Nemesis & The Unfunnies: Mark Millar's Worst Comics | Divisive Issues (Archives)

The gang returns to Mark Millar's creator-owned Millarworld line of comics and explore the darkest corners and learn nothing of value before begging the question "Can we just not do this episode and forget it ever happened?" Nemesis by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven. The Unfunnies by Mark Millar and Anthony Williams.
In this episode, Mark Millar finds out we've been cheating on him with other writers and makes us do a double review, or at least we try. It's... just a big mess over here. First up is Nemesis, which is basically what if Batman is evil, says nothing but curses, breaks all rules of actual narrative structure, and becomes king of middle schoolers everywhere. He's also the world's greatest OB-GYN. Then The Unfunnies and the less said about that, the better. We really wish we could forget that one. Darryl's back because he actually requested a Millar book, so blame him for this, we sure as hell do. Ryan is animate that of all the flaws in this story, the only unforgivable ones are bad riddles. Sly makes a compelling case for Nietzsche being the original edgelord. Phil reveals the secret origin of bitcoin and all goes according to keikaku. And this time it's not Phil's cat, but Ryan's dog barking. Whoops.

