Is your child suffering from greying of hair?

Premature hair greying is seen very commonly in children as young as 6-7 years old.
Early greying of hair in children is due to nutritional deficiencies such a zinc, copper, selenium, folic acid and other group B vitamins.
At Ramaiah Ayurveda, we treat early greying of hair by improving the nutrition of the child, rectifying their diet and lifestyle.
Ayurveda also pays keen attention to gut health.Poor gut health impacts absorption of nutrients which can be the underlying cause behind premature hair greying.
Ayurveda medicines which aid in enhancing nutrition to scalp and hair roots also helps in preventing progression of hair greying in children. #greyingofhair #B12vitamins # chyawanprash #pumpkinseeds #selinumnutrition deficiency #child health #balanceddeit Ayurveda #RamaiahAyurveda #whitehair #greyingof Hair#folicacid#nuts#greenvegitables#howtostopgreyingofhair#child nutrition
