Diversity and warhammer and whats next.


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Пікірлер: 73

  • @rutgaurxi7314
    @rutgaurxi7314Ай бұрын

    End point? Larry Fink wants to unironically rule over mankind, some could say like an emperor... He's just using various nefarious and dehumanizing means to it.

  • Ай бұрын

    Pretty sure only the Imperium will be allowed to be evil...

  • @AlaricScandoveski
    @AlaricScandoveskiАй бұрын

    Teifling in a wheel chair that's a rogue.....

  • @veameal9725


    Ай бұрын

    Brave. Stunning. Beautiful. Please take a seat at my table King/Queen/Xim/Xer! But first... roll me a dexterity saving throw.

  • @Tremezy


    Ай бұрын

    "Your wheels are squeaking - you'll roll stealth with disadvantage" 😂

  • @pubcle
    @pubcleАй бұрын

    Create your own, find anew, that's what I've been doing with D&D, Star Wars, Warhammer, etc. I got tired of my favorite stories being destroyed & decided to begin creating my own story properly. I've long loved worldbuilding, I must thank Disney for destroying my childhood, without it I may never have decided to write a story with an RPG to play in it, hire composers to get music, properly begin working at narrating my stories, & more such creative pursuits for the goals of creating something anew to replace that which was lost.

  • @khelom
    @khelomАй бұрын

    The end point ? Dépopulation.

  • @-nope3030
    @-nope3030Ай бұрын

    If you keep buying their products you are only supporting this. Opt out completely. That is the only way you will see change..Warhammer is done now, just like Star Wars etc. Vote with your wallet.

  • @Gordulan


    Ай бұрын

    Opt out financially, not completely. Opting out completely just leaves the field open for even more changes. Yarrharr your way forward and be vocal about that you are in fact sailing the seven seas for specific reasons until the changes are reversed and the overall direction of the company is going in a non-degen direction.

  • @-nope3030


    Ай бұрын

    @@Gordulan I think the best thing you can do is print, buy recasts or ebay models. I'd go as far to say that 40k hasn't been good since 4th ed anyway, so no need to chase the editions and do away with their paints and hobby materials because they are mediocre at best.

  • @coh2conscript851


    Ай бұрын

    @@-nope3030 Recasts are more realistically priced anyway.

  • @VictorKane115


    Ай бұрын

    At this point who is financing them, their customers, or BlackRock. If they are being paid to push the progressive bullcrap, then they won't care if you buy their stuff or not.

  • @corvus_armatura7595


    Ай бұрын

    @@-nope3030 But I like Knights... Well, at least till they made Armiger spam a thing.

  • @LeopoldZ
    @LeopoldZАй бұрын

    To me, the moral complexity in 40k comes from how utterly evil the emperium is. Surely all resistance must be justified? Yet every time someone tries to overthrow it it turns out worse.

  • @coh2conscript851


    Ай бұрын

    Awful writers maintaining the status quo by justifying one of the main evil factions is just mind boggling. Just let us see the imperium be evil by stomping on a rebellion that succeeded and actually was just objectively better instead of them immediately falling to chaos.

  • @LeopoldZ


    Ай бұрын

    @@coh2conscript851 it's literally impossible to start a rebellion without some sort of funding. What are you going to do, throw rocks when the Astartes show up? The reason they all fall to chaos is because those are the only ones worth writing about. All others are 15 minute affairs where some agri world refuse to pay their tithe and are subsequently stomped. Not a very interesting read.

  • @Tosicc567
    @Tosicc567Ай бұрын

    Pretty racist of them to assume the drow were somehow symbolism for black culture. Smh dnd

  • @Castillo525
    @Castillo525Ай бұрын

    The good thing is that in DnD you can pick and choose from the stablished scenarios, or make your own. You dont have that option in Warhammer...

  • @vladimirpugh194
    @vladimirpugh194Ай бұрын

    It's cultural or, in this case, entropy. Everything is just an evenly spread grey sludge. Why are they doing this? I don't know.

  • @richardharrison4762


    Ай бұрын

    Stories and myths have been used since time immemorial to instil moral lessons on to the next generation. The ‘hero with a thousand faces’ learning from a wise mentor, stepping out of his comfort zone to face down evil in order to defend the helpless even if it means personal sacrifice. What are these people doing? Spending billions to change every aspect of story telling in order to destroy that cultural message. The older generation are not wise. Males are not heroes but weak and cowards. Evil is just misunderstood. Do not serve others but put yourself first. Cui Bono - who benefits?

  • @clidebroker1389
    @clidebroker1389Ай бұрын

    The sad fact is we have to meet toe to toe and call these ideas out. These people make everything political, we will have to do the same and meet them where they live if we’re even to have a chance.

  • @von2320
    @von2320Ай бұрын

    They want every facet of media or fiction, regardless of size, to be fully incorporated into ambiguous consumerism. There will be no escapism, or any sort of setting which organically conflicts with their ideology.

  • @thepiedrago
    @thepiedragoАй бұрын

    You're so right about villains i really liked the batman the animation and the joker in it now its just too real and disturbing how they make them relatable and don't get me started on the glorification of mass murderers this is the worst timeline

  • @363AJFTW363
    @363AJFTW363Ай бұрын

    I don't see a good way out, I already feel like we've lost

  • @spookari
    @spookariАй бұрын

    Drow is my favourite race in DnD, and they can be deep and complex people, but they are pretty evil, but thats what i think makes them fun Does anyone actually listen to all the offical DnD lore and stick to it anyway? How many people will actuallylisten to and stick to the new Orcs and Drow stuff?

  • @the_arcanum


    Ай бұрын

    IKR ? What made Drizzt Do'Urden such a popular character is that he was an exception from an humanoid race that's heavy into slavery, demonology and giant spiders and basically all kind of evil shit. Having to face distrust and discrimination was a part of his hero journey. Now everyone and his dog is encouraged to play widely different species, with their own cultures and world view, like it has no impact regarding world building. Either these guys have nothing in common or they have a paper thin, very bland background. And don't you dare make them face any kind of IG discrimination, adversity or consequence ! You are now supposed to offer your players a generic fantasy background akin to 21st century California Renaissance fairs. That's depressing.

  • @username12120


    Ай бұрын

    I never even knew there WERE official world settings for DnD until I was in college, and I'd been playing for nearly a decade by then. Never once knew what a forgotten realm was or anything. We only ever putzed around in our own homebrew settings, the gods for clerics and paladins and shit remained the same, but none of us really cared to question that part of the players handbook to begin with. Just took it all at face value, the fluff in the 3.0/3.5 books? I thought that was all suggestive for the DM to work with to build his game world on.

  • @TchHry
    @TchHryАй бұрын

    Last Friday, we're making characters for an extended dungeon crawl. Someone says "I want to run the adventure wheelchair". Couldn't help myself I was so shocked... I looked over and asked her "are you joking right now?" She wasn't... DM veto'd it but... yeah... that happened.

  • @BreakfastwithBando


    Ай бұрын

    You enter the dungeon before.you is a series.of.winding staircases.that would make Escher blush

  • @kyusyn2765


    Ай бұрын

    Literally forcing people out of playing what they want to play... so it's not actually about being against 'forced diversity', it's actually about forcing hegemony. Glad I'm not in your group it sounds toxic as fuck.

  • @weareharbinger914
    @weareharbinger914Ай бұрын

    So, they changed the entire history and culture of drow and orcs. Orcs were made to be not elves by their god. Their god set their culture to be cruel, brutal and domineering. Drow went underground and were corrupted over a long period of time, started worshipping demons, etc and developed opposite sexual dimorphism and became matriarchal. The fact these races were what they were made it when you found a chaarcter(or made one) from these races that was unlike the others, it was interesting. Drizz't's whole story was that he's a good boy drow. Which I guess has now been ruined. 'Diversity' for its own sake has never been popular.

  • @DarkKnightCuron
    @DarkKnightCuronАй бұрын

    Thanks! I never stopped playing 3.5/1st edition Pathfinder, so WotC/Paizo will never see my money again. Im switching to 3rd/4th/5th edition 40k, so GW will never see my money again either. Stay strong!

  • @jaxerman5965
    @jaxerman5965Ай бұрын

    The ambiguosly good drow and "half-orcs" in Dnd are there mostly there so that people can play as them, but with that we arrive to the problem that Dnd has the "official" world and lore, and then a very extensive group of people that make their own worlds and stories. You're encouraged to make a world where you don't have to worry about cliches or originality with a group of friends, maybe just for a couple hours and only for that group. I'm going to say that in the case of Dnd is just more flexible, because it can be fantasy, fantasy with a twist, sci-fi or any world that you can find on the internet. Despite what Wizards of the Coast tries to do, maybe you want to play a world thats different from the official. All of this doesn't really apply to the case of Warhammer, if you play in the world of Warhammer you have to play by the rules and lore of Wrhammer. At the end of the day Warhammer is what it is for it's lore and if it's not consistent it loses itself.

  • @mrnobodypresents1349
    @mrnobodypresents1349Ай бұрын

    As an old head I moved from DnD a long time ago, watching the politics shoved in has come to a peak with 5th edition and moving into their new/not new edition this year.

  • @rutgaurxi7314


    Ай бұрын

    I used to play back in 2nd or 3rd, never too seriously, but was a good time, I look have looked at 5th on /tg/, it's just horrible to put it mildly.

  • @mrnobodypresents1349


    Ай бұрын

    @@rutgaurxi7314 Agreed. The OSR has some good old fashion offerings. Maybe thats something I can cover. Who knows.

  • @Ceiling_Gato
    @Ceiling_GatoАй бұрын

    I recommend to read up on Maoism and cultural revolution

  • @doragonzx
    @doragonzxАй бұрын

    MAybe the Drukhari are just poor misunderstood peoples. They are so Kind to strangers. Also EREBUS is probably the wokest woke to ever woke the wok

  • @reddragon4482
    @reddragon4482Ай бұрын

    Diversity means non-white lol.

  • @qwads


    Ай бұрын

    Diversity is just cultural marxims. Nobody is unique, nobody is allowed to stand out through merit or character as it would make the rest of the rabble and dredges of society not feel bad, those who only want to receive everything without hard work, to be attributed awards through changed history, to be placed everywhere without merit, to be able to commit crimes and steal without consequence. This is the diversity they want. The destruction of Mankind as a whole, eroding at all that made everything around us that we use today.

  • @rodgrey1989


    Ай бұрын

    Literally got taught in university in the USA that pale people should be hated and blamed for everything….Im a “POC” Diversity and inclusion are a smoke screen for blatant racism towards white people

  • @Pariahwulfen
    @PariahwulfenАй бұрын

    My personal issue with "Orks are black" is that if you read the original article that meme came from, everything they mentioned as stereotypes aren't "black", they're "red". As in redskinned, meaning MURICAN Indians...like me.

  • @BreakfastwithBando


    Ай бұрын

    orcs we always an alagory for the "invading horde" the barbarians over the horizon, be they Germanic, Hun, mongol, viking, American etc. A concept we luckily dont have to deal with in our day to day any more.

  • @gdonaldson26
    @gdonaldson26Ай бұрын

    The genestealer cults are the good guys! A transitioning people bringing down the tyrant of the straight white male Emperor! Seriously though, the 40k lore has mulitiple examples of all kinds of people doing all kinds of things so diversity has been built in. This is just (once again) forcing diversity politics for 'modern audiences' (accent required) who most likely don't play it, and once again will push out the core audience, and then get complained at because we stopped playing even though we were told that it wasn't for us. Same with DnD. Most people just want to roll dice to smash things with a sword because we're the heroes, and having 'evil' races just makes that simple. Orcs = bad = smash it with a sword! Now, Orc = not evil and with feelings? = I'm not in the slightest bit interested getting into that because real life has that and I want an escape from reality.

  • @richardharrison4762
    @richardharrison4762Ай бұрын

    Couldn’t subscribe fast enough!

  • @swiftly2322
    @swiftly2322Ай бұрын

    Nobody is sad to see you leave

  • @manofaction1807
    @manofaction1807Ай бұрын

    Dungeons and Dragons is dead. If you want to play, Play past editions. Wizards of the Woke destroyed the modern day iteration of the game.

  • @jonhy8351
    @jonhy8351Ай бұрын

    All I heard is just whining

  • @BreakfastwithBando


    Ай бұрын

    Then that's a you problem furry

  • @kyusyn2765


    Ай бұрын

    That's because that's all there was. Just incoherent, inconsistent malding. And by the looks of it, that's pretty much the entire channel output.

  • @BreakfastwithBando


    Ай бұрын

    @@kyusyn2765 thanks for the engagement XD

  • @kyusyn2765


    Ай бұрын

    @@BreakfastwithBando No problem dude, your videos are dogshit that even you won't defend against the slightest pushback so they clearly need all the help they can get. Probably because no one wants to watch 18 minutes of you making bad arguments badly, except to laugh at the sad lolcow. Word of advice, don't quit your day job mate.

  • @krimisanidiot
    @krimisanidiotАй бұрын

    "i really really dont care about it" proceeds to make an 18 minute video about it xD

  • @BreakfastwithBando


    Ай бұрын

    i dont care for soccer either but i could easily talk for 18 mins on why i think its dumb

  • @rutgaurxi7314


    Ай бұрын

    Cope and dial8, mate.
