'I Smile Back' Trailer - [Favorite Trailers of 2015]


'I Smile Back' Trailer | Vendor: Zealot Inc.
This is not a trailer of big moments but one of many small choices that add up to a quietly heartbreaking piece. A somber piano and string cue begins gently, adding a mournful weight to Silverman’s pained look at 00:21. Then there’s the nice mini-montage at 00:33 and clever matched action at 00:42 from cocaine snort to cake frosting on nose. One particularly odd choice I didn’t even notice until a few watches in - at 1:01 the opening line “Rise and shine beautiful” repeats, playing now off a nearly passed out Silverman as a sad judgment. The piano takes off into the backend, a disconcerting build of a character figuratively and literally losing control.

