Get Answers Sooner about Autism with this Saliva Test from Clarifi

Did you know that according to the CDC, 1 in 59 children in the U.S. are diagnosed with autism? My family is very familiar with this because my twin brother is one of those people.
In the 80’s there weren’t many resources for my parents to turn to to get answers or support for my brother. Today ASD can be clinically diagnosed as early as 2 years of age, but the average age of diagnosis is currently 4 years of age.
Thankfully there is new technology that can help. I discovered @clarifiasd which is a safe and easy to administer saliva test that evaluates children 18 months through 6 years for autism spectrum disorder. Instead of waiting months for diagnosis, results get sent to your doctor in 3-6 weeks. It’s very exciting that this game changing technology will soon be available to families! They’ll be able to get answers faster and find support sooner, which is what all families need when navigating this winding road trying to provide the best for their children.
I wish we would have had this tool when my brother and I were kids because we would have had answers sooner which means we would have found help sooner. But luckily now YOU do. ❤️ For more information about Clarifi visit 💕

