hyrox sandbag lunges tips // hyrox sandbag lunges training // hyrox training tips to go faster


hyrox sandbag lunges tips // hyrox sandbag lunges training // hyrox training tips to go faster
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The sand bag lunges are the 7th functional exercise stations at HYROX and here are five tips to help you prepare to go faster on this station in your next race.
An obvious but often over looked place to start, that can inform how you train for this event is the race rules for this exercise station. It is one of the stricter movement standards and knowing exactly what is going to be required of you on the day and how you can both avoid penalties and if completing in the doubles maximise the efficiency of transitions of the sand bag between partners are critical.
Unlike for example the kettlebell farmers carry, you can’t put the sand bag down at any point during the station without receiving a penalty and this has implications for how we train for this station. We want to train to get as a comfortable as we can be, with having that sand bag sitting continually on our shoulders for a good amount of time, training over and above the 100m distance by for example adding an extra 1 - 2 minutes of distance beyond the initial 100m distance will result in having trained this station endurance well beyond what it is likely to take you on the day, meaning this should feel both easier and quicker on the day.
Efficient transitions with the sandbag between partners if you are completing in hyrox doubles is another easy way to save time on this station, the race rules state the sand bag must be passed either side to side or back to back, so practising these transitions in the gym with your partner ahead of the race can save seconds on the day, also swapping at the changeover direction points in the station (as demonstrated by master hyrox coach and hyrox open WR holder Jake here) can be optimum and will tend to be where we’ve got more room to get side to side or back to back with your partner for the transition.
When you train and programme this exercise station in your workouts and training is another key factor, it comes at a point in the race where your body will have gone through a lot already and therefore training this station at the latter end or stages of your workouts and training will give you and your body the most realistic simulation of how you are likely to be feeling come this station and ensure this doesn’t catch you by surprise on race day.
On all the exercise stations the lunges is one of the most common stations where athletes will experience cramps in the legs during the station itself, there are number of ways to we can avoid, reduce, alleviate and get rid of cramp should it flare up during our race.
It terms of preventing them in the first place, ensuring we’ve taken on enough electrolytes ahead of your race, is going to go some way to helping you stave off the on-set of muscle cramps.
If and when they do come on, avoiding panicking and instead pausing on the lunges and taking a few deep breaths to get the oxygen in and moving around your body will help to relive the cramp.
Another principle and technique to think about and try and apply is keeping your upper body in particular relaxed through the movement, being tense and holding tension in parts of your body where you don’t need to, it going to be counter-productive and not help.
Somebody I’ve seen do this really well with their technique is Hyrox master trainer Jake, you can see in this footage he is super relaxed through that upper body as he goes through the up and down lunge motion.
There are 7 other exercise stations at hyrox and for tips to go faster on those, checkout these videos next. • HYROX exercise station...

