Age related Macular Degeneration - Eye treatment in Ayurveda

Age related Macular Degeneration:
Eye is a tiny precious organ. As we age, the organ tends to go weak due to various factors. Cataract, Macular degeneration, Retinopathy are few to name. Nutrition, Genetics, few metabolic diseases results in age related ocular diseases
AMD - Age related Macular Degeneration is one among the conditions that affects eye post 50 years. The most central part of retina, responsible for vision gets affected resulting in reduced central vision, difficult day vision & wavy straight objects. Ayurveda can help in slowing down the progression of the condition and also in improving the quality of vision through its time tested local therapies called Kriyakalpas, Panchakarma and excellent oral medications.
We in Ramaiah Ayurveda meticulously manage the condition with the help of above therapies, specific dietic recommendations and life style changes.
