Don't Do Nothing campaign. Be an active bystander to stop bullying

This video is part of a campaign called “Don’t Do Nothing”, which aims to highlight to young people about what they could do as part of an active bystander to help prevent harm from happening to someone.
This video is one of three videos and highlights the issue around bullying. The video demonstrates the actions of three bullies against one individual that happened because nothing was done to try and prevent it. The victim highlights some key actions that could have been done and to remind the viewer (the active bystander) that they could have done something to help, but they didn’t.
An Active Bystander is someone who notices that something isn’t right, such as bullying, and takes an appropriate action to prevent future harm. It means recognising that something is not OK and without putting yourself at risk and to understand the options available.
Evidence shows that people are unlikely to intervene when in a group and the active bystander approach aims to improve confidence as to ways a person can safely challenge harmful language or behaviours when with peers.
Videos are to encourage meaningful discussion to highlight the positive role an active bystander can have. Further resources and information for young people is available at
The purpose of the campaign is for young people to think about what they could do when faced with unacceptable language or behaviours. They could:
Step up and call it out (if safe to do so), or check in on a friend
Say something that will help support a friend
Tell someone who can help, such as a teacher, parent or the emergency services
Based on ‘The behaviour we ignore, is the behaviour we accept!’ Only intervene if safe to do so, and if a situation escalates, call for help from an adult.
#dontdonothing #antibullyingweek #antibullying #bullying
Video credit: Prod Agency production, Kent School of Performing Arts
