How I found kindness as my compass by Sharon Salzberg | Meditative Story

By the time Sharon Salzberg is 16 years old, she knows the people around her don’t admit to suffering, much less talk about it. A year later, she makes a life-changing decision to travel alone to India to study meditation. It doesn’t all go as expected. Through the journey’s disappointments, discomforts, and surprise lessons, she finds an unexpected friend: herself. In today’s Meditative Story, Sharon talks about how being kind, especially to herself, became her biggest mountain to climb.
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In each episode of Meditative Story, a different storyteller uses high-sensory storytelling techniques to transport listeners to a time and place where everything changed for them.
As the story unfolds, our host and mindfulness guide. Rohan Gunatillake, offers gentle mindfulness prompts embedded in line with the story itself, prompting listeners to settle more deeply in story details, and connect with their own observations.
The entire experience is elevated by gorgeous, originally composed musical arrangements by WaitWhat music director Ryan Holladay, which rides ethereally above the story. Shifting between music and vibration, the innovative sound design brings the story to life, and transforms the listener’s state of mind.

