How to build confidence | Stop comparing yourself to others & become the person you want to be


Stop comparing yourself to other people. Stop. No matter what your goal is, whether it’s to lose weight, grow your audience online, pay off debt or make more money I want you to keep this in mind. Everybody is on their own journey & comparing yourself & where you are to others isn’t a fair comparison.
It’s you vs you.
Compare yourself to yourself. Where you were last week, last month, last year & celebrate yourself. Don’t compare yourself to others.
I used to get caught in this cycle of comparing myself to other women. Consistently feeling like I wasn’t pretty enough, skinny enough, good enough for anything, even when I did start to work on myself I would compare myself & that kept me in this cycle of starting & stopping then starting again.
It wasn’t until I stopped looking at others & started focusing on myself that my attitude towards myself started to change. I learned to celebrate the small wins & that helped me keep going. I really learned to do this when I started doing jiu jitsu. It was about what I could do and how I could adjust to my body vs what others far ahead of me were doing.
I learned to look at others as inspiration, seeing the results they had by the habits they had as ways I could improve my life & habits.
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