Episode 21 - Jeanette Mackesy Type 1 Diabetes

Episode 21 Long time friend Jeanette Mackesy come on the show and talk about her living with Type 1 Diabetes, This is a struggle she knows very well. As we talk about all types of diabetes including me having type 2 diabetes. I have to thank Jeanette telling her story and its amazing how and JDRF.org has helped her and others living with Diabetes. And now in July she will be riding her bike and I would love to help her meet her goal. so please help out Jeanette meet her goals and help JDRF finding new ways to help out with diabetes. Here is the links to JDRF and also Jeanette for donating to her cause.
IG - @jmackesy
IG- @JDRFmetro
Link for Donations - www2.jdrf.org/site/TR?fr_id=9119&pg=personal&px=1656679
