼き加減はいかがなさいますか? じゃあミディアムレアでお願いします。 湯加減 ああ、いい湯だった。 湯加減はどうでした?ちょっとぬるかったですか? いや、湯加減ちょうどよかったよ。ぬるくも熱くもなくて。 火加減、甘さ加減、水加減、味加減、馬鹿さ加減 いい加減 いい加減にして、いい加減にしなさい、いい加減にしろ そろそろ歯磨いて寝なさい。今何時だと思ってんの。 わかってるって。この漫画読み終わったら寝るから。 あんたさっきも同じこと言ってたじゃない。もうだめ、今さっさと歯を磨きにいきなさい。 えー、もうちょっと待って。これ読んだら行くから。 あんた、いい加減にしなさい!今すぐ漫画を置かないともうこれから漫画買わないよ。 わかったよー。はい、置いた。じゃあこれから漫画ちゃんと買ってね。 あんたはほんとに調子がいいんだから。 いい加減にして お前ベーコンにマヨネーズつけて食べるの?そんなんだからダイエットに失敗するんだよ。 うるさいわね。そんなの私の勝手でしょ?人の食べ方にいちいちケチをつけないでもらえる? いや、ケチつけるつもりないけどさ、ベーコンにマヨネーズはないな。ほとんど油食ってるようなもんじゃん。 うるさいわね。じゃああんただってラーメンにご飯と餃子入れて食べるのやめたら?全部炭水化物だから。 いや、俺は別にダイエットしてないし。お前とは違うよ。 あんたほんとに嫌な男ね!第一ね… いい加減にして!二人とも!うちでそんなくだらない話で口論しないでちょうだい! 早く行くぞ。 もうちょっと待って。 そろそろ行くぞ。 あとちょっとだけ待って。 おい、お前いい加減にしろよ?早く降りてこい。 あとちょっと待って! お前本当にいい加減にしろよ?今すぐ降りて来ないとお前ケツの穴から手つっこんで奥歯がたがたいわしたるぞ? いい加減 or いい加減に あんたまだ起きてるの?もう11時だよ?いい加減に寝なさい。 大学卒業して遊びたいのはわかるけどさ、もう卒業して2年だよ?いい加減仕事探したら? でもさ、今頑張って仕事しようって気分にならないんだよ。 気分って、あんたね、もういい歳なんだからいい加減気分でものごと決めるのやめなさい。 いい加減な人 あ、おかえり。ねえ、さっき頼んでおいたもの買ってくれた? え?頼んでおいたものって? え?さっきお金渡して、醤油とかネギとか買ってきてって言ったじゃん。 あー、そうだったけ?忘れてた! 何やってんの。それじゃあ晩御飯つくれないじゃん。じゃあいいよ、私買ってくるから。じゃあ金返して。 いやあ、それが…。さっきパチンコで全部使っちゃった。 は? いやあ、お使いのこと完全に忘れててさ、財布にあったお金全部使っちゃった!ごめんね。 「ごめんね」じゃないわよ、本当に。あんたほどいい加減な男見たことないわ。 そんないい加減な仕事するな。 ちゃんとトイレ掃除した? したよ! どれどれ…何よこれ。全然掃除してないじゃない! でも便座の表面はティッシュで拭いたよ。 表面ティッシュで拭いたって、そんないい加減な掃除、「掃除」って言わないよ。 あ、ナメコさん、この前週刊誌に載ったらしいですね。 そうなのよ。「年下イケメン男子と不倫デート」って。でもあれ、弟なんだけど。 週刊誌の記者、そんなことも調べないで記事書いたんですね。ほんといい加減な仕事してますよね。 ほんとに迷惑よ。あんないい加減な記事書かれて。 そういえば、犬の名前決めたの? うん、決めたよ。ちんたろうにしようかなと思ってんだ。 ちんたろう?あんた頭おかしいんじゃないの?そんないい加減な名前つけていいわけないじゃん! 日本っていつどのように誕生したんですか? ああ、日本はな、そりゃあもう大昔にな、すんげえ偉え神様が二人いてな、その神様の一人が自分の体見て 「あれ!?俺の体なんか余分なもんついてるべ!」 「あれ!?お前の体なんか足りねえんじゃねえのか?この余分な部分をお前のその足りねえとこに差し込んだらどうなるべかなあ?」っつうんで、日本が誕生したんだよ。 あんたそんないい加減なこと教えるんじゃないの! いい加減なこととはなんだ!これは本当のことだぞ!

  • @neohubris


    3 ай бұрын

    thanks, 焼き加減 is a useful one

  • @aster8537
    @aster85373 ай бұрын

    Was not expecting such a good Goku impression out of nowhere

  • @me0101001000


    3 ай бұрын

    If not an actor, he needs to be hired as a writer.

  • @adamwisz


    3 ай бұрын

    All Japanese boys must be able to imitate Goku perfectly or risk being socially outcast

  • @user-qf1le7kt3p
    @user-qf1le7kt3p3 ай бұрын

    I always expect his acting. and he never disappoints me lol

  • @user-xp6li1qp2r
    @user-xp6li1qp2r3 ай бұрын

    I'm Japanese, but this channel really helps me learn how to translate Japanese expressions into English, which is linguistically far from Japanese.

  • @theEumenides
    @theEumenides3 ай бұрын

    I mean, it really was Krillin's fault for asking Goku to do a job like that.

  • @no.7893
    @no.78933 ай бұрын

    Between Dogen and Kaname I'm beginning to suspect that Japanese language education is truly the greatest medium for comedy.

  • @denizkendirci


    Ай бұрын

    they should team up then, but which is gonna be tsukkomi, they are both boke, aren't they?

  • @villuna_
    @villuna_3 ай бұрын

    the sounds effects of things breaking is so funny, especially him just staring as the TV gets demolished

  • @tbqhwyf
    @tbqhwyf3 ай бұрын

    Kaname-sensei makes two types of videos: the kind where you're familiar with the topic already and learn the nuances of it, and the kind you don't know yet but find out to be very useful in everyday conversation This one is somewhere in the middle for me...

  • @OrangeC7


    3 ай бұрын

    I feel like it's somewhere in the middle for me, too. I'd heard of いい加減 before this, but I never really understood what it meant/why it means what it does. So this video is very useful since now I understand a lot more about 加減 in general than I thought there was to know

  • @ozziepaul
    @ozziepaul3 ай бұрын

    i noticed kaname has gotten closer to the camera. he feels so real

  • @RT-qd8yl


    3 ай бұрын

    Sometimes it feels like he's gonna jump out of the screen and put his hand up my ass and shake my back teeth.

  • @leonye2455
    @leonye24553 ай бұрын

    Vividly acting out the real life dialogue . That is the best part of Kaname’s teaching. Can’t get enough of it. 😅😂🎉

  • @jawz2005
    @jawz20053 ай бұрын

    Interesting! I just learnt this word this morning and was actually wondering the difference between 加減 and 増減 which has a similar meaning from the literal Kanji readings however 加減 has many more nuances that the dictionary doesn’t explain well. Thanks again for the real life examples and explanation

  • @rudedeedee2171
    @rudedeedee21713 ай бұрын

    Kaname's vocal and facial expressions are so entertaining, and with the amusing dialogue it just makes the whole lesson such a fun experience (the Goku impression was perfect 😆). Thank you!

  • @giuseppeagresta1425
    @giuseppeagresta14253 ай бұрын

    Just a while ago I was struggling to wrap my head around the different meanings and usages of 加減 (especially in compound fixed expressions like いい加減にする) Thank you as always!

  • @skullcrusher4307
    @skullcrusher43073 ай бұрын

    Please keep these videos coming! It hits different when nuances are explained directly from a native speaker in english.

  • @jaymcg4563
    @jaymcg45633 ай бұрын

    Bruh, i just started learning this word and i was like, "wtf are these definitions"? reading example sentences helped a bit but this was a big help.

  • @ruby4775
    @ruby47753 ай бұрын

    absolutely fantastic use of sound effects this time around.

  • @deskoooo
    @deskoooo3 ай бұрын

    Loving this series of tricky-but-useful vocab terms! Thank you Kaname-sensei!

  • @mononoke721
    @mononoke7213 ай бұрын

    I just spent well over an hour trying to break down many of these sentences to better understand them, but super informal casual Japanese is still so new to me. Would love you to cover some of the more common colloquial expressions in your typically amusing style!

  • @yarukineez0
    @yarukineez03 ай бұрын

    That Goku impression was actually really spot on!

  • @MSinclairStevens
    @MSinclairStevens3 ай бұрын

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This phrase when it means "poorly done" or "irresponsible" has confused me for years. Now I understand the progression from "add + subtract" to "adjust" to its use in 「いい加減」. Thanks for all the related examples on the various types of "amount or level". Now I can see the thread connecting all the various meanings.

  • @vonneumann6161


    Ай бұрын

    I can’t see the thread though and I’m Japanese. いい加減 sounds like a completely different word unrelated to 加減 for me

  • @yoshihasascended
    @yoshihasascendedАй бұрын


  • @sale544


    13 күн бұрын


  • @FlintForossa
    @FlintForossa3 ай бұрын

    Alright alright alright, take my sub already, I'm learning in your videos more than I learnt in 5 years trying to learn Kanji in traditional ways. You're actually teaching some really useful stuff bro. 💪

  • @Sakura-Insatsu
    @Sakura-Insatsu3 ай бұрын

    Recently, I have watched a few Japanese series online, (with audio & subtitles in Japanese), and I heard the word 'Kanji,' which appeared on the subtitles written as 感じ Which was used quite often, in a number of different ways. I had always thought the use of this word was to feel (as in ones-self feeling/explaining an emotion). Having now looked up the in a dictionary (Japanese), the definition can be -Feeling -Sense -Impression -To perceive -To grasp -To be impressed by -To take in (to ones mind) -To experience Could you possibly do a video explaining the various uses of this word. お疲れ様でした

  • @Tzahr
    @Tzahr3 ай бұрын

    The best video you've made so far! So many funny stories and cool references, and as always very digestibly spoken Japanese with very clear context. Thank you! So funny I just happened to be reading the kojiki yesterday lmao.

  • @eldarius237
    @eldarius2373 ай бұрын

    I tried to translate Samuel Jackson's famous quote: いい加減に、このくそ飛行機にこのくそ蛇はもうごめんだ!

  • @RT-qd8yl


    3 ай бұрын


  • @RawBlue
    @RawBlue3 ай бұрын

    I really like the skits and jokes you add into your teachings! It makes the learning more engaging and interesting. Also how you go very in depth when explaining words or phrases. I’ve been learning with Pimsleur for over a year, each lesson is 30 minutes. I feel like I learn more in one 12 minute video here and it feels like only 5 minutes have passed, all while correcting what Pimsleur taught me wrong at times. Thank you!

  • @nesssavaness
    @nesssavaness3 ай бұрын

    I just started learning Japanese so this channel was recommended to me. The conversations are always so funny 😂 I love this channel.

  • @christopherh2729
    @christopherh27293 ай бұрын

    As usual another great video and a great topic. You have a great knack for finding popular phrases and asd words we've all heard plenty of times but are more complicated than a simple 1 to 1 translation

  • @Jovat01
    @Jovat013 ай бұрын

    I really appreciate your effort on explaining this vocabulary concept. It was driving me crazy but now I can understand better. Thank you for all your videos and explanations and keep doing this. You are awesome!

  • @josho6854
    @josho68543 ай бұрын


  • @MarcelOramas
    @MarcelOramasАй бұрын


  • @yosefkukuriku
    @yosefkukuriku3 ай бұрын

    One of the best channels!

  • @tonymitsu
    @tonymitsu3 ай бұрын

    8:00 マジでえぐいww

  • @pieragade6
    @pieragade63 ай бұрын

    Going to my japanese lesson right now and will definitely watch this later! ☺️ Also, I have a suggestion of a word that you could explain here someday (in case you haven't already 😆). It's 適当. I know some ways to use it but I'm not all confident about it yet. I wish to know all the possible ways to use 適当/適当に in a phrase, the meanings it could have... I love how you teach so would be lovely to watch a video about this! ☺️ Thank you for being the best teacher, Kaname! Your videos are reallyyyy good! Greetings from Brazil!

  • @aki97


    3 ай бұрын

    Great suggestion! 適当 is really tricky.

  • @pieragade6


    3 ай бұрын

    @@aki97 Thank you! I'm happy you agree! 😃 Hope he can make a video about this in the future! 🥰

  • @sdsddai


    3 ай бұрын

    I am 100% Japanese, but I don't even understand how to distinguish between 'suitable' and 'unreliable' when using the word '適当'. I'm looking forward to Kaname-sensei's explanation haha.

  • @pieragade6


    3 ай бұрын

    @@sdsddai I'm really glad more people agree that that's a great word for Kaname to make a video about! 😃 It will be very helpful if he does it 🥰 I'll be very thankful, hahah 🌻

  • @dolmakalem12345
    @dolmakalem123453 ай бұрын

    Damn, first time I watch this channel, very very helpful. I especially love dialogues. Thank you for doing it.

  • @hooligans7618
    @hooligans76183 ай бұрын

    Amazing video! Amazing script! Amazing teaching! Listening to the lesson it came to me that いい加減 as a negative word has a similar feel to "bullshitting" or "half-assing" a task. Super interesting how languages can communicate a similar nuances with seemingly completely unrelated phrases! ❤ いつもありがとうございます、カナメ先生!

  • @Diginegi
    @Diginegi3 ай бұрын

    I don't know if this video has anything to do with my suggestion, but thank you for this explanation! You really do a stellar job!

  • @Trainfan1055Janathan
    @Trainfan1055Janathan3 ай бұрын

    One phrase I'd like to learn about is もんだ ものだ. I don't fully understand what the phrase means.

  • @user-mv4cv9me2x
    @user-mv4cv9me2x2 ай бұрын

    先生、韓国人なのにとてもよく理解できます! 購読しました。 こんな映像を作ってくださってありがとうございます!

  • @leon_frey
    @leon_frey3 ай бұрын

    thank you! your videos are always so helpful and well explained. you do an amazing job!

  • @emmanueltrouillard3024
    @emmanueltrouillard30243 ай бұрын

    Great video! So helpful (and funny!). Greetings from France!

  • @DancerChristopherChu
    @DancerChristopherChu3 ай бұрын

    Thank you for another humorous presentation of Japanese.

  • @bpelectric
    @bpelectric3 ай бұрын

    This was very helpful, thank you!

  • @Ladderphobia
    @Ladderphobia3 ай бұрын

    So nice to have a video clearly spell out the nuances of 加減. 作ってくれてありがとうございます! I've had to tell off my classmate for goofing off too much in class. Glad to know I used the right phrase. 😅 いい加減にして

  • @Tactavious
    @Tactavious3 ай бұрын

    These conversations are so engaging but also so ridiculous at the same time, I love it.

  • @RominaMara1
    @RominaMara13 ай бұрын


  • @lynn___.9_9
    @lynn___.9_93 ай бұрын

    I really enjoyed this omg kkkk your way to teach is so nice

  • @melaniepoder8602
    @melaniepoder86023 ай бұрын

    You're videos are the one's that helped me the most! Thank you so much! Also I was wondering if you are teaching online on one-by-one?

  • @SOOKIE42069
    @SOOKIE420693 ай бұрын

    いいかげんにしろ seems like the Japanese version of a midwestern dad slapping his knees with his hands and saying "Whelp, I 'spose"

  • @user-lz5lj1ks8g
    @user-lz5lj1ks8g3 ай бұрын

    The Kojiki reference at the end😂 Love your videos🫶

  • @RomeTokyooneway
    @RomeTokyooneway3 ай бұрын

    Thank so much for your videos!!

  • @azarishiba2559
    @azarishiba25592 ай бұрын

    5:30 got me off guard XD XD Also, I loved the last one: it could seem like a joke, but it's actually the myth of Izanagi and Izanami, with more or less the same words! XD

  • @gomito5000
    @gomito50003 ай бұрын

    Omg when Kaname drops i have to drop everything I'm doing ❤❤❤

  • @orcasrising
    @orcasrising3 ай бұрын

    I've been secretly wanting you to talk about 加減 and ジャジャン😍

  • @eunicehoi6508
    @eunicehoi65083 ай бұрын

    I have learned Japanese for a year, your channel is great for beginners to understand grammar easily❤

  • @nanakadog
    @nanakadog3 ай бұрын

    「加減」の使い方。「いい加減乗除にしろよ?」。世の中増減だけでなく、組み合わせや分解も考えることが大切だということ。ちなみに、加法(足し算)・減法(引き算)・乗法(掛け算)・除法(割り算)をあわせて四則演算と言います。加法の答えは和(わ, sum)、減法の答えは差(さ, remainder)、乗法の答えは積(せき, product)、除法の答えは商(しょう, quotient)と余り(remainder)と言います。

  • @legendted6237
    @legendted62373 ай бұрын

    quality video as always sensei

  • @deepxo
    @deepxo3 ай бұрын

    amazing video! well done kaname :D

  • @Aldora-Doraco
    @Aldora-Doraco3 ай бұрын

    just realized 素直 might be a good topic for this series

  • @nirvanapendulum3254
    @nirvanapendulum32543 ай бұрын

    「手加減はしねえ。 死にてえ奴だけ…かかってこい!」 桐生一馬

  • @lesath7883
    @lesath78833 ай бұрын

    As a masseur, I approve the massage example.

  • @lesath7883


    3 ай бұрын

    And as a mayonneise addict, I also approve the bacon with mayonneise example. Totally unhealthy. Totally delicious.

  • @pridefall3304
    @pridefall33042 ай бұрын

    This series is so helpful!! Do you think you could do one on 寄る? I can't seem to get my head around how to use it properly

  • @osamaali-ty9wo
    @osamaali-ty9wo3 ай бұрын


    @YLLIEEGD3 ай бұрын

    no way i was jus researching this yesterday! thank you!

  • @joanams8353
    @joanams83533 ай бұрын

    these videos are being incredibly useful! please could you make one about all the different uses of くらい/ぐらい?

  • @parallelself
    @parallelself3 ай бұрын


  • @Dice-Z
    @Dice-Z3 ай бұрын

    Feels like it kind of carries a notion of "this thing/person/behaviour/situation/etc is inadequate"

  • @mar2ck_
    @mar2ck_3 ай бұрын

    Another great explanation, thanks! Could you do a video on 折角? I think it means "Since a lot of effort has been put in" but when I hear it I don't fully understand why it's being used.

  • @AM22Salabok
    @AM22Salabok3 ай бұрын

    Wow I was just thinking about this yesterday! Mostly heard that phrase in manzais lol

  • @nypherea895
    @nypherea8953 ай бұрын

    Great video! Could you make a video on ちょうだい as well? I haven't been able to properly grasp that one yet :,)

  • @Wmann
    @Wmann3 ай бұрын

    Oh! Thank goodness, because I know what 加减 is from Chinese. But I know it would be used differently in Japanese. So thank you for this video.

  • @benchanhkjc
    @benchanhkjc3 ай бұрын

    this video is so impressive

  • @aibao_eipariru_april
    @aibao_eipariru_april3 ай бұрын

    Amazing as always. I’ll have to use some of the strength controlling ones on my husband and half-assing on my son 😂 I wish I was better at memorizing full dialogues/sentences for later use. 😩

  • @EvGamerBETA
    @EvGamerBETA3 ай бұрын

    Given this is educational series jokes catch me off guard easier

  • @Phoenixz33
    @Phoenixz333 ай бұрын

    Thanks to Kaname, today I learned how Japan was formed.

  • @MRrZero
    @MRrZero3 ай бұрын

    You mentioned street fighter! OK just realised you are a fellow fgc. Maybe when my japanese is good enough I'll have full conversations with daigo lmao

  • @user-fq8zr2jy8w
    @user-fq8zr2jy8w2 ай бұрын

    The Dragon Ball segment hits differently now that Akira Toriyama has died...

  • @pawsindmeinlieblingsfach3518
    @pawsindmeinlieblingsfach35183 ай бұрын

    The last story had me brain stop functioning for a while

  • @iwakunrock
    @iwakunrock3 ай бұрын

    My suggestion for this series would be なんとなく

  • @bahamutRG
    @bahamutRG3 ай бұрын

    goku and krillin skit was すごい

  • @BilalAhmed-cj3cx
    @BilalAhmed-cj3cx2 ай бұрын

    What a great story about the birth of Japan . I didn't know that 😂😂😂😂😂😂 12:29

  • @PaulHawke1337
    @PaulHawke13373 ай бұрын

    That ending. X D

  • @jaymaguire5024
    @jaymaguire50243 ай бұрын

    kaname sensei. could you do a video detailing the differences between wakaru and shiru. I vaguely know the differences but sometime im still unsure of which to use.

  • @radicaledward8969
    @radicaledward89693 ай бұрын


  • @oh-noe
    @oh-noe3 ай бұрын

    8:15 I'm getting called out on the hour...

  • @paulwalther5237
    @paulwalther52373 ай бұрын

    I think the reason this word is so hard is that the dictionary gives too many translations depending on the context. Adjust is in there but it's buried. If you just stick with "adjust" it's not so bad at all.

  • @Rajasekaran19948


    3 ай бұрын

    I am searching for somebody to study japanese together through share learning each other.we can form group ,so everyone in the group can learn and access everything to learn japanese kanji and vocabulary.would you likel to join ?

  • @philbertius
    @philbertius3 ай бұрын

    塩加減 (shiokagen) is what you say to your favorite Twitch streamer

  • @hassantariq266
    @hassantariq2663 ай бұрын

    Wake up honey, Kaname-san just dropped a new video.

  • @memberberry4512
    @memberberry45123 ай бұрын

    Could you cover 環境 if you haven't already?

  • @thegumafr
    @thegumafr3 ай бұрын

    we are BALLING

  • @jaironperezcopa6503
    @jaironperezcopa65033 ай бұрын


  • @pawlootto4811
    @pawlootto48113 ай бұрын

    Maybe a video about usage of "微妙" ?

  • @DanVR001
    @DanVR0013 ай бұрын

    Was that Chintaro at the end of the video?

  • @lynnliu913
    @lynnliu9133 ай бұрын


  • @phoenixthedragon6798
    @phoenixthedragon67983 ай бұрын

    So, is 加減 like using "give or take..." In English? We would say "that's about right, give-or-take a few things" in English. Would 加減 be used in a similar way?

  • @tigersuico7006
    @tigersuico70063 ай бұрын

    Can you do a video about 決定、決意、決断. They all have same definitions in English 😅

  • @IsaacChoo88
    @IsaacChoo883 ай бұрын

    Heard a lot of いい加減にしてin manga

  • @Giraffinator
    @Giraffinator3 ай бұрын

    the sound effects are killing me

  • @kirayoshiakisato792
    @kirayoshiakisato7923 ай бұрын


  • @utubemat33
    @utubemat333 ай бұрын

    Would appreciate it if you could teach *****こそ***** too. So many meanings 😢