Mapping Historical Boundaries in the Digital Age by Scott Lloyd

Mapio Terfynau Hanesyddol yn yr Oes Ddigidol gan Scott Lloyd
Roedd Cymru’r Oesoedd Canol wedi’i rhannu’n deyrnasoedd, cantrefi a chymydau, yn ogystal â phlwyfi, trefgorddau a maenorau. Mae’r terfynau hyn wedi newid dros amser a gellir deall y broses hon drwy wneud defnydd medrus o fapiau, siarteri, grantiau tir, cylchdeithiau ac archaeoleg dirweddol, gan fanteisio ar yr archifau helaeth sydd ar gael ar gyfer astudio hanes Cymru. Gall technegau digidol ein galluogi i fapio’r terfynau hyn a’r newidiadau iddynt yn fanylach nag erioed o’r blaen. Yn y sgwrs hon byddwn yn egluro’r broses a rhai o’r cymhlethdodau lawer sydd ynghlwm wrthi!
Mae’r ymchwil hwn yn rhan allweddol o’r prosiect Mapio Dwfn Archifau Ystadau, sy’n cael ei ariannu gan Gyngor Ymchwil y Celfyddydau a’r Dyniaethau a’i arwain gan Sefydliad Ymchwil Ystadau Cymru. Mae’r Comisiwn Brenhinol, Prifysgol Aberystwyth, Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, ac Archifau Gogledd Ddwyrain Cymru yn bartneriaid yn y prosiect.
• Llwyfan y prosiect, cliciwch ar y rhestr haenau ar y dde ar y brig a dewiswch yr haenau, dylech geisio chwyddo’r map ychydig os nad ydyn nhw ar gael
• Mapiau Degwm Cymru o LlGC
• Archifau Sir Ddinbych
Mapping Historical Boundaries in the Digital Age by Scott Lloyd
Medieval Wales was divided into kingdoms, cantrefs and commotes, as well as parishes, townships, and manors. These boundaries have changed over time and this process can be understood through the skilful use of maps, charters, land grants, perambulations and landscape archaeology, exploiting the vast archives available for the study of Welsh history. Digital techniques can allow us to accurately map these boundaries and their changes in more detail than ever before. This talk will discuss how we go about this process and some of the many complexities involved!
This research forms a major part of the Deep Mapping Estate Archives project, funded by the AHRC, led by the Institute for the Study of Welsh Estates at Bangor University and in partnership with the Royal Commission and Aberystwyth University, National Library of Wales, and the North East Wales Archives.
• The project platform, click on layer list top right and select the layers, zoom in a bit if they are not available
• The Tithe maps of Wales from the NLW
• Denbighshire Archives

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  • @anndaley4001
    @anndaley40012 жыл бұрын

    Chester Landscape History Society This was really appreciated by those members who could not attend the recent talk you gave to us