Finding the energy we need, all around us by Jason Mraz | Meditative Story

In 2009, Grammy Award winning singer-songwriter Jason Mraz is having one of the busiest years of his life. A nonstop tour schedule and monotonous daily routine have completely drained him of the energy he needs to create - the one thing that gives him the most joy. In this episode, Jason shares how an opportunity to disconnect on a four-day hike through the Peruvian Andes is just what he needs to remind himself that there is an infinite source of energy all around us.
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In each episode of Meditative Story, a different storyteller uses high-sensory storytelling techniques to transport listeners to a time and place where everything changed for them.
As the story unfolds, our host and mindfulness guide. Rohan Gunatillake, offers gentle mindfulness prompts embedded in line with the story itself, prompting listeners to settle more deeply in story details, and connect with their own observations.
The entire experience is elevated by gorgeous, originally composed musical arrangements by WaitWhat music director Ryan Holladay, which rides ethereally above the story. Shifting between music and vibration, the innovative sound design brings the story to life, and transforms the listener’s state of mind.

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  • @PaulBrady1
    @PaulBrady12 ай бұрын

    I love this so much. Just magical. Thank you, Jason!

  • @RobinSnuttjer
    @RobinSnuttjer2 ай бұрын

    This brings up so much for me that I don't think I can express it all. I'll just say this : the last time I was in NYC, I was only there for one day. We were spending the night in a hostel in the bowery, and as I sat with a man who I now refer to as ex-fiancé #2 outside the Fiat Cafe in honor of ex-fiancé #1, I thought to wonder what it felt like to be a mitochondria in the body of the Universe. Then I did a bit of a face palm. Of Course! We are, all life and Earth together, a mitochondion of the Universe. So now, when I feel my identity becoming - difficult, I refer to myself as "this bit of the Earth that got up andstarted walking around". Then I wish I was 30 again and still had young eyes with which to see the Earth. Mr. Mraz, please write a song about "fun clouds"! I've heard soooo many people talk so negatively about being foggy and cloudy because of covid... I don't feel that way. ❤