How to Increase Volleyball Arm Speed: Body Rotation Strategy


Volleyball is a sport that demands power and speed, but achieving these goals can be difficult. This video will show you how to increase your arm speed by using a body rotation strategy. By using this strategy, you'll be able to hit the ball with greater power and speed. So don't wait any longer, check out this video and see how you can increase your volleyball arm speed!
In this video Powercore 360 Founder Billy Glisan shows how turning or rotational movements of the shoulder, upper spine & hips create hip & shoulder separation in the volleyball spike or when trying to hit a volleyball harder. Hip & shoulder separation is really good because it immediately increases power, arm speed and ball speed because it engages the strong, powerful muscles of the core.
If athletes will learn how to rotate these body parts they will hit harder and avoid common injuries to the hitting shoulder and back which are associated with spiking or hitting.

