New course from May 28 | Learn to Recognize and Manage Reactivity: What you can expect

When you learn with LaShelle Lowe-Charde, you can expect:
🌠 A teacher who has a strong grounding in NVC Consciousness
🌠 Practical examples, activities and exercises that will help you integrate what she's teaching
🌠 To take away practical skills that will help you transform your own reactivity, and respond with groundedness to reactivity in others
Come along to explore:
♾️ Why you react to life's events
♾️ How to recognize when you are beginning to react
♾️ Tuning in to what your reactions are trying to achieve
♾️ Responding to your reactive self with empathy
♾️ Making clear calm requests in response to your reactivity
Doors to Learn to Recognize and Manage Reactivity, are open. Sign up now:
#nonviolentcommunication #compassionatecommunication #mindfulcommunication #angermanagement #angercontrol #emotionalintelligence #emotionalagility
