Étienne Balibar - On Althusser and theoretical antihumanism

"So Althusser found himself hit in the back by the accusation 'we know only too well why you are against humanism. That's because you defend brutal policies, dictatorial regimes, inhuman concepts of politics, [...] so he struggled to explain that the theoretical anti-humanism he had been talking about was not of course a practical anti-humanism.."
Critique 5/13: Louis Althusser | Reading Capital
• Critique 5/13: Louis A...
Excerpt from Louis Althusser, ideology and ideological state apparatuses:

"Why is the educational apparatus in fact the dominant Ideological State Apparatus in capitalist social formations, and how does it function? For the moment it must suffice to say:

1. All Ideological State Apparatuses, whatever they are, contribute to the same result: the reproduction of the relations of production, i.e. of capitalist relations of

2. Each of them contributes towards this single result in the way proper to it. The political apparatus by subjecting individuals to the political State ideology, the ‘indirect’ (parliamentary) or ‘direct’ (plebiscitary or fascist) ‘democratic’ ideology. The communications apparatus by cramming every ‘citizen’ with daily doses of nationalism, chauvinism, liberalism, moralism, etc, by means of the press, the radio and television. The same goes for the cultural apparatus (the role of sport in chauvinism is of the first importance), etc. The religious apparatus by recalling in sermons and the other great ceremonies of Birth, Marriage and Death, that man is only ashes, unless he loves his neighbour to the extent of turning the other cheek to whoever strikes first. The family apparatus ...but there is no need to go on. "

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  • @fredwelf8650
    @fredwelf8650 Жыл бұрын

    "I have said elsewhere, and will repeat here, that we should. in the strict sense, speak of Marx's theoretical anti-humanism. The reason that I earlier used the phrase 'Marx's theoretical antihumanism' (just as I propose to speak of the anti-historicism, anti-evolutionism, and anti-structuralism of Marxist theory) ;~ to emphasize the relentlessly polemical aspect of the break. Marx had to effect 1r in order to thInk and articulate his discovery. It was also in order to indicate that this polemic is by no mfeans behind us: we have to pursue, even today, in the face of the same ideological prejudices, the same theoretical struggle, Without seeing it end any time soon. We are not labouring under any ilIusions: theoretical humanism has a long and very bright future ahead of it. We shall not have settled accounts with it by spring, any more than we shall have severed accounts with evolutionist, historicist or structuralIst ldeologles. To speak of Marx's rupture with Theoretical Humanism is a very precise thesis: if Marx broke with this ideology, that means he had espoused it; if he had espoused it (and it was a consummated marriage), that means it existed. There are very many imaginary wives in the unions consecrated by the ~history of theories, even in that particular field of theories represented by the imaginary field of ideologies. The Theoretical Humanism Marx espoused was that of Feuerbach." Excerpt from Althusser 2003 "The Humanist Controversy and Other Writings" p233

  • @Grappapappa


    4 ай бұрын

    I am a Finn living in Bulgaria at the moment and I cannot really understand how somebody can still defend Marxism.

  • @fredwelf8650


    4 ай бұрын

    @@Grappapappa This short discussion on humanism is a value debate about humanism and anti-humanism. Humanism means that humans are the measure of all things. Feuerbach proposed a humanism that thrives on political discussion which Marx rejected. Marx's definition of humanism was militant struggle against the institutions that were coercive and exploitative. Humanism is Feuerbach's abstract notion as supposedly humanitarian. For Marx, human nature is a product of social conditions and historically determined social relationships. Also, humanism, for Marx, was scientific and addressed social problems, not superstitions or mysticism. When you say you don't understand Marxism, then you are not aware of the gross economic inequality between nations and social groups! How do you understand the reactions that large groups are having to colonialism or terrorism?

  • @Grappapappa


    4 ай бұрын

    @@fredwelf8650 I understand those as people having troubles of moving on. Socialism destroyed most of Africa, not Western colonialism.

  • @fredwelf8650


    4 ай бұрын

    @@Grappapappa isn’t socialism a form of capitalism on steroids

  • @Grappapappa


    4 ай бұрын

    @@fredwelf8650How the hell should I know?