Exercise Oncology Fitness Class in Cantonese


Welcome to our Exercise Oncology Class in Cantonese! In this class, Sam takes us through three exercise circuits.
歡迎來到我們的癌症腹康粵語運動班!在這堂課上,Sam 會帶領我們做三組運動。
The workout is based on the ACE Baseline program. Throughout the video, Sam demonstrates two difficulty levels of exercises. Please bear in mind your own fitness level/abilities as you complete the workout, and remember to be safe and fun!
這些運動鍛鍊是從Ace Baseline課中而成的。在整個影片中,Sam 示範兩個不同情度的運動扳本,大家可以根據自己的身體狀況去做,請大家最緊要注重安全和享受運動帶來樂趣!
For any questions regarding the workout’s content and for registration in future online or in-person exercise classes please email us at: wellnesslab@ucalgary.ca
Visit our website for more information about us and our programs at: kinesiology.ucalgary.ca/labs/..
You can also connect with us on social media:
Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook: @WellnessLabUofC
Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook: @WellnessLabUofC

