One Minute MEDITATION at your desk - Go!

Today, some people might still find the concept of meditating at their desk somewhat strange. Most people, especially those in corporate settings, still believe that work is a time for maximum output only. However, as the world changes, so do our basic needs. Not wants, but needs. Maslow's hierarchy of needs indeed requires an upgrade in the fast-paced world we live in today. To meditate at your desk is to be productive. It is to be ahead of the game. And the game is about being able to go further and work harder for longer periods of time while enjoying a high-quality life, says Mark L Lockwood, the clinical director of the Centre for Healing and Life Transformation.
A lot of our corporate clients today do small and short meditations several times a day at their desks or in their cars, or in meditation and contemplation rooms at their offices if they have them. People who work from home are also encouraged to be mindful of getting up and getting away from the house and desk for short walks, which can be mindful and meditative in themselves throughout the day. In other words, there are no excuses not to practice what we call zeros and ones. Life, like yourself and like everything else, is a binary system that demands focus and then relaxation. Action and then contemplation. Extreme focus and then quiet meditation. As day is to night and Rose is to Thorn, so is meditation to the corporate environment.
The Center is a modern healing bridge between clinical healthcare and outdated, punitive healing systems. There is no longer a need to wait for a rock-bottom, or stay stuck. Thousands of lives have been changed. Wherever you are mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually today, know you can Heal Your Life! #meditation #corporatelife #corporateevents
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