Meet Razmik Marukyan ballet dancer from Armenia

Soloist at the National and Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after A. Spendiaryan, Member of the “Dance for evolution” Foundation
Graduated from the Yerevan State Choreographic College with the qualification of "ballet dancer" in 2016
Second prize and silver medal winner at the VII International Young Ballet of the World Competition named after Yuri Grigarovich
Finalist Diploma and Jury Award of Encouragement at the USA International Ballet Competition June 10-23, 2018
Finalist Diploma Award at the Moscow XII International Ballet Competition June 11-20, 2017
First prize and Best Artistic Performance Awards Winner at the Concours Prix Arabesque 2017, Belgium
Certificate of Honor for from the National and Academic Opera and Ballet Theater of Armenia 2018
Footage credit: ChaiKhana
Razmik Marukyan is 19. Like most Armenian men his age, he is serving his mandatory two years of military service. But, unlike the other young men in his unit, Marukyan has a second career - he is a ballet dancer at the Yerevan Opera and Ballet Theatre. The other soldiers do not understand Marukyan's love of ballet: in Armenia's conservative society, ballet is perceived as something for girls, not boys - and certainly not for soldiers. But Marukyan is trying to break through that stereotype. The commanders of his military unit have allowed him to continue dancing in the ballet while he serves his two years in the army. His friends also support him, attending his performances even if they do not understand his love for ballet.

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