How To Master Mindful Leadership with Zen Practitioner Marc Lesser

Through the integration of Zen meditation and mindfulness into leadership and personal growth, you can cultivate self-awareness, manage stress, and improve communication in your professional and personal life.
Marc Lesser is a speaker, facilitator, workshop leader, and executive coach. He is known for his engaging, experiential presentations that integrate mindfulness and emotional intelligence practices and training. He is the author of 5 books, including Finding Clarity: How Compassionate Accountability Builds Vibrant Relationships, Thriving Workplaces, and Meaningful Lives, and CEO of ZBA Associates, an executive development and leadership consulting company. His podcast Zen Bones: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times features cutting-edge interviews, supportive tools for creating more meaningful work, and potent mindfulness practices to develop yourself, influence your organization, and change the world.
Key Takeaways:
The Power of Zen for Leadership and Personal Growth: Zen practice and meditation offer valuable tools for developing concentration, mindfulness, and compassion, which are essential for effective leadership and personal growth.
Mindfulness-Based EQ: Integrating mindfulness-based emotional intelligence with meditation practices can enhance communication, trust, and alignment within organizations.
Shedding Mental Barriers: Recognizing and letting go of resistance and unhelpful mental models is crucial for personal and professional growth.
Balancing Compassion and Accountability: Compassionate accountability, which balances performance and results with trust and empathy, is a key concept for creating effective and harmonious workplaces.
Nurturing Inner Growth: Cultivating self-awareness, curiosity, and the willingness to face difficulties head-on is essential for personal and professional development.
