Nacho February 2024: 3-week update


Nacho has been with me for about 2,5 weeks now. As much as I wanted to film our progress, the weather has been terrible. So this is the first chance I got to set up my camera.
We've be progressing through our Parelli level 1 Online tasks at a steady pace and starting to prep for riding. We're even touching on some level 2 Online stuff already. We're not in a rush. He's very curious and easy to work with. I haven't found any major red flags yet (which is part of the reason I picked him).
Nacho is quite left brain and is very mouthy. It's getting better every day, as long as we play. He gets bored and will start to play dominance games back at me.
Aside from going through our basics, we're starting some cardio and hill training to build some muscle and stamina as preparation for riding. On top of that I want to make a start with dressage and straightness training in hand , so you see our first attempt at that in this video as well.
Nacho is turning 5 years old this spring, so he's still very young. We work often, but in short sessions. All you see in the video takes about 25 minutes total.
I hope I can keep this progress log of sorts throughout his life with me. I think it can be very interesting to follow our journey.
