CNN | Sam Harris - Why We Should Ditch Religion

"For the world to tackle truly important problems, people have to stop looking to religion to guide their moral compasses, Sam Harris told CNN."

Пікірлер: 232

  • @friggindoc
    @friggindoc11 жыл бұрын

    "There are people who are wrong about human fulfillment" Words to live by!

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 This is why I love conversing with you, I dont really give a toss what you believe but people on the fence watching can go look these things up for themselves and when they themselves find facts that contradict what you say its game over for you. Classic example is your false assumptions of mutation and gene deletion. People can see why a degree matters now more clearly than by any other example. Your fails deconverts people like crazy. I LOVE it.

  • @graphicism
    @graphicism14 жыл бұрын

    ...why aren't people like this leading our country?

  • @anonymityismyname
    @anonymityismyname14 жыл бұрын

    agree 100%

  • @jssherrard
    @jssherrard14 жыл бұрын

    @graphicism Because despite our separation of church and state, atheism is a nearly perfect obstacle to public office in the U.S.

  • @danielkaspa
    @danielkaspa14 жыл бұрын

    Activate my account only to rate it five stars. Sam Harris is the best speecher I've ever heard.

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye "there must be a designer because carbon fine tuning" I have been saying that the whole time.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 If you dont get it this time I give up. Fine tuning argument says if the constants where slightly different our form of life would not be possible, there for a magic man in the sky must have tweaked the knobs. While I agree with the first premise the second fails for many reasons. Firstly the only life you would expect to arise is one that can do so in its environment, Secondly if the laws are changed it now permits OTHER forms of life to exist.

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye "Who made the creator" ultimate reality, like it or not, there has to be one. Since we see intelligence, purpose and design in the universe, a creator is the most plausible one.

  • @Gumikrukon
    @Gumikrukon12 жыл бұрын

    luv u Harris :D

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @skullsmasher01 (Part1) Okay let me give you a tip, people often insult others with what they feel insecure about themselves. This means if something is said to you that hurts you personally, you will think it has equal impact on somebody else. By posting you are in effect involuntarily giving us information about whats going on inside your own mind and your own doubts and fears.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 DNA gives basic instructions on how proteins fold and things form. If there is something that happens to the building blocks during or after that process you will see slightly or even drastically different results. Skin color for example is determined by Melanin as it absorbed and reflects different wave lengths. The amount and placement of Melanin is determined by multiple factors as is cell growth inside and outside the womb. If this did not happen you would never see (cont)

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye "atomic theory" Never said that. I referred to the method of dating. Atomic Decay is based on false presumptions. The fact is that volcanic rocks for which the dates are know to be less than 200 years come out as millions and billions.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye So the photographs are taught because they are indeed factual. Bilateral asymmetry is not a problem for evolution. If a single chain produces a mirrored effect then one mutation would effect both sides equally. Hair follicals, pigment and various other variation can be effected in the growth stages by other factors accounting for any other differences. Pretty straight forward really. (Cont)

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 You can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep :)

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 I dont mean to insinuate that your slow but it seems you dont really understand evolution or the mechanisms that make it work. Basically it takes away the need for design, thats its whole core principal. This is what made it such an amazing discovery as all at once it provided comprehensive explanation of the things we see around us that has only been supported by modern genetics and science. 150 plus years and nothing yet as refuted it. Impressive to say the least.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye For example, it is undoubtedly true that changing the electromagnetic coupling constant would make our own particular biochemistry impossible; but what else might it make possible? As no-one is in a position to work out the alternative biology possible in universes other than our own, this point, and therefore the validity of the fine tuning argument, is moot.

  • @jq747
    @jq74711 жыл бұрын

    I like Sam Harris, his writings and his speeches... but I really really REALLY hate jump cuts. Damn you CNN...

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye "many possible initial conditions" And that disproves my point? how?

  • @GunterIshii
    @GunterIshii14 жыл бұрын

    sam harris for united nation secretary-general!

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 Equally you need to provide the peer reviewed journal that states the nucleotide difference is impossible to bridge by natural means and how they come by this conclusion. There is a vast difference between saying "I dont know how this can possible happen" and "this cannot possible happen". Lastly which provides us the most accurate information about the world around us, the bible or the scientific method and was the ark story literal. The second is yes or not, the first bible or science

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 Stephen Hawking, along with Thomas Hertog of CERN, proposed that the universe's initial conditions consisted of a superposition of many possible initial conditions, only a small fraction of which contributed to the conditions we see today.[25] According to their theory, it is inevitable that we find our universe's "fine-tuned" physical constants, as the current universe "selects" only those past histories that led to the present conditions. (Cont)

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye (Cont) In this way, top-down cosmology provides an anthropic explanation for why we find ourselves in a universe that allows matter and life, without invoking the current existence of a multiverse. HMm wonder what book I pulled this section of writing from.......

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 For those watching, speciation occurs most of the time when a group of animals are separated from the main population. As time progresses they are no longer able to interbreed even if introduced back and are then free to follow what ever selective adaptations their environment gives them. So you can have a species branch out, live then die while the current species continues to exist. Very simple straight forward answer you can google to verify who is lying and see who is dishonest here.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 The bilaterally symmetrical parts of the body are due to the expression of homeotic genes. This does not mean the whole of the body is effected by decapentaplegic expression and hox genes. These genes cannot account for full developmental outcomes as there are extenuating factors that can occur mid development and sometimes like in the case of skin pigmentation these genes have nothing to with it at all. Not everything is controlled by hox genes. Pretty straight forward really.

  • @ThorGoLucky
    @ThorGoLucky14 жыл бұрын

    Mr. Harris is a refreshing voice of reason in a world of inane and insane celebrity entertainers. Too bad this video piece was edited in a visually annoying way.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 The Fine Tuning Argument is the proposition that certain relationships between physical constants seem "fine tuned" for the universe to produce and sustain life; and that therefore this is evidence of an intelligence. Now to setout why this argument is invalid (cont)

  • @andyx1205
    @andyx120514 жыл бұрын

    If you're going to blame Charles Darwin for the brutality of Stalin, we might as well blame Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation for the Jewish Holocaust.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 I dare say people do indeed seen things they cannot explain, to see something and say "i dont know what that is" however is far different than saying "I saw something and i dont know what it was, but its an alien space craft, or a ghost, or a paranormal activity". If you dont know what it was how can you say that?

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 Unless you are very confused about what the fine tuning argument actually states. This could be the area of confusion. Could you please tell me exactly what the fine tuning argument is so I can adjust my explanations to suit your presuppositions and thereby not get you confused when I reply. I have been working with dictionary based explanations of these terms but its possible you have something else in mind because there is just no way you cannot have got this by now.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 The projection in that is blinding. Which fits your statement better, somebody who accepts ideas based on the facts and evidence supporting them and rejects things no matter how emotionally compelling on the basis of no or contradictory evidence, or somebody who believes in invisible magical beings because their parents told them about it as a child and they keep believing because 80% of everybody else around them holds the same delusion but are as of yet to provide compelling evidence?

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 Thats a cool story bro, you should share it with others (^.o)

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye Arguments for fine tuning usually focus on the conditions necessary to produce our sort of life. Arguably, this is the wrong calculation to make. If universes with other physical constants permit the existence of "life, but not as we know it", then the fact that we are alive does not require fine-tuning; and the fact that we are life in this particular form, however unlikely, might then be legitimately regarded as the luck of the draw.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @skullsmasher01 I think thats possibly the sweetest thing anybody has ever said. You think my comments are so good it looks like i spent days preparing them? I am blushing lol.

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye A universe without it, will have no life whatsoever. In case you want to bring silicon life, carbon is the most favorable case, because it has the richest chemistry and therefore the highest likelihood. And you are in no position to lower the odds of life, since the odds even with carbon, are rationally impossible. The argument is not about this universes biology but of the possibility for the building blocks of living systems.

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye Your argument as I showed before is dead, since fine tuning will be necessary on any universe. The laws will need to be set (even if different from this one) so that life could be possible. The strong and electromagnetic forces in another universe will need to be properly tuned for any atom to form.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 The peer reviewed journal is listed that I got the information from. Chips are still more genetically diverse over all than humans. I stated quite clearly that I removed 2 posts because the information contained in them did not match the latest study. People can look up both and judge for themselves if i was "covering lies" or removing a statement that was based on the 1999 study thats been replaced with a newer one. When I make a incorrect statement i correct it evidenced by this post

  • @skullsmasher01
    @skullsmasher0113 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye which or real-estate.... you will have to find employment and establish a credit history before they will deal with you...maybe ill give you there numbers AFTER you get a job.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @skullsmasher01 Takes one to know one was most defiantly NOT what i was saying. I guess no matter how carefully you lay out the blocks there is always going to be one kid trying to hammer the square peg into the round hole, then throwing it on the ground in frustration saying "Dur this is gay and boring, and this peg is faulty". BTW just to help me illustrate a point, might I ask you what do you feel is the most plausible explanation of why we are here. This ought to be awesome (^.o)

  • @paleoton
    @paleoton12 жыл бұрын

    @blackbranduh Really? Why?

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1214 жыл бұрын

    @graphicism Like Germany in the 40's? no thanks

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 Okay I think there is some kinda misunderstanding. Are you saying there must be a designer because our carbon based life form would not exist if any of the forces in the universe where changed ever so slightly? This is the fine tuning argument, it may be possible you are not stating that at all. Hawkins demolishes this argument by explaining as i have that the only life you would expect to see is life that fits these constants or else it would not have arisen in the first place. Simple.

  • @DorakoftheHillPeople
    @DorakoftheHillPeople12 жыл бұрын

    @freeshyne1234 That simply isn't a fair assessment. It's a bit presumptious to suggest they're co-opting the "atheist/leftist movement", as these are two distinct positions and in no way synonomous. As for the suggestion that either Harris or Hitchens have advocated for Zionism, that is patently false. Hitchens has been openly critical, calling it "a silly, messianic, superstitious nationalist idea"; and Harris has called it "one of the principal obstacles to peace".

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 Atheist are not scrambling for ways to disprove your invisible friends existence but rather looking at all the facts equally and coming to a well informed conclusion. If you provide an Atheist with conclusive proof of a god or gods that isnt either anecdotal or a logical fallacy of some kind they will be the first to accept his exists. Lastly can you give me a yes or no answer, can something exist without having been created by something?

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 1) Does this universe support carbon based lifeforms? 2) What reason do you posit for this? I have not created a "strawman" and I have addressed the fine tuning argument exactly the same way Hawkins did in his book. I reject it because its the least plausible explanation. If a universes constants allow for X then there should be no shock to find X in it. I dont see that the universes constants where Y then changed to X for us to be here. I reject that as Its not the simplest answer.

  • @Sukov
    @Sukov14 жыл бұрын

    Not sure Sam Harris is really giving much logical argument here about "why we should ditch religion". He does however assert his view is the correct one and religious views are wrong.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 Okay and since we see intelligence, purpose in him by the same logic he also must have a creator. So who created god? You cant have cake and eat it too. Either both require a designer or neither. Pick one.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 First point, nothing can exist without having been created, you said a categorical NO. My question is then who created god? You would have to agree he is more infinitely complicated than anything else in the universe so what created him must be awesome. "Name a mutation that generated design" This is a nonsensical question as the core fundamental principal behind evolution is that no designer is required. How can a theory thats shows no design needed then show a mutation for it?

  • @paleoton
    @paleoton13 жыл бұрын

    @JuanchoMan First, in the end of the video he was very clear that people shouldn´t believe in what they want, because some beliefs are dead wrong, which he contradicts himself when he says that people shouldn´t be certain of thing they don´t know about. Among all the wars I can think of, and acts of violence I can think of, religion is not a significant contributer to them. Third, gays and scientists are non religious folks?

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye *frame shift :P

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 Is this what you are saying, there has only ever been one universe and it never supported life until god did a bit of magic and then it did? Why wouldn't he have just made it correct the first time. Secondly can you tell me why that answer is more plausible than the universe having existed in its current state all along via natural means and us arising as the constants dont prohibit our existence. I know which one makes more sense to me. Who made the creator BTW, somebody tune him also?

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 Where have I stated I was an Atheist, you are assuming a lot. Also you are aware that an Atheist is JUST a person who does not believe in gods, thats it, simple. They are not saying there DEFIANTLY IS no gods, they just have not been convinced of any yet. Science cannot disprove gods because there is an infinite configuration of them. It can however show the claims of some religious people to be clearly in error casting more doubt on some religions than others.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 Okay just have to agree to disagree. I guess you see the universe having been "fine tuned" for us to be here. That would imply that somebody "had us exactly as we are" in mind before creating the universe. I rather think that the universes constants are the reason for us being here and if they where different something else other than us would be here. No mystery to me and no need of magic man in the sky. Everything in order and without any surprises. What ever lays your hair back slick.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 Okay now we are getting somewhere. So you are saying you are shocked to find out that a universe that permits carbon based life has carbon based life in it? Okay dokay. Just one more question, would you be astounded and amazed if i was to pull the aces of spades out of a deck of cards consisting entirely of the aces of spades? It would be difficult to understand how somebody could be shocked at that if i had not seen Bill O posit magic as the answer to the tides going in and out.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 Speaking of people clearly blindly following myths told to them as a child, could you please explain to my why religion is Geographical. Why is it most Indians are Hindu, why most Arabs are Muslims? Also keep em coming, that last statement was gold. You are a one man Atheist factory. Most theists I show your comments to blab on about you not being a true Christian but the younger ones on the fence can see the hypocrisy and projection. I might publish some of this in a blog. Its GOLD!!!

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye "delete your post" I deleted those post before you had a chance to reply and yes everyone can see that. So don't flatter yourself, any deletions where done because of something I forgot to add, and not anything you had to say. I don't blame you for deluding yourself into thinking that you could give me any kind problems. "perfectly good reason for it" Yeah, there's a perfectly good word for that comment, faith.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 Okay so you are saying a world wide global flood that covered the entire worlds landmass? Secondly would you then agree the entire world and all of its animals must therefore by the byproduct of incest? Thirdly please give me more details on the "Alternative Theory". Was it created by an already existing religion's god/gods, a previous religion's god/gods or some or one as of yet unknown to humans. So far "creation" is yet to rule out the invisible pink unicorn.

  • @lesterismyname
    @lesterismyname13 жыл бұрын

    @graphicism Because in order to lead, people first must follow. Consider the population and all the demographics within that population... Would a majority agree with you? The answer should be clear. Sad... Very sad.. But true.

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye "who created god" No one, there has to be an ultimate reality, like it or not. Everyone is forced to accept that regardless of beliefs. If you believe that coincidences are sufficient given a long period of time, then how much more capable would a god even if dumb be of creating complexity given a long period of time. So the mind of a god wouldn't have to be extremely complex for his mind to create extreme complexity. Your own beliefs of long periods of time defeat this argument.

  • @GlydiaPokoli
    @GlydiaPokoli13 жыл бұрын

    @gulbirk Correct.

  • @graphicism
    @graphicism13 жыл бұрын

    @lesterismyname Because atheism is the contrast of theism that refers too theist scripture, not the existence of God. As an atheist I reject theists claims, it requires no faith. As an atheist you can't know what I believe, only what I do not. Now we have all these atheist organizations with slogans like 'Good without God' which is not only advocacy but is turning atheism into a belief. I like to say everyones born atheist as it's the null hypotheses, but to say you don't believe in God is a not

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @DanielxMorningstar "AFTER got into power" Germany was still mostly christian, just because he was in power doesn't mean he could do everything he wanted. He still needed the support of his people, if you had any brains I wouldn't have to explain that. "lie about natural selection" Its in video. Nazi literature is filled with evolution concepts. "fact he was a Roman Catholic" LOL Is that the reason why a monument was unveiled to Catholic priests killed in Nazi camps? 711 documented so far.

  • @paleoton
    @paleoton13 жыл бұрын

    I am not sure what he means, but is he preaching to end freedom of religion and belief? Is he saying a world where you are not free to believe in what you want is better? I hope not, otherwise that would be a reversed spanish inquisition.

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye "Read Steven Hawkins" By all means do so. Steven Hawkins agrees with me, not in my conclusion but about the argument. And he talks about the needs for other universes to explain this one. That doesn't fit with your argument at all. If your argument was valid how come he doesn't use it? Do yourself a favor and Read Steven Hawkins book.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 BTW (I just cant work out how it could of happened) is not a refutation of a scientific theory. People dont fully understand the theory of gravity yet its core observational principals remain the same. Atomic theory has some sketchy areas but we can make bombs and power plants. Just saying you dont understand how it can be therefore its not is what now exactly? Oohh thats right, an argument from ignorance (^.o) People are free to Google their own facts and decide.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 Are you saying that a single unpublished random youtuber is smarter than the whole scientific community of biology in the top university's of the world? Do you at least see why I might question the validity of this statement? If I was to walk up to you and say I know more about physics than the whole entire world wide physics community, that their theory was flawed and they where all ignorant and scared, then mention I have not published a single physics paper would you be skeptical?

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye (Part2) Because this insult has obviously been used on him and caused him a great deal of hurt his mind equated that it must impart the equal amount of pain on somebody else never stopping to think that it was made redundant by my being thin. In short a jab about being unemployed to somebody gainfully employed 1) has zero impact 2) Says less about me than it does you. Have you been unemployed for a long period of time and abused because of it?

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye "correct the first time" He did, but that's theology. "current state all along" I already answered that many times. Why don't you ask that question to the people that support the bubble bath top theory. They are atheist just as desperate as you are, and they arrived at that conclusion for a reason. You don't seem to get that reason though.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 I need sunglasses to protect myself from the blinding glare of projection. Evolution explains the diversity of life, abiogenesis explains the beginning of life, cosmology and the big bang explains the start of that and quantum mechanics has some interesting things to say about before. Just want to get this statement very VERY clearly from you Evolution has no proof, and its solely circular reasoning, would you say this is an accurate description of what you understand the facts to be?

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 Can you please state your naturalism question clearly so that I may answer it for you, I dont know if i have missed it or what. Its like if i kept saying to you "what about BoobucksMcFlew, well go on ANSWER THE QUESTION, stop dodging, WHAT ABOUT BOOBUCKSMCFLEW". You are going to need to state your question clearly, then give me the inference it suggests as I am not a mind reader. You do both of those I will happily answer what ever nutty question you like.

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye Again you disappoint me with your lack of resistance towards my bilateral asymmetry argument. So here's another chance of redemption. In the evolution fairytale you believe in so much, worms grew bones and yet I'm not aware of any worms today with bones, even though they outnumber the worms that lived in prehistory. If evolution is true, why is it we don't see them.

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye lightning, earthquakes happen often, and they are not entities that decide if they want to appear or not. Once again I have to explain the obvious to you. "irony of grammatical fopaux" That is coming from the same person who wrote "common decent is they" LOL ironic indeed.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 Ahh so basically all you have is creationist lines drawn from "the way of the master". I am surprised you didnt mention pilt down man. Could you please explain to me very very carefully how either of these dispute the fact of evolution? I asked for one thing that disproves evolution, just one and I am still waiting.....

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye I already saw that video and it proves nothing against the kalam. Another thing I should add is that the kalam argues that physical things need a cause. The problem with adding God to this argument is that God is spirit and therefore there's no physical parts and the kalam argument doesn't apply to God. If you had a brain you wouldn't have raised such a pointless question.

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye "Science is not faith" And what you have is faith not science. Science is based on facts your fairytale is based on lies and circular reasoning. "prehistoric worms" That's for you to answer since its your story. What animal did vertebrates came from then? If not a worm.

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye "why religion is Geographical" Another dumb question. As people migrate throughout the world, theism of God degrades thru generations and as different ideas are added new religions emerge. Could you please explain to me why I can answer your questions but you never can? In the Superbowl the first player interviewed thanked God for the victory and not evolution. Take that!

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye "zapping things" And after all that, you didn't disprove my argument one bit. Saying I don't believe something is not evidence against it. There are plenty of paranormal activities that have been recorded on camera and documented. I wonder why you went silent on the asymmetry argument.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 (Worms1) I thought this was just trolling as the question is just as stupid as "If birds are descendants of dinosaurs how come they aren't huge with big sharp teeth" but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt as assume you really dont know the answer to this. Evolution is all about CHANGE and ADAPTATION via environmental and sexual selection pressures. It is not the theory of "no change and all animals stay exactly the same" which i believe is what you think (cont)

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye This problem would be the same in any universe. If the physical constants makes carbon impossible or any other life permitting objects, fine tuning will be required in this or any other universe for any life to be possible. Your brainless idea that life could just simply adapt is nonsense since it would be impossible for it to adapt without a fine tuning that permitted the building blocks of life. Therefore the fine tuning argument remains.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 /watch?v=gJVjTh98aHU for those interested in finding out exactly how new information is added to a genome. Jouc12 wont bother looking this up as its the answer to his argument from ignorance but dont let that be an excuse for you. Answers exist if we are willing to spend time looking them up rather than throwing our hands in the air and going, well gee willikers, I just cant see how that might happen therefore it does not.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 To be honest I haven't the slightest clue what exactly you are supposed to be getting at. Are you saying bilateral asymmetry is evidence for god? How exactly does bilateral asymmetry prove and or disprove evolution? It's spastic to begin with. Lets say evolution is disproved tomorrow, how exactly does that prove its a god? PS please contact the nearest university with your earth shattering refutation of evolution, id like to see your name on all the new science blogs next week.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 Alright which of these are more logically correct. Why are gutters made facing up. Is it because in this universe rain falls down and thats the only way they would work correctly or did somebody make the gutters first then alter the universe in order for rain to fall down and make the gutters effective? There is no straw man here, you are saying we came first then the universe was "fine tuned" to fit us. Bit of projection captain dishonest cause I've never seen Christians twist scripture

  • @TheSokwe
    @TheSokwe14 жыл бұрын

    Damn awful filming.

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye "bones to begin with" So you don't know your own fairy tale, how shameful of you. "baga bagita" lol, I never said all religions passed down from the Bible. I said that the knowledge of God was in man, and throughout the generations their knowledge became corrupt. "Humans ancestor with apes, I have no problems with that" As far as your ancestry goes.... I have no problem with that either.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 I think the correct term you are looking for is "Nuh uuhh, god is magical and can do anything, my mom and dad said so and that makes it real". When you use the word "Everything" are you going by its dictionary definition? Last time I looked everything meant EVERYTHING, wispy ghost spirits, farts, fairy's. If it exists it needs a cause so your logically flawed argument says. You cant have cake and eat it too. Either EVERYTHING needs a cause or some things dont. Simpleton.....

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye (Part2) Let me illustrate this for you with an example. I have a really obese friend, I myself am quite skinny. As friendly banter we sometimes make fun of each other but id never bring up weight as I know its a rather personal emotional issue for him. One day when he was quite frustrated with me and said "oh yeah, well whens the last time you saw your penis". Clearly this is an insult that would only be effective on an over weight person.

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye "environment that cannot support it" Your question leaves no doubt of your immense stupidity or dishonesty. When you talk environment, you're talking about a fully formed life which can or cannot survive in such environment. The argument is not whether current life can exist in this universe but could any life at all survive in it.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 I see, so every institute of higher learning, well basically every university with decent credentials in the world is teaching something with no evidence for it at all? How on earth do people forge genomic sequencing and geographical distribution? Can you please show me the 21st century data that refutes evolution as you will be the first to do so and will be world famous in hours. Seems like all you know of evolution is what you where told on the way of the master.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 So what about religions that predate Christianity, did they degrade into Christianity (Ironically correct). I have answered all questioned asked by you pretty clearly. Are you saying people migrated all from one spot? How does that work for Hindu's and Buddhists. Cool thing is you have no idea how damaging your answers are to theism on the whole. Did only one side pray at the super bowl? Shouldn't god be busy with the starving and dying and not who wins a game? Awesome morals (^.o)

  • @JuanchoMan
    @JuanchoMan13 жыл бұрын

    @paleoton LOL you totally missed the point, I think Harris means you're free to believe what you want, but keep it in your house and church/mosque/synagouoge and out of the government, where radical views can infringe upon the rights of other non-religious folk (gays/atheists/secularists/scientists)..

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @skullsmasher01 According to myjizzureye, you're are supposed to be sending him emails about how you think hes right, and how you disapprove my comments. He keeps telling me that.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @skullsmasher01 I got to get the number of your dealer......

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye "testable, repeatable" So you think that someone can repeat a supernatural event? how exactly would that be done? its not like its a controlled environment. The fact that you're trying to apply a research standard to an unpredictable event, shows you can't think outside the box. Typical atheist. "exactly the same way" Dodge or inability to learn? I believe I said before that bilateral asymmetry is inherited by offspring, and therefore cell growth is irrelevant but you don't get it.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 I am the kinda person who points out when people make claim to knowledge they clearly dont possess and make factually false statements. I'm the kinda mad crazy person who goes on facts and evidence and does not believe in whispy invisible magical things. I am the kinda person who thinks somebody with a degree in a field and a life devoted to it will indeed know more about it than a lay person. If this is stupidity to you then call me stupid all you want but will you look smart doing so?

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @DanielxMorningstar "That is laughable" It sure is. why would a man that believes in God say that God died in the 19th century? You never answered that either. And what a coincidence that in the 19th century Darwin wrote his book of evolution. That makes it crystal clear that he was an atheist evolutionist enforcing evolution on humanity. And there's nothing you can say against that.

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye "shocked to find out " Strawman. Your dishonesty seems much more clear now. As usual, in true atheist fashion, you have to twist things around in order to stay in the discussion. The question is not can carbon based life exist in a carbon permitting universe, but how this laws fine tuned themselves to make carbon possible. As I said before, in this or any other universe the laws will need fine tuning for any atoms to form. Reality is hard to escape.

  • @jouc12
    @jouc1213 жыл бұрын

    @myjizzureye "IQ 40" You didn't have to tell me your IQ, although I'm shocked its actually that high. "adapt" ADAPTATION adjustment to environmental conditions. Isn't that what you've been arguing all along? The fool doesn't even know his own argument. Priceless!!

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 Okay well the people interested can type (Evidence of common descent) into Google themselves and decide if its lies and circular reasoning or is based on a giant number of testable, repeatable, falsifiable facts that have predictive power and are used in Labs word wide and demonstrated in university world wide. Once they have summed up the evidence themselves one of us is going to look like a dishonest, lying simpleton. Up to them to decide who that is.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 I will be forwarding them to you, you can check their IP range. I did not say they supported me but rather told me that true Christians dont lie like you do and when caught out wouldn't delete posts, but rather own up to mistakes to be humbled and honest and portray gods word in a positive manner. They just wanted to distance themselves from your actions thats all. That and post scripture....and nice projection. Lack of answers? You delete questions I answer. People can read timestamps.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye13 жыл бұрын

    @jouc12 Lets say for example that evolution is indeed false, there is not hundreds of thousands of facts filling biology science departments around the world supporting it, and that you do indeed have a solid indisputable refutation of it. Can you please tell me a) Why is it taught globally in every large decent university as fact b) Why you are not famous for refuting it?