Men's Mental Health Matters


Psychology Talks in one minute
Men’s Mental Health Matters
Special Episode on Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month
Men are significantly more likely to die by suicide than women. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the global suicide rate for men is approximately 2 times higher than for women.
The actual figures are much higher as many cases of suicide, and mental health are not even reported.
Men are often expected to be unemotional, suppressing feelings of sadness, fear, or anxiety. This suppression can lead to internalized stress, increased emotional turmoil, and difficulty in processing emotions effectively.
Bottling up emotions can contribute to the development of anxiety disorders, depression, and substance abuse as men may turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with their suppressed feelings.
Too often, society blames men themselves for their mental health struggles. It is commonly said that men are the ones who turn to substance abuse and violent behavior rather than seeking help for their mental health. They are silently struggle to keep up with a toxic workplace, just to satisfy the needs of their family. They are frequently criticized for embracing unhealthy attitudes and beliefs at the expense of their own well-being.
It is crucial to realize the fact that Men are not the problem. The way that society treats them is. Instead of blaming men for their mental health issues, we need to examine the societal structures and cultural expectations that contribute to these problems.
Ambreen Nadeem
Psychology Talks
Save Lives Project
#AmbreenNadeem #PsychologyTalks #SaveLivesProject
#MensMentalHealthMatters #MentalHealthAwareness

