Ghostbusters Comic Books: The Other Side | Divisive Issues (Archives)

The gang talks about this summer's most controversial topic, the Ghostbusters: The Other Side mini-series from 2008.
In this episode, we talk about IDW's attempt to relaunch the Ghostbusters franchise, The Other Side. We start by saying that the book has no charm of the original movie and then talk about how well it captures the charm of the original movie for an hour. We get really, really heated about something that definitely has a lot to do with Ghostbusters and nothing to do with sandwiches, I promise *crosses fingers behind back*. Sly is very animate that Ryan's whole life is a joke and wants to come to his house and do some terrible things to him, like making him eat a blooming onion from Arby's. Ryan's pretty harsh on Sly's sense of humor throughout the show. Phil tries to condemn J. Edgar Hoover to an eternity in pinko commie hell. Also note from the gang: mad about movie reboots, especially this one? We go back and forth on it, so either agree with us or fight us, we don't care. Just try to remember that rose tinted glasses are always greener on the other side.
