Head coverings, imprisonment and marriage! NT Wright's 3 questions for the Apostle Paul

The table is turned and Tom Wright shares what he would ask the Apostle Paul if he had the chance. What did Paul mean in 1 Corinthians 11 exactly when he talks about women wearing head covering's in church? ⛪️ What happened during Paul's imprisonment in Ephesus that led to the incredible suffering-poetry of Philippians 2 and Colossians 1? 📝 And was Paul ever married and if so, what happened to his wife -- 👀 did she leave him, did she die?
Find out more and dig into the person of Paul through Tom's historical and theological telling: Paul: A Biography shorturl.at/3XJTA
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Ask NT Wright Anything Podcast
The show that connects you to NT (Tom) Wright’s thoughts and theology through your questions. Produced by Premier Unbelievable in partnership with SPCK and NTWrightOnline.
About NT (Tom) Wright: Tom Wright is one of the world’s leading New Testament scholars and the author of numerous books including Surprised by Hope, The Day The Revolution Began, Paul: A Biography and most recently Jesus and the Powers. He will be on the Unbelievable show talking about this very soon. Tom Wright is senior research fellow at Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford. Wright is ordained in the Church of England and, among other roles, served as Bishop of Durham between 2003 - 2010. He is much in demand as a lecturer around the world and the author for the bestselling For Everyone commentary series and the New Testament For Everyone Bible translation.

Пікірлер: 44

  • @CaryHawkins
    @CaryHawkins27 күн бұрын

    I LOVE Dr. Heiser's work on the head coverings passage! It makes way more sense than any alternative I've heard/read given the medical understanding of a woman's hair at that time, and its role in reproductivity. Marry that with the Divine Council Worldview and the fall of the Watchers who came into the daughters of man in Genesis 6:2, and it makes so much sense. Basically, hair was viewed as a sex organ, and you covered it for modesty like you would cover your genitals. Paul wanted to avoid anything that might contribute to another angelic fall.

  • @ReverendDr.Thomas


    26 күн бұрын

    In the towns and cities of India, one can see many STRAY COWS wandering around, displaying their teats. Similarly, in the Western cities, one can see women wandering the dangerous streets alone, displaying their bosoms and other bodily parts. Such loose women are no better than STRAY COWS.

  • @Mr.Harper-


    26 күн бұрын

    See I understand how this could be an interpretation if that's how women's hair was viewed back then but I don't think that women's hair was viewed that way. Mike Winger has an amazing video about this passage where he talks about all these issues very in depth.

  • @Lumina_neamurilor
    @Lumina_neamurilor23 күн бұрын

    We live in times of greater rebelion against God’s rule. The Word of God is very clear on the head covering issue, yet modern teachers find it puzzling because they cannot divorce themselves from worldly thinking and insist interpreting the Bible through a postmodern lens. Head covering is: 1. A sign. Therefore it is not bound by cultural or temporal constraints. Such a spiritual sign that is meant even for the angels to take notice of (1 Corinthians 11:2), does not go out of effect when man decides it isn't fassionable anymore or no longer part of culture. It remains. Angels are eternal beings. The sign has not been replaced with another. Therefore removing the sign is nothing but a counter-sign in instelf. A breaking of yoke of sorts. King Jesus said:" Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:29-30). Men do this rebelious fashion thing also, they wear hats today when praying. This is also a sign. Both are upside-down (men covering, women not covering), a sign of rebelion and dishonoring Christ, though some may be ignorant of their state of rebelion for which this is an outward visible sign. If they're so obedient in their heart, what stops them from obeying the Bible? What's the motive for constantly questioning what It says? A disobedient heart. 2. It is a statement of submission. Submission is an intricate part of love, much like faithfulness. Today people are unfaithful but try to say that doesn't mean they aren't loving. That's a lie of course, because the Bible teaches love is faithful. And so also submission is repulsive to the modern nostrils because we have smoked the weed of pride to such a level of high, that submission, which is the antithesis of pride, makes us woozy. Of course we continue to lie through our teeth, saying we are so ful of love though we despise submission. That is why we hate women's head coverings. We make fun of dads and men in general. We are a self reliant proud modern army of rebels who think they can coerce God to change His standards and precepts and practice to fit our "emancipated" standards. We pretty important you know... That's why you see this being a problem proportionately larger where the pride is bigger, in the west. 3. It is purposefully hiding man's glory (1 Corinthians 11:7). At all times the Christian, but particularly when praying, must humble ourselves. Read and understand, man's glory. Man's glory! What is it? Look at the recorded history on film since its inception. From silent movies to the latest movies and TV shows of today one can see one thick bold strand that's there thoughout despite what the movie pretends to be about. It's the desire for, and focus on beautiful women. The hero "always gets the girl"... THINK! The human eye can not get enough of beautiful women as the soil can never get enough water. Why? The Bible tells us our nature: outward human beauty and impressiveness, of which women are the best representatives, is what man craves. Man wants to look upon glory. We love to look at monumental castles and other edifice. Why? Glory is an ointment to our eyes. And nothing more desirable than the glory of man as displayed in beautiful women. The Apostle recognizes the great function hair has in man's glory/beauty when he points to women shaving their heads. Where would the glory be in that? Gone. People would stare not because she is so gloriously beautiful but because of how ugly she now is. It is an exaggeration meant to show how unimportant our earthly glory is, and why we must turn away from it, by covering it. Not because we should be ashamed of our beauty. No. God clearly displayed His awesome creative power and done it most explicitly in how he made humankind. So nothing to be ashamed of there. But the problem is we are in a fallen state, not exactly as He created us. And that fallen state alters our senses. Like a drug addict who doesn't have the sense to stop obsessing over drugs. So do all humans obsess over human glory. That is why the Christian must cover it. Because that glory leads us to death. Our ways have lead us to death. So we must not glory in our earthly ways, the way of the world, the pride of life. We are asked to even die to ourselves. And our modern world has found an even more tempting screw and self glorifier: tight or revealing clothing. That's why we mustn't wear bling, or anything that will make others delight in our apearance and attract the eyes of others. That's what the world does. Christian must be different. So if you want to keep your wonderful glorious hair, the Apostle is offering a simple practical solution. Cover it. Let your husband glory in your beauty at home. In church, show humility by covering your earthly glory. As we're supposed to be about a much greater, unseen, true glory. Cover that which is temporal, passing deceifuly beautiful, but not real, not lasting. The lasting glory will come for those whose eyes are on it, and not on this earthly glory, with which this generation is so much inlove.

  • @deborahgonzalezknight168


    17 күн бұрын

    Oh shut up.

  • @simonskinner1450
    @simonskinner145027 күн бұрын

    Ask Paul to expand on the Torah's given to Adam and Abraham which are the basis of the NT, as the Torah of Moses was fulfilled by Christ as prophesied in a new covenant.

  • @simonskinner1450
    @simonskinner145026 күн бұрын

    Simon in England asks: why Paul didn't announce the Torahs of Adam and Abraham when he wrote about them in Romans, and set aside the amendment given to Moses.

  • @lemnisgate8809
    @lemnisgate880926 күн бұрын

    Paul didn’t marry and recommended for others not to because he knew it wasn’t long before Jerusalem would fall having a family and small children to care for in those days would’ve been a tremendous burden.

  • @porscheguy19
    @porscheguy1926 күн бұрын

    The one thing he doesn't know is the single greatest thread in the Bible aside from the messianic line: the Tasso, or Order of God. He doesn't know what in the world Paul is talking about when he's talking about headship in 1Cor 11. I wish I was surprised, but the church has traded the truth for the philosophies of man. "Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things?"

  • @Mr.Harper-


    26 күн бұрын

    What exactly are you talking about here? Genuinely curious. What is this "Tasso" you speak of or "order of God"?

  • @porscheguy19


    26 күн бұрын

    @@Mr.Harper- The Order of God starts in the Garden of Eden when God pronounces the curse upon the man and the woman. The curse is a prescription for life in a fallen state. God lays out basic guidelines for our submission. This follows through the Order of Melchizedek, and Job... until God rebukes Israel in Malachi for breaking the order by leaving their first wives... and ends the book by declaring the reconciliation of children and fathers at the appearance of Elijah the prophet before the coming of the Messiah. Then in the New Testament, Jesus comes back as a priest in the Order of Melchizedek to reestablish the Order of God. And the Apostle Paul expounds upon the Greek name that the Gospel writers first gave it, from the root "tasso"... which is a military term that signifies the placing of one member over another in ranks. The idea is that Jesus is building an Order before God. Colossians 2:5. 1Cor 14:40. 1Thess 5:14. 2Thess 3:16. Acts 13:48. Luke 7:8. Matt 8:9. Romans 13:2. Luke 2:51, 10:17,18-20... Romans, Ephesians, Philippians, Titus, 1Peter, James... it's everywhere expounded and woven into the fabric of the Kingdom... So when Paul is expounding in 1Cor 11 where husbands and wives are placed inside this order... and how the man's headship is Christ, and the wife's headship is her husband - it is part of a HUGE thread throughout the whole Bible, especially the New Testament. It is not a standalone passage. It has it's roots in Genesis 3, and it's culmination in 1Peter. It is laying out very clearly that husbands and wives occupy different places of submission in God's order. And Paul reveals something absolutely astounding in 1Cor 15 when he tells us about the fulfillment of the Tasso - when Jesus finally redeems all of creation and defeats the last enemy - death - He will place himself at the very head of the Order and deliver it up to the Father. Christian theology has been robbed of one of the most important doctrines for a very long time by teachers that pander to modern ideas of equality and liberation in order to build great crowds for themselves. But the truth is right there in the Word. If you would like to seriously talk about this, let me know.

  • @porscheguy19


    25 күн бұрын

    @@Mr.Harper- I responded to you, but they deleted my comment.

  • @Mr.Harper-


    25 күн бұрын

    @@porscheguy19 yeah I can't see any other comment you may have made right now

  • @rossbingbong
    @rossbingbong27 күн бұрын

    Have you had an EEG (Electroencephalography) recently ?

  • @woohoo273
    @woohoo27327 күн бұрын

    The first thing I’d ask Paul is if he could believe 2,000 years have passed and Jesus is still a no-show.

  • @CaryHawkins


    27 күн бұрын

    He would be shocked for sure. He also would be surprised to learn about the Americas since Tarshish of Spain was where he thought the world ended on one side.

  • @randallhatcher6028


    27 күн бұрын

    He could answer you because he's with the Lord right now . The Bible says without faith it's impossible to please God. Paul kept the faith up to even his execution for not denying Jesus Christ resurrection and salvation by faith in the finished work of God 💪❣️

  • @randallhatcher6028


    27 күн бұрын

    Paul knows so he's not surprised of anything.

  • @simonskinner1450


    27 күн бұрын

    Paul would say read the gospel of John as he was the witness of Jesus coming. That is the subject of my Ytube video #25 'Myths in so-called Christianity'.

  • @redemption-leadership


    27 күн бұрын

    It was 4000 years from the first promise until Jesus’ arrival, so it's early days 😊

  • @raywingfield
    @raywingfield24 күн бұрын

    11 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women will be saved through childbearing-if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety. (1 Timothy 2:11-15) misogynist? women in the middle ages were more oppressed and subjugated then middle eastern women are today! Your faith has a long history of enslaving women.