How to Use もらう

もらう is a confusing verb for Japanese learners because based on situations it could be used like passive form but at the same time it also could be used as active form. In English, you cannot say "I'm given a pen by Tanaka", you cannot use "give" in passive form like that. But in Japanese, using もらう is like using passive form of "give", so you place yourself as a subject, and the person who gave you the object as an indirect-object. But that's only one usage of もらう, you can also use もらう when you actively acquire things. You can also attach もらう on other verbs and those verbs themselves and もらう can be conjugated into different forms, that's when non-Japanese natives get confused. In this video, I will talk about functions of もらう in different forms, so that you have a clear idea of how this verb もらう is used.
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0:00 もらう (1st person object)
1:45 もらう (3rd person object)
2:20 もらう in Questions
3:24 もらう vs くれる
7:02 もらえる
08:24 'please get something'
9:48 Vて+もらう
12:38 Vて+もらう in Questions
13:22 Vて+もらう vs Causative
15:15 'please get someone to do something'
16:21 ~てもらおう、 ~てもらいましょう
16:46 ~てもらえる
17:15 ~てもらえる in Questions
19:19 Causative Vて+もらう
20:59 Causative Vて+もらう in Questions
21:22 Being Humble with Causative Vて+もらう
23:59 いただく
25:15 Conclusion

Пікірлер: 277

  • @kanamenaito
    @kanamenaito11 ай бұрын

    Video transcript: 田中さんにこのペンをもらいました。 私は田中さんにこのペンをもらいました。 田中さんにもらいました。 あなたにもらいました。 見て、この筆。 え?その筆、どうしたの? これ、誕生日に要先生にもらった。 ねえ、田中さんに野球のチケット2枚もらったんだけど、もしよかったら一緒に行かない? え?野球?いいね!面白そう!行く行く!。 田中さんは山本さんにお土産をもらいました。 田中さんにお土産をもらいましたか? うん、もらった。 いや、もらってない。 誕生日、田中さんに何もらいましたか? 私、田中さんにクマのぬいぐるみもらった。 ねえ、マージ、誕生日にホーマーに何もらった? ボーリングの玉。 田中さんは私に消しゴムをくれました。 私は田中さんに消しゴムをもらいました。 この辞書、田中さんにもらいました。 その辞書、どうしたの? これ?これ田中さんにもらった。 この辞書?田中さんがくれた。 そのネックレス、かわいいね?それどこで買ったの? ああ、これ?これ田中さんにもらった。 うわー、かっこいいな、その自転車。それいくらで買ったの? いや、これ自分で買ってないからいくらかわかんない。これ田中さんにもらった。 車の鍵を父にもらいました。 父に車の鍵をもらいました。 父が車の鍵をくれました。 車の鍵を父にもらいました。 ねえ、どこ行ってたの? 今市役所行って、住民票もらってきた。 そのパスポートの申請書ってどこでもらいましたか? あ、これパスポートセンターでもらいました。 ねえ、住民票ってどこでもらうの? 住民票は市役所でもらえるよ。   健康保険証ってどこでもらえますか? 市役所でもらえますよ。 在留カードってどこでもらえますか? 出入国在留管理局でもらえますよ。 メンバーカードお作りになりませんか?このメンバーカードがあるとポイントがもらえますよ。 ポイントはいくらもらえるんですか? 100円お買い上げで2ポイントもらえます。 ねえ、何そのシール?集めてるの? うん。このシール50枚集めると米10キロがもらえるんだよね。 申請用紙はあそこでもらってください。 すいません、申請用紙はどこですか? 申請用紙は三番窓口でもらってください。 すいません、薬はどこでもらえますか? 薬は病院の向かいにある薬局でもらってください。 ねえ、割り箸どこ? 多分田中さんが持ってると思う。田中さんにもらって。 ねえトイレ鍵がかかってるんだけど、鍵ってどこでもらるの? 鍵は店員が持ってるから、店員にもらって。 食べてもらう 行ってもらう 書いてもらう 話してもらう 車を直す 車を直してもらう。 あれ?車直ったの?この前車壊れたって言ってなかったっけ? ああ、田中さんに直してもらった。 田中さんが直してくれた。 あれ?日本語の発音すごく上手になったね。どうしたの? 田中さんに発音の指導してもらったんだ。 田中さんが発音の指導してくれたんだ。 見て!このバッグ!かわいいでしょ! ええ!かわいい!それどうしたの? これ田中さんに買ってもらったんだ! これ田中さんが買ってくれたんだ。 このバッグすごく欲しかったんだ、だから田中さんに頼んで買ってもらった。 あれ?今日部屋きれいだね。いつも散らかってるのに。片付けたの? 田中さんに頼んで、部屋片付けてもらったんだ。 車を直してもらいましたか? エアコン、直してもらった? はい、田中さんに直してもらいました。 いいえ、まだ直してもらってません。 どう?会社のロゴ、作ってもらった? いや、まだ作ってもらってません。 誰に作ってもらうつもりなの? イラストレーターの友達がいるので、その友達に作ってもらうつもりです。 田中さんに車を直させた。 田中さんに車を直してもらいました。 田中さんにビールを買ってもらってください。 田中さんに翻訳してもらってください。 ねえ、この英文の意味わからないんだけど、悪いんだけどさ、田中さんにこの英文翻訳してもらって。 あれ?もうビールないよ。 ああ、田中さん今から来るから、田中さんに電話して、ビール買ってきてもらって。 ママ、お腹すいた。 ママ今忙しいから、パパに何か料理作ってもらって。 この机重いですね。ちょっと田中さんに運ぶの手伝ってもらいましょう。 ねえ、俺自分で日本語で作文書いたんだけどさあ、ちょっと見てくれない? うーん、俺もよくわからないや。これ要先生にチェックしてもらおう。 私は田中さんにバッグを買ってもらえます。 すいません、窓開けてもらえますか? ちょっと暑いんで、窓開けてもらえますか? いやあ、この部屋暑いね、ちょっとエアコンつけてもらえる? ごめん、宿題見てもらえる? 皆さん、あの、KZreadのLikeボタン押してもらえますか? 田中さん、ちょっと僕のバイクの調子が悪いんだけど、見てもらえますか? いいよ。 もしもし、田中さん?ちょっと悪いんだけど、来る時ビール買ってきてもらえない? いいですよ。どのぐらい要りますか? じゃあ一箱お願いします。 わかりました!他に何か要りますか? えーと、何か他におつまみも買ってきてもらってもいいですか? わかりました! ちょっと悪いんだけど、この文翻訳してもらってもいい? 田中さん田中さん、もう帰るよ!…ああもうだめだ、ぐだぐだだ。田中さん酔っ払いすぎ。山本さん、田中さんこの調子だと絶対一人で帰れないから、タクシー呼んでもらえる? いいですよ。あ、すいません、あのー、タクシー一台呼んでもらえますか? 本を読む 本を読ませてもらう 田中さんにビール工場を見学させてもらいました。 田中さんにゲームをさせてもらいました。 田中さんにビール工場を見学させてもらいましたか? 田中さんにゲームをさせてもらいましたか? 本を読ませてもらう. 大学を卒業しました。 大学を卒業させてもらいました。 この仕事やる? はい、やります。 はい、やらせてもらいます。 私は田中さんにこの仕事をやらせてもらいました。 うち、金なかったんだけどさ、お母さんが頑張って働いて、お母さんに留学させてもらったんだ。 私はこの仕事をやらせてもらいます。 私たち数ヶ月前にKZreadを始めさせてもらいました。 田中さんにりんごをもらいました。 田中さんにりんごをいただきました。 田中さんに空港まで送ってもらいました。 田中さんに空港まで送っていただきました。 田中さんに空港まで送っていただきましたか? りんごをもらいました。 掃除を手伝ってもらいました。 大学を卒業させてもらいました。 りんごをもらいましたか? 部屋を掃除してもらいましたか? 大学を卒業させてもらいましたか?

  • @bazzlerogers6735


    11 ай бұрын

    The fact you wrote out just the Japanese parts is amazing. This is proof you actually want to teach people and I appreciate that so much

  • @WilliMel


    11 ай бұрын

    this is why you’re the best Japanese teacher

  • @nakago1549


    11 ай бұрын

    Thank you so much Kanameさん, i feel really lucky to have known this channel, you just made the understanding lots easier! I really appreciate it! またがんばります💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

  • @arjunpariyar4


    10 ай бұрын

    話すとき最後に さ を 使い方教えていただけませか😊

  • @Phoenixz33
    @Phoenixz3311 ай бұрын

    Tanaka-san is such a generous person. With every video, we learn a little more about him.

  • @secondliar556


    11 ай бұрын


  • @azzeddine4459


    11 ай бұрын


  • @geruto17760


    11 ай бұрын


  • @lukaszDPG.dupinion


    10 ай бұрын

    Mr. Tanaka has nothing left whatsoever for himself, been giving away whatever he'd've thought of. Poor man.

  • @belugawhale6539


    9 ай бұрын

    Tanaka is like a Smith

  • @TatsumiOga682
    @TatsumiOga68211 ай бұрын

    This channel is hands down the best channel to learn Japanese grammar

  • @giulytsme


    11 ай бұрын

    100% agree

  • @robolivable


    11 ай бұрын

    These videos are amazing refreshers to grammar topics you may have learned in class (maybe even long ago), and sometimes go even further! So good :)

  • @TheGreenFrosty


    11 ай бұрын

    This is true!!!

  • @foxzyx


    11 ай бұрын

    I agree

  • @delepole


    6 ай бұрын

    Totally agree

  • @louie.kazooie
    @louie.kazooie11 ай бұрын

    Tanaka-san is that one friend we all need in our lives

  • @ancillarity


    11 ай бұрын

    He might also be a simp :)

  • @amirilan4435
    @amirilan443511 ай бұрын

    Damn, we all want a friend like Tanaka-san

  • @TatsumiOga682
    @TatsumiOga68211 ай бұрын

    So basically morau is when you want to say "i got" something from someone, while kureru is used you want to say "someone gave me" something

  • @MarkyNomad


    11 ай бұрын

    Basically like "i received/got" so you become the subject instead of being the object, haven't watched the video yet, but that's how I think of it.

  • @elliotk4444
    @elliotk444411 ай бұрын

    As a Japanese learner of two years and someone who especially struggled with the function of て-もらう this is the video I wish existed back when I was learning the concept of もらう. This is an excellent video that covers everything with great detail! ありがとうございます!!

  • @karaoke_bqv
    @karaoke_bqv11 ай бұрын

    Top-notch content, FOR FREE! I cannot thank you enough, Kaname sensei! 10/10!

  • @kirayoshiakisato792
    @kirayoshiakisato79211 ай бұрын

    I swear, Kaname sensei's charm is the way he explains all this stuff makes me feel that Japanese language is so fascinating and interesting to be learned ❤️

  • @doghouse010
    @doghouse01011 ай бұрын

    I've wasted so much money on Japanese teachers from Japan who had no idea what the difference was between kureru and morau.

  • @_Fuu_
    @_Fuu_11 ай бұрын

    hi kaname! can you make a video on the verb しまう? particularly when it comes after a verb's て form. i see it often in readings and i feel like it has a lot of nuances that would be perfect for your video style. i love your videos kaname, theyre all amazing especially for beginners like me. thank you for your hard work!

  • @jigecchi8683


    11 ай бұрын

    I second this, てしまう would be a great video!

  • @giuseppeagresta1425


    11 ай бұрын

    Japanese auxiliary verbs are soo interesting, a video on that would be awesome Btw I think that しまう gives either the "ended up doing x" or "unfortunately did x" feeling

  • @secondliar556


    11 ай бұрын


  • @jaycee330


    7 ай бұрын

    @@giuseppeagresta1425 It can, it's more of "finish doing completely", a sense of completeness or finality, which can be positive or negative in feeling depending on the situation. So, "tabeteshimasu" can mean "eat it all up/completely eat it/devoured" and so on.

  • @roughlyunderscore


    5 ай бұрын

    ​@@giuseppeagresta1425 Spot on! しまう either shows the regret of some action or the fact that the action has been finished, afaik

  • @DesRa3
    @DesRa311 ай бұрын

    This video came on my recommendations by chance. I've never seen a language video so lengthy yet pack full of information with no nonsense. It's seamless, and the visuals (text) are straightforward and not distracting at all. Your voice is very clear, and the emotion and intonation make it really interesting to listen to. I watched more of your videos, and I found the same to be true. Fantastic work! Highly worthy of a subscription. I've recommended your channel to my friends for supplementary Japanese studies.

  • @Kawabunguh
    @Kawabunguh11 ай бұрын

    Babe wake up. New Kaname video

  • @betsypayne3197
    @betsypayne319711 ай бұрын

    This is the best lesson ever explaining how to use もらう. Kaname Sensei makes the lessons fun and interesting. And thank you so much for providing english subtitles and the entire transcript

  • @martinm.5466
    @martinm.546611 ай бұрын

    This Tanaka-san seems to be an extremely nice and helpful person.

  • @genevaconventionsviolator3994
    @genevaconventionsviolator39942 ай бұрын

    I love Kaname's videos because even if the video is about a concept that I fully understand and can confidently use in conversation, I still watch the entire thing because I learn so much from the natural dialogue.

  • @turbonx
    @turbonx11 ай бұрын

    You have a gift sensei. Your videos are extremely helpful. Grateful for what you do.

  • @theunknowngamer2397
    @theunknowngamer239711 ай бұрын

    I am leaning Japanese through Pimsleur and they introduced the phrase ”水をもらえますか” but didn't explain anything about why this means "Can I have some water", so this video was incredibly helpful!

  • @vasilikonstan
    @vasilikonstan7 ай бұрын

    You are my hero !!! I literally just spent the last ten minutes trying to figure out what this verb actually means. Thank you!

  • @chen-chuanhuang2453
    @chen-chuanhuang245311 ай бұрын


  • @Marwa20eg
    @Marwa20eg11 ай бұрын

    Yesterday I remembered you and wondered why you don't drop the new lately and today you dropped it! what a great coincidence. You're a wonderful teacher.

  • @Crackalacking_Z
    @Crackalacking_Z11 ай бұрын

    This video explains もらう so well. Stellar effort. The USB cable necklace (4:51) made me laugh out loud XD

  • @deanemilne6275
    @deanemilne62756 ай бұрын

    very clearly explained, Best Japanese teacher on KZread!

  • @gravex
    @gravex11 ай бұрын

    I love your videos. It's so easy to understand than all the books I have. Would it be possible for a -ていく、-てくる or a -てはじまる、-ておわる guide in the future?

  • @CuteCoco3706
    @CuteCoco370611 ай бұрын


  • @vonneumann6161


    11 ай бұрын

    No offense but I have no idea what you are trying to say

  • @CuteCoco3706


    11 ай бұрын

    @@vonneumann6161I was trying to say that I just found the channel today and I think his videos are useful and informative. I have no clue if my grammar or word choice is just bad or something.

  • @poluckbhowmik6781
    @poluckbhowmik67813 ай бұрын

    I'm using so many channels to learn Japanese. But hands down the best and at the same time fun way to learn Japanese indeed. ❤

  • @hemedocx
    @hemedocx11 ай бұрын

    Your way of explanation is in depth and clear! Exceptional work!

  • @jprmercado
    @jprmercado11 ай бұрын

    I love this video! I didn’t know もらう was such a versatile verb! I’m still trying to wrap my head around it, but I’m getting it! Now I can tell people how I got my Japanese copy of Tears of the Kingdom. I’ll say 「日本に住んでいる友達に買ってもらいました」.

  • @mak_707
    @mak_7079 ай бұрын

    So incredibly useful! Thank you so much! I love how you cover a lot of FAQs as well. I feel like I understand it a lot more that way.

  • @tonypoon7779
    @tonypoon777911 ай бұрын

    Happy sunday❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @TatsumiOga682
    @TatsumiOga68211 ай бұрын

    Wake up babe, new Kaname sensei video just dropped

  • @louislewis6823
    @louislewis682311 ай бұрын


  • @KonstantinosSakellaropoulos
    @KonstantinosSakellaropoulos9 ай бұрын

    Kaname is a treasure

  • @vastvoids
    @vastvoids11 ай бұрын

    You are by far one of the best channels to learn from, thank you!

  • @CyrilCommando
    @CyrilCommando11 ай бұрын

    I think the confusing part of this is not really morau itself, but rather how the subject grammar is different based on what word you use.

  • @hiramzaldana153


    11 ай бұрын

    its quite simple if you think about it. Morau means to receive, so the subject is the recipient. Kureru means to give, so the subject is the giver.

  • @beyyugi92


    8 ай бұрын

    Yes but in a lot of the sentences, the question I kept having for example when he talked about tanaka repairing my car- why not just use kureru. I get the idea that if you asked someone to do something vs them doing it by their own volition, but when the sentences are someone doing something for you, you can てもらった and てくれた。 Maybe im just not understanding

  • @hiramzaldana153


    8 ай бұрын

    @@beyyugi92 they both express the idea of someone doing something for you but with different nuances. I guess they both can get the same point across, but if you just really want to emphasize the fact that you asked for someone to do it for you, than you gotta use もらう.

  • @user-se2np7my3y
    @user-se2np7my3y6 ай бұрын

    I think it's the perfect explanation about Japanes grammar ! You're it!

  • @_rubyrose10_
    @_rubyrose10_11 ай бұрын

    thank you so much for these videos. these videos are the best japanese learning content of the whole of youtube for me. please never stop making them

  • @fernandovargas9441
    @fernandovargas944111 ай бұрын

    Such excellent content. Much appreciated, Kaname-sensei!

  • @auli5786
    @auli578611 ай бұрын

    I love your expressive you are when making these videos

  • @Liondance
    @Liondance10 ай бұрын


  • @rohankalyani9143
    @rohankalyani914311 ай бұрын


  • @HamasakiFanz
    @HamasakiFanz11 ай бұрын

    Thank you always for your videos! Great explanation!

  • @saitodosan9377
    @saitodosan937711 ай бұрын

    As someone who's probably lower-intermediate level of Japanese, this is the best channel I could have come across haha. Thanks for the lesson!

  • @mathl4589
    @mathl458911 ай бұрын

    18:08 is the smoothest "please like this video" that I've ever seen! 😆Great video and explanation, extremely clear.

  • @zuhachan
    @zuhachan11 ай бұрын

    ありがとうございます Kaname先生 for another lesson. will watch this now while eating dinner 😬

  • @justcommenting5117
    @justcommenting511711 ай бұрын

    I literally got introduced to this word on duolingo yesterday, good timing

  • @Bens521
    @Bens52110 ай бұрын

    ありがと your videos are so helpful for those who just start learning Japanese.

  • @enter7174
    @enter717411 ай бұрын

    It's amazing how I was wondering how to use もらう literally a few weeks ago and now Kaname-san has just made a video about it. These videos are amazing and so helpful! 本当にありがとうございます!

  • @nataliemoskowitz9086
    @nataliemoskowitz908611 ай бұрын

    Your videos are extremely helpful,clear and straightforward. ありがとう ございます!

  • @Gamercat01
    @Gamercat014 ай бұрын

    This is really helpful Mr. Naito. I feel like I really learn a lot. Thank you so much.

  • @caryw.7626
    @caryw.762610 ай бұрын

    Thanks so much for this video. The many examples helped me finally understand how to use もらう! They were very helpful.

  • @Wh1sper0417
    @Wh1sper041711 ай бұрын


  • @rsato001
    @rsato00111 ай бұрын

    I struggled with this grammar for years. Thank you so much for clarifying it!

  • @vids9647
    @vids964711 ай бұрын

    I need a Kaname in every situation in my life that needs a thorough explanation.

  • @Trynottoblink
    @Trynottoblink11 ай бұрын

    Thank you again Tanaka for another excellent video.

  • @user-et7rh2pm5n
    @user-et7rh2pm5n7 ай бұрын

    This was by far the best explanation I’ve seen. I definitely understand it better now. As soon as he brought いただく into it I could only think about food though. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Now I’m hungry

  • @tcsocal5554
    @tcsocal555411 ай бұрын

    Very helpful. Very well presented. Thank you.  本当に、とても役に立つです。

  • @ukurainajin
    @ukurainajin10 ай бұрын

    That's such a great and comprehensive explanation, it helped me a lot! Thank you very much!

  • @HiHello-yn9dv
    @HiHello-yn9dv11 ай бұрын


  • @voshka
    @voshka4 ай бұрын

    ちょうどいい!The best video!

  • @gs4913
    @gs49137 ай бұрын

    Simple and clear explanation. Wish you had made this video when I was learning this grammar. Could have saved myself hours of confusion and frustration learning it from textbook

  • @radicaledward8969
    @radicaledward89699 ай бұрын

    先生教えてをありがとうございました!今JLPT N4勉強します、先生のビデオはめちゃ役に立つです!

  • @yatogami3615
    @yatogami36152 ай бұрын

    I just stumbled on to your video and I am in love with your teaching. Your explanations are so easy to understand!!!

  • @ino9393
    @ino939311 ай бұрын

    this is perfect, this topic has been on my mind for a while. thank you so much 教えてくれてありがとうございます

  • @nuuked
    @nuuked10 ай бұрын

    finally got around to watch this video, this was incredibly helpful due to me struggling with understanding the nuances !!!! thank you sm 教えてくれてありがとう!!

  • @pilotsoldier1660
    @pilotsoldier16604 ай бұрын


  • @umamaheswaran5819
    @umamaheswaran581910 ай бұрын

    Very Good explanation. Thankyou very much.

  • @nalym5885
    @nalym588511 ай бұрын

    I'm so happy you uploaded this, I've learned もらう in school a few months ago, but until now at バイト I'm having a hard time using it and understanding how it's used! 🙏🙏🙏動画を作ってくれて、ありがとうございます!

  • @SpinningTurtle66


    11 ай бұрын

    If you don’t mind me asking, are you studying at university? I’ve been thinking about doing that, and if you are, would you recommend doing it?

  • @nalym5885


    10 ай бұрын

    @@SpinningTurtle66 Hi, I'm studying here now in Osaka at a Japanese language School. I'd say it's good and a major factor would depend on your personal study habits.

  • @SpinningTurtle66


    10 ай бұрын

    @@nalym5885 Ah, so it’s a good idea if you like learning in a classroom environment

  • @luckytai-lan2166
    @luckytai-lan216611 ай бұрын

    I'd pick Naito San over that "Japanese Man" anytime. All that Japanese Man does is market his online Japanese lessons on every video he uploads.

  • @michaelgirodat1062
    @michaelgirodat106211 ай бұрын

    ビデオをありがとうございます、かなめせんせい I'm still very new to learning Japanese and your videos are excellent. Thank you so much for them

  • @AllithLumia
    @AllithLumia11 ай бұрын


  • @tomwoolsey1089
    @tomwoolsey108911 ай бұрын

    Excellent video as always

  • @ildaphonse
    @ildaphonse11 ай бұрын

    Really good videos thank you. Grammar help is great. Also thanks for the transcript.

  • @ScottMcMaster-er4xj
    @ScottMcMaster-er4xj11 ай бұрын

    田中さんの日本語をしている事が本とに上手ですよ! Your ability to teach Japanese is extremely good. Thank you for making these videos to help people learn. The greatest gift is the gift of knowledge and you generously give knowledge without charge. Thank you. ありがとうございます。

  • @ThatFreikugel
    @ThatFreikugel11 ай бұрын

    Helpful video as usual

  • @BlakeytheG
    @BlakeytheG11 ай бұрын

    Your videos are amazing! Thank u so much 😭😭😭

  • @user-if3eq3gb1v
    @user-if3eq3gb1v11 ай бұрын

    Very easy to understand. Thank a lot.

  • @arielp7582
    @arielp758211 ай бұрын

    What a perfect explanation. Now i understand this previously difficult topoc perfectly ありがとうございます

  • @VirginPride
    @VirginPride6 ай бұрын

    You hit the spot always! That's what I wanted to know.

  • @qiche6086
    @qiche608611 ай бұрын


  • @prenakim3117
    @prenakim311711 ай бұрын

    Thank you for another very helpful video. +I love your acting skills! 😂

  • @guyklc
    @guyklc10 ай бұрын

    Thank you, Tanaka-sensei! For the longest time, I could not differentiate between くれる and もらう but now I think I have a better idea.

  • @jamietaylor2607
    @jamietaylor260711 ай бұрын


  • @risayuliani2567
    @risayuliani256711 ай бұрын

    Please keep update youtube videos! Really useful!

  • @hye-yunbennett2952
    @hye-yunbennett295211 ай бұрын


  • @sombatsak5195
    @sombatsak51955 ай бұрын


  • @LiveMusicMind
    @LiveMusicMind7 ай бұрын

    Amazing job. Thanks a lot ❤

  • @devin_chen
    @devin_chen11 ай бұрын

    lots of great example to help me learn もらう, thank you!

  • @flavvsdasilver6442
    @flavvsdasilver644211 ай бұрын

    It's pretty amazing, Kaname-san, how you can just reach into my brain, rearrange the Japanese and make it better. Thanks again for the lesson. (Nice necklass by the way, 10/10 for style🎉)

  • @Listening_2023
    @Listening_202311 ай бұрын

    内藤先生に日本語を教えてくれて、ありがとうございます。💕内藤さんのチャンネルにたくさんのことを勉強していただきました。💪 役立つ映画を作り続けてください。🌿

  • @mtw7155
    @mtw715511 ай бұрын

    ありがとうございます, かなめさん

  • @naufalrizq
    @naufalrizq11 ай бұрын

    Simply but perfectly understand... ありがとうございます先生

  • @user-tk6gt8ni1y
    @user-tk6gt8ni1y11 ай бұрын

    Im a student at a japaneese language school, and all the lessons and explanations of grammar are sub-par comparing to yours dude, thx.

  • @aruminamy2687
    @aruminamy268711 ай бұрын

    この文法が日本語の最大の秘密です。🙀 私のリクエストに応えていただき、本当にありがとうございます。😺

    @ICANTHEARHER222210 ай бұрын

    Great video. Being self taught, I haven’t found a video as detailed on the explanation of もらう

  • @MV8
    @MV811 ай бұрын


  • @guywhoasked903
    @guywhoasked90311 ай бұрын

    先生, can you do one on 「は」 and 「が」 next? I've been studying Japanese for quite some time but still haven't really mastered the differences between these two, sure I developed some kind of intuition that helps me identify whether im using it correctly, but there is still isn't a proper explanation on it. All the other KZreadrs explain about this the same way. Thought it would help the beginners as well.

  • @MarkyNomad


    11 ай бұрын

    Similar to articles in many European languages the best way of understanding it is just reading and seeing it in a ton of various contexts. I'm sure there are some は / が exercises online you can do until you get a somewhat natural feel for it. が functions a bit like the definite article "the" in English, but of course it does not always translate presicely.

  • @TatsumiOga682


    11 ай бұрын

    Put simply, wa literally means "as for this", while ga means "THIS is", where 'this' is whatever the subject is.

  • @derleunuk1406
    @derleunuk140611 ай бұрын

    Thank you for the great Explanations! I'd like to know more about the causative form with「させる」.

  • @HaiTomVlog
    @HaiTomVlog10 ай бұрын

    Thank you for explaining the difference between もらう and くれる

  • @kimmihuynh9213
    @kimmihuynh921311 ай бұрын

    Xin chao! Your explanation is very easy to understand. Thank you very much.