Adam Tooze - The US, hegemony and the 'doves'.

"Basically, in the Biden administration, the 'doves' are the most significant because you can see they're trying to talk their way out of it. Because they're reasonable liberal people...they're good to eat out with, they're super-smart. You'd like to say 'just like us', in a way very European-oriented, holidaying in Europe all the time. Their children want to live in Berlin Kreuzberg and what they don't want to say openly....we claim world domination and hegemony, forever...that is what they want don't tell them, because they know that sounds unreasonable, so you can talk to them, you ask them, ok,...
- Yes, the king does not have to say that he is the king.
Exactly. They are asked, 'Do I understand you correctly, you have nothing against the growth and broad development of Chinese society? She says, 'Absolutely not. Fine. totally for it. How could I be against it?' And then you ask them, 'But am I correct in assuming that you cannot stand by and watch as China develops massive competence in crucial, strategic sectors of the economy? Yes, that would be completely unreasonable, I cannot stand by that at all! That would be irresponsible to the American people and our historical mission. Then you ask back: 'Ok, you're pro-Chinese economic growth and development, but just not in all the crucial areas.
Then she's like, 'Yeah, that's what I'm for... that's absolutely my offer. Sullivan then spelled it out: 'An allotment garden with high fences'. This is literally 'as cute as it gets'. 'A small yard with high walls.' Yellen was there and said bluntly to the Chinese, 'All that we are doing now with these sanctions against Huawei, in the chip area, does not affect Chinese economic development at all. What we do ... very carefully, that's very limited, we only protect our security interests.
And she kind of expected that to be taken seriously, even though she was Huawei...Huawei was the fourth largest private R&D investor in the entire world...Huawei, so really the crown jewel of the Chinese economy. They bombed it like drones. I mean, they dismantled this company. You wanted to put the boss's daughter in jail. They mobilized all of Europe against Huawei... It's unbelievable. I mean, you can say Huawei poses a security threat, can be... the British intelligence services have searched endlessly and found nothing. Huawei's software is simply full of holes. It seems everyone can use it. The Americans as well as the Chinese... It's just not very safe.
But the point is, one cannot say that such a measure is harmless. There's a lot that can be said about that, but what they're kind of failing to say is, 'Yes, we're waging economic warfare now... yes, indeed, we're taking it seriously. This is bitter and hard now and it will not be good for you, but we are now using all our powers to stop you in all these areas. That is our declared goal. And the interest is in securing America's power, why? Because we are the world's leading democracy, and so we fulfill the mission of progress... - The historical mission.
- Manifest Destiny
Yes absolutely. If you scratch just a little bit, they're like, 'Yeah, Adam, you know...but ultimately we're on the side of good.'
Wirtschaftshistoriker Adam Tooze über US-Hegemonie, Kapitalismus & Klima - Jung & Naiv: Folge 650 (ca. 1:08:00)

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