May 8, 1994 mega commercial break

Taken from the network television premiere of Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves along with the end of the WJW 11 PM News, Siskel & Ebert, Home Videos Of The Stores, Inside Edition Weekend, Court TV, the CBS Sunday Night News, and the late night WJW 11 PM News rebroadcast off WJW/CBS. Among the sponsors and promos include Bull's-Eye barbecue sauce, the Mercury Sable, Colgate, Country Time lemonade, Rescue 911, a Stop The Madness PSA, Post Bran'nola, Diet Dr Pepper, the Ford Aspire, Motrin IB, David Copperfield: 15 Years Of Magic, The Phantom of the Opera at the Pantages Theatre in Toronto, Perkins Family Restaurant, Good Seasons, MCI, the Buick Park Avenue Ultra, Burger King, Almond Joy/Mounds, CBS This Morning, Kraft Catalina dressing, Quaker Rice Cakes, Chevrolet Lumina minivan, Taco Bell, Alamo Rent A Car, Murphy Brown, Love & War, Getting Gotti, 48 Hours, Renaissance Man, Tavist-D, Nissan 240SX, Nestle Sweet Success, MetLife, Era real estate, Northern Exposure, The Late Show with David Letterman, Paramount's Kings Island, BP, the Pontiac Trans Sport, Mazda Millenia, Monroe Sensa-trac, Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats, Burger King, LensCrafters, L'Oreal, Evening Shade, 704 Hauser, Century 21 real estate, America's Dairy Farmers/National Dairy Board- cheese, Efidac/24, TrueValue, Denny's, Mott's apple juice, EyeMasters, Cedar Point, Geraldo, TrustMark, Energizer, Dow Bathroom Cleaner with Scrubbing Bubbles, AT&T, Menendez: A Killing In Beverly Hills, Lactaid, Clariol Nice 'n Easy, Nabisco Frosted Wheat Bites, Eye To Eye with Connie Chung, Pontiac Grand Am, People magazine, Visa, the Ford Taurus, M&M's, Polaroid Captiva, Kellogg's Crispix, Picket Fences, Mercury Villager, Downy, Mighty Dog, When A Man Loves A Woman, Walt Disney World, Reden-Budders, Keystone beer, ComfortWear Carpet Cushion, Sealy Posturepedic, Quaker Toasted Oatmeal, Fiddler on the Roof at the Cleveland Opera's State Theatre, the Eagles World Tour 1994 at Cleveland Municipal Stadium, Montel, Bertice Berry, and more.

Пікірлер: 14

  • @leet7489
    @leet7489Ай бұрын

    idk why but its really funny hearing people say oriental in commercials

  • @jessecoffey4737
    @jessecoffey4737Ай бұрын

    This must be from WJW's VERY last days as a CBS station; in the 1994-95 season, TV8 became a Fox station.

  • @rudyiraheta80


    Ай бұрын

    wjw was independent

  • @jessecoffey4737


    Ай бұрын

    @@rudyiraheta80 It never was. Stop lying to everyone.

  • @justinharvey1355
    @justinharvey1355Ай бұрын

    6:04 The Phantom Of The Opera at the Pantages Theater, Toronto.

  • @chenowethrules9539
    @chenowethrules9539Ай бұрын

    I think I know who you bought this from on eBay. I bought a tape lot from him recently as well. He has a lot of Cleveland and Akron TV recordings ranging from 1993 to 2006, even though he's not from the area himself. Many overnight recordings from local stations as well. Would be amazing if he had any overnight airchecks of WJW from the summer of 1994 that contained any episodes of the short-lived Valley of the Dolls soap opera.

  • @jelanimclean6326
    @jelanimclean6326Ай бұрын

    8:11: Buick Park Avenue In Los Angeles.

  • @rudyiraheta80


    Ай бұрын

    type 8:13

  • @jelanimclean6326
    @jelanimclean6326Ай бұрын

    18:57: Mazda Millenia.

  • @jelanimclean6326
    @jelanimclean6326Ай бұрын

    4:42: New Aspire From Ford.

  • @jelanimclean6326
    @jelanimclean6326Ай бұрын

    15:13: New 240SX.

  • @rudyiraheta80


    Ай бұрын

    type 15:11

  • @jelanimclean6326
    @jelanimclean6326Ай бұрын

    18:27: New Trans Sport By Pontiac.