

SUBSCRIBE for more videos and don't forget to share your pics and progress with me by tweeting and instagramming with the hashtag #Fitfor15 I LOVE seeing how you guys are getting on, well done everyone :) x More info below!
Alcohol makes us all feel rubbish the next day, it's really not great for you and your body. It's empty calories, you crave more alcohol, it can cause you to over eat, it's the last thing you want to drink if you're really trying to loose weight!
If you are going to drink it, make sure it's part of your treat meal and not something you do too often. Spirits contain the least amount of calories, so the clearer the drink, the less bad it is for you.
Guys, alcohol reduces testosterone, which isn't great if you're trying to build muscle mass! So if you want big guys like Hugh, stay away from alcohol!
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