Gautrain e-Lounge with Thabo ”T-Bose” Mokwele.

“…When We Learn from Each Other, That’s when we learn more about ourselves….”
We are excited to bring you our first Gautrain Management e-Lounge session with Thabo Mokwele also known as T-Bose. Thabo does not only have more than three decades of radio broadcasting a multitude of topics, that not only invoked human introspection but also carried long term discussions outside the airwaves.
We would be delighted if you could join us on this first 2023 #GautrainELounge session on T-Bose’s book Pause, “a compilation of Thabo’s pearls of wisdom and lessons about life. God, money, relationships, parenting and most importantly, self-mastery”.
#GautrainJourneys #WhyItMatters
