Jenny Alexander: Recovering Self-Worth after His Infidelity | Life-Saving Divorce

Jenny Alexander's journey is a remarkable testament to the power of recovery and hope. Despite the devastation caused by her Christian husband's secret life, multiple affairs, coldness, and financial betrayals during their marriage, she found herself trapped by self-doubt and insecurity, convinced that she would never be desired by anyone else.
Battling with low self-worth, she carried the burden of worry, concerned about the opinions of others and the potential impact of a divorce on her step-daughter's life. Little did she know that the support from her friends and family would surpass her expectations, and her step-daughter would demonstrate a level of understanding she couldn't have imagined.
Additionally, Jenny discovered a deeper connection with her faith in the Lord, which provided solace and guidance throughout the challenging process of divorce, helping her find confidence in God's love for her.
Today, Jenny stands as a beacon of resilience, having navigated through the storm of anger and betrayal to find healing on the other side.
Despite remaining single for nine years, she clung to the hope that her dream of a fulfilling marriage was not lost. And indeed, her patience paid off when she met her new husband, who proved to be worth every moment of the wait. Their marriage is a beautiful manifestation of the love and companionship she yearned for but feared she might never experience.
Jenny's life is now filled with joy as a contented housewife and accomplished author residing in Ontario, Canada. She embraces her creative passions wholeheartedly, indulging in sketching, playing the violin, and writing. Her dedication to personal growth is evident in her educational achievements, holding a Masters in Human Services Counselling from Liberty University.
Her website address is
Her course is found at
Her book is on Amazon:
Gretchen Baskerville is a Christian divorce recovery leader and researcher. Since 1998, she has worked in churches in the Los Angeles area. She helps heartbroken people find strength, courage, and healing. For more than 20 years she has worked with Christian women and men going through difficult, life-saving divorces, listening with compassion to those who have suffered from domestic violence, betrayal, infidelity, addicted partners, and emotional abuse.
Herself the survivor of a toxic marriage, she walked through her own lifesaving divorce and was a single mother for many years. Today she is happily remarried. She is a graduate of Wheaton College with a degree in Bible and Christian Education.
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What's a Life-Saving Divorce? A Life-Saving Divorce is a divorce for serious reasons: a pattern of sexual immorality, physical abuse, chronic emotional abuse, domestic violence, felony behavior, life-destroying addictions, or abandonment/neglect.
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