Marco Bülow - Demonstrate in Lützerath and then vote in favor of the company-friendly coal phase-out

"I don't want to push this off, but of course the media publicity is one reason, which only excludes certain things, e.g. that a federal government is actually the 'executor'. You hear in all the news that 'the federal government has decided'. The federal government cannot 'decide', only the Bundestag [parliament] can 'decide'. But that's why the Bundestag is already switched off beforehand, because that's how it's perceived publicly and nobody would stand up to do 'that'. Then you have a situation like the one I just described with some MPs, which is exactly the same, where at some point there is a bondage or at least a dependency on these companies.
Take a look at this Bundestag. You always hope that when the younger people come in, things will be different. There have never been so many younger people in this Bundestag as there are now. Young Greens and Young Socialists have more MPs than the entire FDP. They could tear the place apart. They were revolutionary before they came in. Especially the young Greens who were still protesting in Lützerath. Demonstrate in Lützerath, but then decide on the coal phase-out with all the RWE subsidies in the Bundestag with ... no votes against. One, sorry, one then refused the vote. And that shows the whole system. Because they know, 'oh, I want to get back into the Bundestag'. I have nothing more to say if I oppose it now, so I'll submit, and if I subordinate myself, then I only have advantages. And the system has become so ... these rules of the game which are completely undemocratic, which most people don't know outside, has become so well established, especially among the governing parties or those close to the government, or at the latest when they are in government, that it works.
I will give one final example, because he is also known here, Sven Giegold. I know him personally and I've appreciated him for a long time and we've also done events together. This is someone at Attac who [campaigned] for the financial transaction tax. He even helped to publicize it and ... who has, for a long time, tried to impress it upon politics, who now sits in the government as Secretary of State. Even he didn't try to bring that in either, because you mentioned regarding the current administration, because now he's Secretary of State, he doesn't need that anymore. I don't even need to go into [Kevin] Kühnert and others, what they said just a few months or a few years ago, that's all over once you have an important office or mandate. For some it takes a little longer ... for some it doesn't take quite as long. That's priced in, so to speak. And if you don't change this system, that's why I always say that, there is no point in arguing about individual issues, if you don't change the system, it won't change, no matter who is in power. No matter which color you change. Then you may have a different impression that the Greens are perhaps a little more idealistic after all. At the latest when they are in government, and that was already the case under the Red/Greens, by the way, so it's no longer a surprise to me, we went along with all the shit, sorry, that the SPD did back then, only the SPD was then always arrested ... that [the Greens] in the current administration are no different than SPD and FDP does not surprise me at all."
FABIO DE MASI & MARCO BÜLOW: [Tracing the money] Die Spur des Geldes, Martin Sonneborn's channel:

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  • @strive340
    @strive3404 ай бұрын

    Finally someone who is speaking to how the government has placed our young revolutionaries with slogans and keywords, armed with images as a reserve army for global financial and political trading of latent resources. The young revolutionaries are the Bitcoin of the liberal state.