Christianity to Atheism - My Religious Deconstruction Story

I tell the story about my journey from Christian to Atheist.

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  • @AGDinCA
    @AGDinCA Жыл бұрын

    For me, the final trigger was when I made my first non-Christian friend in college. She was as fervent in her beliefs as I was, and she was a genuinely wonderful person. Since our beliefs were contradictory, we couldn't both be right. And even though I arrogantly _knew_ I had the right beliefs, I couldn't imagine how a loving god could send someone as sweet as her to hell. That dilemma, that internal struggle to reconcile my faith with reality, was the final blow. I had already been struggling to reconcile my religion with science and history. My faith started to unravel fairly quickly after that.

  • @amateurastronomer9752


    Жыл бұрын

    Yes, this did it for me too. God sending unbelievers to hell never made sense to me. Most people don’t believe in the Christian God because they can’t see him or haven’t experienced him. I was taught that when we die, God would reveal himself to all of us. In that case, I would think most to all unbelievers would come around so why would he then send them to hell? What would he gain by that? He was also called our Heavenly Father and my own biological father would NEVER under any circumstance send me to hell, especially not on account of some man who ate an apple.

  • @larriveeman


    Жыл бұрын

    Part of the issue I think is what the bible defines as Good and what people define is Good, the bible says no one is good, that's why we need a savior, no matter how sweet or nice one is. Salvation is open to all, we are free to accept or reject John 3: 3 Jesus answered and said to him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." 4 Nicodemus said to Him, "How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born?" 5 Jesus answered, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7 Do not marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born again.' 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. 18 "He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. 21 But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God."

  • @AGDinCA


    Жыл бұрын

    @@larriveeman I know your Bible is important to you, but spouting a bunch of verses at a nonbeliever is not particularly effective, unless the effect you are going for is to have them ignore you. Might I encourage you to look for different ways of expressing your opinions if true conversation is what you seek? I just think you will get better results. 👍 PS - I mean all this sincerely, no disrespect, no sarcasm.

  • @gregory4154


    7 ай бұрын

    @@AGDinCA Aristotle states that humans were created to be happy. CS Lewis stated that happiness was meant for mankind but not a guarantee - men can live by choice or by accident the most miserable of lives. You misunderstand his point: this was never about convincing you or anyone else. Either you hear or you do not. As Leo Strauss, the variety of notions of right is THE incentive to look for that right.

  • @AGDinCA


    7 ай бұрын

    @@gregory4154 I'm wondering if you accidentally posted this in the wrong place or to the wrong person? I know that happens to me sometimes if I am still crafting a reply but the video has auto-jumped to the next video in the playlist. I ask because your statement isn't relevant to the topic so I wanted to notify you. That way you can move the response to the proper comment section for maximum engagement. 👍

  • @henrim9348
    @henrim93482 жыл бұрын

    Excellent video. I deconverted off the Noah story. Made no sense . Got me started. I asked 10 different pastors to explain me how kangaroo and polar bears got on the boat. 10 different explanations. I knew something was made up. Stated researching more. Ended up discovering so many skeletons in the closet of religions. Additionally I'm an engineer by trade. Couldn't reconcile science with faith. I quit. But family stuck in it ... more out of tradition and social networking than anything else. I use my sundays for long runs. Never been healthier in my body and mind. All the best.

  • @williamle1895


    2 жыл бұрын

    “One friend asked me to pray. When informed of my atheism, he said, "During your last days you will begin to believe". I said, No, dear Sir, it shall not be. I will think that to be an act of degradation and demoralization on my part. For selfish motives I am not going to pray. Readers and friends, "Is this vanity"? If it is, I stand for it.” Quote by Bhagat Singh. This quote may inspire you.

  • @andrewferg8737


    Жыл бұрын

    "Couldn't reconcile science with faith" ---- but you never asked how Georges Lemaître did this?

  • @andrewferg8737


    Жыл бұрын

    "the Noah story. Made no sense" ---- what didn't make sense to you?

  • @henrim9348


    Жыл бұрын

    @@andrewferg8737 Noah was 500 years old. Let's start there. Can u explain a 500 year old man and his wife having babies?

  • @andrewferg8737


    Жыл бұрын

    @@henrim9348 "Noah was 500 years old" ---- Fundamentalism generally follows a literalist reading of scripture. Are you coming from a fundamentalist background? The "Bible" is a library which includes many genres. It is not a monograph taken by dictation, nor is it a textbook. A modern reader today would be hard pressed to make sense of Newton's "Principia". It's archism, verboseness, and Newton's personal superstitions are certainly obstacles to the modern reader. Yet we credit Newton as a genius, for indeed he was. He was able to make a connection to objective truth which even most modern readers cannot. He did not "invent" calculus, but rather gained access to a truth independent of himself. In similar manner, scripture contains "revealed" or objective truth. This does not diminish the human agency, generic devices, or cultural context in which scripture was composed. It would be unwise to dismiss Newton as a long-winded mystic. It is equally unwise to dismiss scripture as incoherent mythology.

  • @nanoelbatero57
    @nanoelbatero57 Жыл бұрын

    NO WAY YOUR A DRUMMER TOO! I have struggles with the faith as well bro. I got tired of only being allowed to play at church and only church songs cause i wasn’t growing as a musician. I joined secular band that helped improve my skill only for the church to scold me and beg me to leave the band. Mind you the band paid me 100$ an hour for gigs and they gave me so much care and love and for the first time in my life I actually felt like I had a family. SOMETHING CHURCH NEVER DID. They just took advantage of my skills, no pay, and judged me.

  • @VulcanLogic


    3 ай бұрын

    I was the principal keyboardist for my university's studio jazz orchestra (19 piece big band). I still had people at church telling me that by playing the music that guys like Pat Boone and Frank Sinatra sang, and Lawrence Welk played, that I might be going to hell for it. Basically, they couldn't get past the "jazz" in the title and thought it was devil music (mostly because they were racists who didn't like the music black people created). I thought that was completely ridiculous and quit church instead, finally deconverting a few years later.

  • @james9524
    @james95247 ай бұрын

    The big step in deconversion is realizing that it's okay to question everything. Once a person get over the fear and guilt that has been ingrained into them, and has decided to examine their faith honestly, it's over. At that point, it is only a matter of time until their faith disappears.

  • @MachFiveFalcon


    4 ай бұрын

    Very important point there. The belief in the sacredness and inerrancy of the Bible is what makes it so difficult to question after being indoctrinated into Christianity. I had this internal, automatic resistance that was placed there by shame from other people. I have OCD, and religious OCD can be felt on an almost tangible level at the most extreme when "it" feels threatened by opposing information/forces.

  • @johnalexir7634


    Ай бұрын

    Well said.

  • @upstairscandy0764


    Ай бұрын

    It is good the question everything and that is preached in good healthy churches. But when it comes to it nothing should break through your faith because there is an awnser for every atheist question.

  • @james9524


    Ай бұрын

    @upstairscandy0764 There are lots of excuses, but there are no good answers for questions like, "Why does the Bible completely collapse under the weight of its own hypocrisy, contradictions, scientific and historical inaccuracies, misogyny, brutality, injustice, and sheer madness? Once you take your God glasses off and read what the Bible actually says instead of what you want it to say, it's over.

  • @james9524


    Ай бұрын

    @@upstairscandy0764 There are many excuses for atheist questions, but there are no good answers. My biggest question is why would God do such an impeccably perfect job of making the Bible look like violent, insane, human made fiction and then expect us to believe that it is the word of God?

  • @thedarknessthatcomesbefore4279
    @thedarknessthatcomesbefore42794 ай бұрын

    Great video. I was brought up nominally a Christian but at about 9 years old I realised I don't believe the theological claims so obviously spent my life as an atheist. I find deconversion stories fascinating as I want to know what people believe and more importantly why. Most telling is that most deconversion stories show the person looking for the truth of their beliefs with intellectual honesty and a willingness to follow where the facts or evidence leads... which is to atheism. The apologists never acknowledge this process, it's always... you were never a true Christian or you just want to sin (which makes absolutely no sense... only a moron would make that claim) or most telling... you do actually believe in God you just deny it. All these arguments just prove that the apologists are themselves dishonest. Glad you made it out and hope you and your family are doing well. Thanks for telling your story. Another great deconversion series of videos is by Evid3nce. Worth a watch.

  • @lenniebarrere4586
    @lenniebarrere4586 Жыл бұрын

    I deconverted in the 60s when I was 12 and had no one to discuss it with! I knew someday I would figure out the truth but it was a lonely journey till the last 30 years.

  • @betsy5889


    7 ай бұрын

    Wow ❤❤ It’s also very courageous ❤

  • @gregsimmons694


    10 күн бұрын

    Time to use that brain God gave you my friend! The bible said there would be scoffers like you in the endtimes! Jesus saves sinners! Time to get a new gig atheists

  • @gregsimmons694


    10 күн бұрын

    ​@betsy5889 more importantly, Jesus saves sinners like you! Now use that brain God gave you

  • @williamle1895
    @williamle18952 жыл бұрын

    “One friend asked me to pray. When informed of my atheism, he said, "During your last days you will begin to believe". I said, No, dear Sir, it shall not be. I will think that to be an act of degradation and demoralization on my part. For selfish motives I am not going to pray. Readers and friends, "Is this vanity"? If it is, I stand for it.” Quote by Bhagat Singh. This quote may inspire you.

  • @MyContext
    @MyContext Жыл бұрын

    There was a time when I would not have seen the value in the sharing. I now understand that everything shared allows others the potential for some advancement regardless of whether they agree or not. Cheers to your journey of discovery!

  • @gloriab357
    @gloriab357 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you for taking the time to tell your story to everyone who will listen to it. I have a background similar to yours (Christian fundamentalism) except that I went through public schools. One of the reasons I heartily dislike home schooling (except for cases where a child is struggling with an illness or disability or has extreme anxiety for a time but needs to continue with education) is that there is little way for kids to hear about what is going on in the rest of the world, unless their parents allow it. I remember watching a TV show about breaking away from the Amish community and how those young adults knew nothing about current events or important world or national historical events. They had never heard of Martin Luther King, Jr. That narrow and tightly controlled education doesn't bring about a good citizen. And that brings me to another point that affects the rest of society when kids live a highly sheltered life. We see large numbers of Americans who are loyal to Trump and believe his thousands of lies. They were told he was their god's choice and couldn't think beyond that. They are so closed off from considering anything else but believing all he says that even with hard evidence, they remain stuck. That actually has the potential for bringing down our much loved country and the democratic government and rule of law. We could end up in a spot similar to the fascist European regimes of the early 20th century because we have so many citizens whose lives have been sheltered to the extent that they simply believe what their pastors say. As you said, then when you were able to see the light, you were fearful of the reaction of your closest family members who care about you but can't see their own ways out of the muck. I think I could go on writing a great deal on this topic but this is your place. You were good and brave enough to tell your story of how you finally understood that well-meaning people had led you astray. This has gone on for nearly as long as humans have existed. We have felt the need for some explanation for natural events, such as the rainbow you mentioned. The easiest way to explain was to attribute events to some gods. All that has changed is the particular gods being worshipped by any given culture. Once you have people believing in their god and feeling sure that the god or gods are supreme, they fear for their after-life experience which has needed to be embedded in most religions to keep people enclosed in it. Thank you for suggesting other good resources for people who are looking for support and further information. That is so important. Best wishes to you.

  • @jooki3575
    @jooki35757 ай бұрын

    Thank you for sharing your experience. It is really helpful to others going through similar deconstruction experiences. Hope you upload an update.

  • @26beegee
    @26beegee Жыл бұрын

    You have done a very brave thing! Thank you for sharing your journey. I didn’t leave Christianity until I was over 60 but, the same questions had nagged me for many years. Listening to both sides of the argument to be able to make an informed decision was such a rational and admirable approach. Rationality Rules is a great channel. My other favorites are Mythvision, Paulogia, Atheologica, Mindshift and Prophet of Zod. StarTalk, Gutsick Gibbon and Professor Dave are great for science. Learning the history of religions and mythology from the Greco-Roman part of the world, Egypt and the Levant has been very helpful to me. Congratulations for finding the truth and being able to leave ancient mythology behind. Hoping for the best for you going forward. Sorry this is so long, I’m just so impressed with your thoughtful and sincere video! Wish I could give you a mom hug!

  • @rephaimog4186


    11 ай бұрын

    So what you are saying is that you were fooled for years but now you are enlightened?????? Hardly something I would use to try to validate your current position. Maybe you are fooled once again???? Your track record is hardly good at this point.

  • @26beegee


    11 ай бұрын

    @@rephaimog4186 Everyone who believes in religion is fooled to some degree or other. Most of the time (like me) we are indoctrinated from childhood, family expectations, the overly zealous religious expectations of American society…all play a role in shaping us into believing the mythology is real. The exact same reasons Hindus, Buddhists, Moslems, Jews…are the religion that is dominate in their society. We conform because we are expected to - not because it is the truth. My personality (not enjoying fantasy and being very rational) always caused me to doubt almost everything in the Bible could have actually happened. The science classes I took growing up and in the 21 years I kept plugging away to earn my degree plus, the natural world around me added to my skepticism. Add in anthropology, psychology and sociology and a job that required extensive international travel and the unreality of religion was undeniable. It is all manmade and fantasy. Then I began studying comparative religion which confirmed my education and experience. This process took many years. My decision was not based on the teaching of one book (like the Bible) or what one person taught (like a preacher) but hundreds of books, thousands of people and personal experience. A very logical, scholarly, and experiential decision. If I had put that much thought and work into every decision I have ever made I would have saved myself a lot of heartache. But - that’s life, some decisions are purely emotional. So, yes - I was fooled, no - I am not fooled now.

  • @rephaimog4186


    11 ай бұрын

    @@26beegee Is this a joke? Your body is energy. It is made up of atoms...trillions of them and each one has protons orbiting around endlessly. Even when you die they still keep orbiting. How do they know what to do? Where does that embedded intelligence come from? Each cell in your body contains the information to create that body. It's all microcode.....who is the coder?

  • @26beegee


    11 ай бұрын

    @@rephaimog4186 Cells need an energy source to keep operating. Without oxygenated blood flow they stop functioning. No different than a car running out of gas. A flower has cells too but, after you pick it and place it in vase it only looks pretty until the energy is depleted because the process of photosynthesis has been interrupted. The flower then begins to turn brown, dries up and begins shrinking. Even if it is in water you can only extend the life for a few days. It eventually starts smelling bad as it rots. YOUR body does the exact same thing. Don’t you notice ANYTHING in the world around you? Hello - McFly! Anyone home? This is all a naturally occurring process - no coder required. That’s as dumb as saying the earth exists - therefore, God (hear the imaginary voice from the imaginary heaven?). There is no God! Not Zeus, Thor, Osiris or any other god has ever existed even if they were created thousands of years before the Hebrew God. . Why not attribute creation to any of the other thousands of manmade gods? Why choose the Hebrew god? Inanna is the oldest god there are effigies of, why not choose her? Because she is not the god you were taught to believe in! That is the only reason! People believe in the god they were taught to believe in - not because there is some profound truth or actual existence of that god.

  • @26beegee


    11 ай бұрын

    @@rephaimog4186 Here we go again…didn’t think I would be teaching science at 70 years of age but, whatever. After A Person Dies - As best as anyone can gauge, cell metabolism likely continues for roughly four to 10 minutes after death, depending on the ambient temperature around the body. During this time period, oxygenated blood, which normally exchanges carbon dioxide with oxygen, is not circulating. Thus, cell respiration-which uses oxygen to make cellular energy while creating carbon dioxide as a by-product-creates carbon dioxide that is not transported out of the cell. This lowers the pH of the cell, resulting in an acidic intracellular environment. This acidic environment causes intracellular membranes to rupture-including those around the cell's lysosome, which contains enzymes for digesting everything from proteins to fats and nucleic acids. Once the membranes have burst, these enzymes are released and begin to digest the cell from the inside out. This process is known as autolysis (or self-digestion). For the full article follow this link. As for the atoms we are made of: THE ENERGY IN YOU - Even though it's an inexorable part of life, for many people, death - or at least the thought of ceasing to exist forever - can be a scary thing. The disturbing things that happen to the body during decomposition - the process by which cells and tissues begin to break down post mortem - are bad enough. But what if instead of looking at death from a biological perspective, we examine it from a physics standpoint? More specifically, let's look at how our energy is redistributed after we die. For the full article follow this link: So in that I am correct, without metabolism our cells die, it is also correct (and I think you are referring to) energy cannot be created or destroyed the atoms are redistributed elsewhere. They do not remain in our bodies. Nothing about us continues to live. As my example of the cut flower shows, we eventually decay and no,part of us a anything recognizably human remains. And we do not have a soul, as has been shown in neuroscience, we on,y have the neural activity in our brains. (See the writings or KZread lectures of Dr. Robert Sapolsky of Stanford University) which are excellent. Sorry to disappoint you but, we are natural and there is no supernatural. Simply does not exist. This is no joke - it is in fact science which is real. It is not religion which is not real. Good luck to you in your deconversion.

  • @simlee6177
    @simlee6177Ай бұрын

    Wonderful story! I admire your courage and intellectual curiosity. Indeed, Rhett's deconversion story is beautifully told too. Good to hear that your marriage hasn't been destroyed by your new insights. I hope all has continued to go well. Thanks for sharing.

  • @mads5000
    @mads5000Ай бұрын

    Wow, you are actually really good at talking to the camera, sticking to what you had planned and not wonder off into tangents👍 Hope life is treating you and your family well😊😊

  • @JustDemi
    @JustDemi2 жыл бұрын

    "It was scary and a big relief at the same time." I remember feeling the exact same way when I admitted to myself I am no longer a Christian or part of any religious group. Scary because I never thought I'd say or feel it, and because I was aware that the people closest to me would have to know and I thought they wouldn't understand and start unnecessary debates about my beliefs. Relieved because I wasn't living in fear anymore and I was happy that I admitted it to myself. Thank you for sharing!

  • @williamle1895


    2 жыл бұрын

    “One friend asked me to pray. When informed of my atheism, he said, "During your last days you will begin to believe". I said, No, dear Sir, it shall not be. I will think that to be an act of degradation and demoralization on my part. For selfish motives I am not going to pray. Readers and friends, "Is this vanity"? If it is, I stand for it.” Quote by Bhagat Singh. This quote may inspire you.

  • @jakes658


    2 жыл бұрын

    @KTTGHMTJWYCBLAC All Christianity is fake.

  • @MrCrimsonbolt
    @MrCrimsonbolt Жыл бұрын

    Good to see Paulogia get a mention, my favourite channel on KZread

  • @nicolasvanderwesthuizen2373
    @nicolasvanderwesthuizen23732 жыл бұрын

    Thanks so much for your honesty. For me it was the list of "Do's and Don'ts" that made me feel inadequate and further away from God. Finally I decided to leave church, not saying everyone should, but I needed to be uninfluenced and sort myself out. See in the beginning I was sold out on the unconditional love and safety in the Saviour. Although having good intentions, when churches preach law it becomes a whole legalistic religious organization that robs us of our true identity and freedom that we are supposed to have. What I found is that religion says "Fix yourself and God/we will accept you" while the Gospel is supposed to be "Come just as you are and I will give you righteousness/(okayness) as a gift". Religion says "You have to work hard to stay forgiven and right" while the true Gospel is supposed to be: "With a single sacrifice I have made you perfectly accepted and irreversibly forgiven forever". Religion says "God is in love with a future version of you" while the Gospel of Grace is supposed to be: "God loves you as you are right now unconditionally and is NEVER GOING TO CHANGE". Religion is a bunch of rules to follow as a prerequisite to acceptance versus the Gospel of Grace is supposed to provide immediate irreversible acceptance which will produce the "works"/performance over time, but our performance is supposed to be SECONDARY to the "Work Christ did". This reveals a bit of what I found. Please see my journey as I left the church in this link for more: Appreciate it.

  • @andrewferg8737


    Жыл бұрын

    "list of "Do's and Don'ts" ---- "The LORD said, This is the resting place, let the weary rest, and, This is the place of repose- but they would not listen. So then, the Word of the Lord to them has become nothing but: do this, do that, a rule for this, a rule for that; a little here, a little there- so then as they try to move forward, they fall backward and are injured and snared and captured" (Isaiah 28) Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.

  • @MrKit9
    @MrKit9 Жыл бұрын

    Always beautiful to see when someone sees the light and frees themselves from the chains of religion.

  • @razoredge6130


    9 ай бұрын

    Why is it good?

  • @Mike-qt7jp


    8 ай бұрын

    Unless God is on the throne and Judgment Day is coming.

  • @MrKit9


    8 ай бұрын

    Unless Santa is coming? Better be a good little boy.@@Mike-qt7jp

  • @NitroRoo
    @NitroRoo Жыл бұрын

    This was very relatable to the journey I've been on for the past 5+ years. Thanks for sharing your story.

  • @gregsimmons694


    10 күн бұрын

    Time to wake up and use that brain God gave! Jesus saves sinners like you

  • @NitroRoo


    9 күн бұрын

    @@gregsimmons694 Nice try, using my brain is what got me here pal 😉

  • @tljmma
    @tljmma2 жыл бұрын

    Great story. It’s inspiring hearing peoples journey to reason. Keep up the good work. Your story will help others.

  • @williamle1895


    2 жыл бұрын

    “One friend asked me to pray. When informed of my atheism, he said, "During your last days you will begin to believe". I said, No, dear Sir, it shall not be. I will think that to be an act of degradation and demoralization on my part. For selfish motives I am not going to pray. Readers and friends, "Is this vanity"? If it is, I stand for it.” Quote by Bhagat Singh. This quote may inspire you.

  • @yzettasmith4194
    @yzettasmith419411 ай бұрын

    I'm glad you could take in new information and think it through. That ability will stand you in good stead throughout your life. :) Never stop learning, never stop thinking. It took me a long time to leave Christianity, too.

  • @justintran3265
    @justintran3265Ай бұрын

    I deconstructed after 28 yrs as a Catholic. I wasn’t seeing the things taught in the Bible first hand, so I quit. What reconstructed my interest in Christianity is meeting Jesus in my Dream. He had piercing blue eyes, and a smirk on his face as if he knew everything in which he did! I was made completely whole in my dream, and experienced no negativity or sufferings that we experience in this world. He opens the door in my dream and I entered! I’m now still a Christian because of it, plus he reveals himself to me as no one on this planet can. After that dream, I started learning scriptures accurately and that’s the key! The verse in question is 2 Timothy 2:15-17. “Study to show yourselves approved before God” So what would happen if he approved or disapproved of your study of his nature? I believe because I’ve been on both sides. When you interpret scriptures accurately, he acknowledges you and reveals himself just like he revealed himself to Moses or Elijah, but when you miss the mark, then nothing happens and that’s what I experienced for 28yrs, a relationship with people vs a tangible relationship with God.

  • @katherineg9396
    @katherineg93968 ай бұрын

    Thanks for sharing your story. I admire how you investigated both sides. Best wishes to you and your family.

  • @jacobwells9857
    @jacobwells98577 ай бұрын

    Thank you for sharing your story. In some ways your journey sounds similar to mine. I was also raised Christian fundamentalist evangelical and didn't legitimately question my beliefs until about 3 years ago. When Qanon was becoming a more prominent thing in the US and many of its members were self-proclaimed Christians something lit up in my brain that made me want to dig into my beliefs further. I found Genetically Modified Skeptic and was quickly overwhelmed to learn a lot of what I had come to believe about the Bible was either not true or was not based in anything concrete. I discovered Matt Dillahunty and became fascinated with logical arguments and epistemology. There's a point at which you're confronted with enough information that makes the idea of 'faith' ridiculous. I've since had multiple family members appeal to faith and every time I tell them why it's not a good enough reason to believe in something, but they've become so convinced of it as a practice that even when they agree with my logic, they still cannot seem to admit it to themselves and seek sound justification which is what I did and continue to do. I call myself an atheist because I do not believe in god, but I have sought god in vigorous reading and study. Ultimately, I'm at a point where I do not think this is real and doubt I will ever find anything affirming that stands up to scrutiny. But I'm happy to be wrong. My family thinks I'm going through a phase and that I've been deceived by the devil which is just their way of making sense of me leaving their religion. But I've had enough conversations to where they know I've thought about and agonized over this issue to where I don't take this lightly. Communing with others and sharing stories is a good way to help with the isolation that comes from these types of personal shifts.

  • @kevindahlenburg6014


    16 күн бұрын

    So, you never had a personal relationship with Christ or accepted his redeeming work on the cross? That is what Christianity hinges on.

  • @jacobwells9857


    16 күн бұрын

    @@kevindahlenburg6014 I believed that I did have a relationship with Jesus and had committed to the sacrifice he had made for the good of the world. That was the foundation of my beliefs. However, I didn’t ever truly consider if I had good reason to think that my relationship with Jesus was real or that what he’d done on the cross had actually happened or in the way it was written. And when I confronted that question it was obvious that I didn’t have a reason. I just felt it to be true which isn’t a reliable path to determining truth. So I set it aside

  • @siLveRscOpe13x
    @siLveRscOpe13x7 ай бұрын

    I recently became an Atheist. It took me a decade to deconstruct, but I came to my conclusion about 2 months ago. The only person in my life that knows is my wife. She's not particularly religious herself, so she is very accepting and supportive. My family on the other hand... I don't think it will go smoothly. I'm honestly not even convinced I should tell them at all. Your story inspires me, though. Thank you for sharing this. :)

  • @conniegrant939


    6 ай бұрын

    This is your journey not theirs and you owe no one an explanation. Congratulations.

  • @ETCubing
    @ETCubingАй бұрын

    My deconstruction began when 2 things occurred, first was taking a religious history class thought from an academic perspective where I began to learn what kind of text the Bible really is (a compilation of books of completely different genres, most of which have gone through multiple language translations and scores of copying/transcribing, each instance of which there is evidence of mistakes/blatant edits made by the transcriber/translator). The second event was the modern movement of Christian nationalism in the US where blatant cherry picking of Bible verses were used as justification for new bills and laws that would suppress different groups of people and benefit the rich/white/male/cis-het. The combination of these things led me to question how a religious text so far removed from its original version could ever be used as any kind authoritative justification for policy making, which led me to question how it could be used as an authoritative justification for any of my political positions, of for the way I go about living life, or how I think, or who I talk to, etc. I ultimately came to the position that the Bible just wasn’t suitable to act as an authoritative text to dictate the way I or anyone else should live, sure it has some wisdom that you could take inspiration from but it’s no different than any other religions’ holy/sacred texts.

  • @jenna2431
    @jenna24312 жыл бұрын

    An Atheist with "flammable" signs in the background--love it! Good on you for coming out of that mess. It's really hard. The "you were never a real Christian" is a typical "out-grouping" behavior whether Christian, Mormon, or Hell's Angels. They think they're being so smart, but the actual implication of that for Christians is that the person got it over on more mature Christians around them for all that time. Brace for impact--but you're in the right direction.

  • @MeganVictoriaKearns


    2 жыл бұрын

    I like the way you put that. I'm currently engaged in a back-and-forth comment exchange with a borderline delusional, fire and brimstone, psych patient type of evangelical. It's best to ignore people like that, but I find it so hard to not reply sometimes, even though it is truly pointless to expect I can ever have an intellectual conversation with a person so far removed from critical thinking that they honestly believe the creator of the Universe impregnated a teenager 2,000 years ago. Humans have been around 100 times that long - 200,000 years - and God waits that long to start showing up? Ok. You're ignorant. Buh-bye.

  • @davidspencer343
    @davidspencer3435 ай бұрын

    I realised i was an athiest in 5th grade. I just didnt believe it. It seemed silly. Talking snakes and such. God drowning babies in the flood but he loves us. It was just weird. I just accepted my family was in a cult and just kinda pretended until i felt safe to come out

  • @seymourskinner1873
    @seymourskinner18732 жыл бұрын

    thx for making this, appreciate your honesty, glad your marriage survived.

  • @williamle1895


    2 жыл бұрын

    “One friend asked me to pray. When informed of my atheism, he said, "During your last days you will begin to believe". I said, No, dear Sir, it shall not be. I will think that to be an act of degradation and demoralization on my part. For selfish motives I am not going to pray. Readers and friends, "Is this vanity"? If it is, I stand for it.” Quote by Bhagat Singh. This quote may inspire you.

  • @ehenningsen
    @ehenningsen4 ай бұрын

    Love this! Always think, always check sources, always validate, always move forward 😊

  • @brothercaleb
    @brothercaleb2 жыл бұрын

    Amazing story bro. What a journey

  • @theharshtruthoutthere


    2 жыл бұрын

    Covid - 19 was a made up story. Under the topic: FREEMASONRY lays all the needful answers. Don´t find those, then you missing skills to search. It is harsh fact, yet still remains a fact. To all, who complain that BIBLE is written through man`s hand, don`t you not know nor haven`t notice: another populat book : HARRY POTTER is written also through human`s hand, but by satan himself. to see in more detail that movie: HARRY POTTER, one can see how satan explains who he is - how he is - where and how old his kingdom is and what are his planes for us: humans. One, very noticeable is the seance were Black introduce their family tree to Potter. Looking at is carefully then it`s matching the family tree of those who are in power(royals, politics, freemasons). WHO IS THEN SATAN ACCORDING TO YOUR WORDS AND OPINIONS? For me - satan is my enemy, once a glorious Angel, yet as PRIDE was found in him, he lost his place in HEAVEN and felled down to earth and now without a body, only in spiritual form, he walketh around to see whom he : and today on this earth satan is known as god /with little g) and his kingdom is this fallen earth. Be not fool, for he is carring many names: the most known: - LUCIFER, - SATAN, - THE OLD DEVIL, - THE Baphomet - the false god/the god of freemasonry. - The Prince of the air. 1 Peter 5:8 - Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Matthew 10:16 - Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. Why are we complaining about GOD, if it`s only our evil deeds that shock us? - rape, wars, drugs, creating pointless drama and more. Earth is satan`s kingdom, satan is fallen god with fallen kingdom. SATAN IS DEFEATED. It is fact. Youth and old, pick up a mic and a speaker, find boldness and be on your way to preach the gospel. MS or MR. - start researching so no lies will you ever again be found believing: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) 10.) 11.) 12.) How to get contact with them - the owners of these channels: Email: Email us at: If you would like to feature on this channel, work with Lion Of Judah or have any other enquiries, please get in touch ✉ Email me: Email me: email me at email me at biblicaltypology contact us: EMAIL ME AT: Email - email What if all is already shared, yet you didn`t bother to notice? Little about some topics: ABORTSION, SLEEPING AROUND = SHARING SEED AND NOT RAISING THESE UP. And let me ask a hard question here and there: WHY MALES CAN`T AND WILL NOT KEEP THEIR REPRODUCTIVE TOOLS MORE UNDER CONTROL? WHY ON EARTH ARE MALES SHARING THEIR OWN BODY MEMBERS SO EASILY? WHY ARE THEY UNABLE TO SUDDENLY DEAL WITH THEIR OWN SEEDS THAT START GROWING AND BECAME TO BE AS HUMANS? If males do not ask hard questions from themselves and do not change then complaining about the topic: it`s no use. For MALE was created 1st - that means: on the shoulders of males lays the most. There`s a reason MALES were created in the shape of a match cup - to TRULY STAND STRONG AND BE STRONG. A man sharing his seed here and there IS NOT A STRONG NOR WISE MAN. Raising up all the seeds man has share`d - and raising them up in truth - THEN WE CAN SAY: THAT MAN IS STRONG AND WISE ALSO. If under your care are more then 1 child and only one shares your blood and you ain`t gonna feet them, you are then PURE EVIL. And no, being a MALE OR FEMALE ain`t matter here. for to make a child - both: MALE AND FEMALE IS NEEDED. Raising a child/children is the obligation of both. And if one can`t deal with raising a child/children then why sleeping around? Learn to ignore your fleshly desires. Learn to have control over your body. We already have billions broken souls, WHY ON EARTH WE ARE BUSY TO MAKE MORE? No, i`m not against having children and multiplying the earth with new generations. What i am against is: PRODUCING BROKEN SOULS. It is no good. take care all the children living under your roof or the same will happen as was between 2 1st brothers ever lived on earth: CAIN AND ABLE. Jealously comes forth and one amongst these children, later in life, end up dead way before his or her time. Why? - because a child`s soul is broken. A child do not fully understand all the reasons why adults love one child more then others. That`s usually a reason why later in life, these children are enemies to each other. Raising a child/children, do not care about your own pride and opinions form other humans nor even your owns, CARE ABOUT HOW GOD SEES YOU AND TAKES YOU. Wrongly and unraised children = more violence in this world. And who are these who complain the most about this topic:? ADULTS in their old age. If we /all who are parents, no matter here is all the children are blood sharers or not/ make a way for more violence then no right is found for complain. We, older generations, want truly a change in this world, then let`s raise children in truth and in love. Lets be mad only if they do wrong, not because they do not share our genes. Sadly, all humans ever lived - are wicked sinners, to become a saint - one MUST COME TO REPENTENCE AND BORN AGAIN. What truly means made in the image of GOD? - MADE IN 3. SPIRIT + SOUL + BODY - ALIVE HUMAN/LIVING SOUL. Let`s word it a little different: SPIRIT/GOD CREATED SPIRITS/HUMANS. We, humans are also SPIRIT BEINGS. Already ever lasting beings - that is one of the secrets of life. It`s just the body we live in, that must put on IMMORTALITY. So we, humans can be wholly everlasting beings. To be a human being - all 3 parts must be. It is sad, you still don`t know that nor understand. Fact: nr.1: LUST AFTER ANOTHER`S HUMAN BODY AIN`T LOVE. True love is: LAYING DOWN ONE`S OWN LIFE /LIKE CHRIST DID FOR US/ SO OTHER`S CAN LIVE. THAT`S LOVE. Fact nr 2: Real CHURCH IS HUMAN BODY ITSELF, FOR GOD IS A SPIRTI AND DO NOT NEED A BUILDING MADE BY HANDS. Know all the facts there is to know, lest you still be DECEIVED. Fact nr. 3 Christianity was never a religion. It always been reality. It is time to fully understand that part. How come Christianity can and is reality? - Do some searching about FREEMSONRY. Fact nr. 4: Being in gender/sex (for me, both words means the same thing) has only one purpose: TO MULTIPLY aka create new generations of humans. Therefore if like you all stating, that gender and sex is changeable and optionable, then why not a single soul born without reproductive tools? and no, i do not mean here the "intersex" ones. for they born with confused body functions. That`s why they have both tools. And by trying to change a sex/gender - you are stealing another human`s tools. Someone goes to grave without these. Do not steal nor envy anything that another human have. But be wise and take care all that was given to you. Use a little logic and even you are able to list real and logical facts. If one leaves Christianity too easily, then sadly one haven`t had a clue, what is REAL CHRISTIANIY ALL ABOUT. That is fact nr 5. Give some time and some chances and another soul comes form atheism to CHRISTIANITY aka become a Christ follower. No money needed to follow CHRIST. but it does cost us a lot: FOLLOWING A CHRIST COST US OUR EARTHLY LIVES. Real Christian MUST BE WILLING TO SUFFER AND MUST BE WILLING TO LAY DOWN ONES`S LIFE, LIKE CHRIST DID FOR US, THE SAME WE DO FOR CHRIST. Real Christians must come out from BABYLON AKA MATRIX , not find ways to still be in there. Matrix is satan`s kingdom. How can you serve GOD in another`s god kingdom? - you can`t, you must make a chose: GOD OR MAMMON/SATAN? Whom you will serve? Where will you be forever: HEAVEN OR IN THE HOT LAKE? Didn`t you notice? i give 4 more facts. Copy these and remember these. Family betrayal is very real for ALL WHO FOLLOW CHRIST. in the tribulation period /7years long/ - Future for Christians: SUFFERING: HUNGER AND FREEZING, BETRYAL, MURDER, SHOT - STAB - BEHEADED. Even though we will truly suffer extremely on this earth - let`s rejoice, for out SPIRITS will be in HEAVEN comforted FOREVER. Why that extreme suffering? - BECAUSE WE WILL REJECT SATAN AND HIS MOTB. And also another way to get stuff cleared out: play little with words: CHRISTIANITY AND REALITY = BOTH END THE SAME. Last 3 letters in both words: ITY. Truth is truth and remains a truth - out feelings - wishes - opinions and beliefs DO NOT CHANGE THAT.

  • @Herecomesthefatlady
    @Herecomesthefatlady3 ай бұрын

    What a wonderful, balanced intelligent and humble person you are. Thank you for this.

  • @nates9029
    @nates90299 ай бұрын

    Cheers to you for finally freeing yourself from religion and theism is general. I left Christianity over 20 years ago. I have been an atheist for almost as long. I totally understand how hard it can be to leave the faith you grew up with and the friends you had. I wish you well.

  • @Mukinka
    @Mukinka2 жыл бұрын

    All the best man! Never an easy journey, but definitely worth it. I can definitely relate to the sudden fear that overcomes you when you tell yourself you no longer believe. Rather than feel happy, you're scared and worried. But then you get empowered because you realize you're in charge of your life and it's up to you on how you live and that any virtuous behavior that comes from you is by choice and not because you're expecting some sort of reward, but rather wanting to do good to create a better society.

  • @egbewattarrahnaomi332


    2 жыл бұрын

    You fear because your heart tells you that you are wrong about your beliefs

  • @Mukinka


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@egbewattarrahnaomi332 So when a muslim deconverts and is afraid, is that also because their heart told them that Islam is true? Apply this btw to any other religion. Same phenomena, different religions.

  • @69eddieD


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@egbewattarrahnaomi332 Stop abusing people. Your religion is repulsive and malevolent.

  • @lauriethomasmd3760
    @lauriethomasmd37607 ай бұрын

    Thank you for sharing your authentic, honest views.

  • @Promiseland2024
    @Promiseland2024 Жыл бұрын

    I didn't even ask questions about scripture, I just believed on faith. However, i did expect actual proof like healings and immediate deliverance for people...but, those things never happened. I fasted, prayed and all I got was silence! So after a while it dawned on me how I spent years on a hamster wheel of excuses on why God didn't do heal a Christian from cancer ? Deliver someone's kid from addiction. Why are these kids being abused??. So I just woke up one day and said If you are real then show me...nothing happen.. so I just said...I'm done! I still question where we came from because evolution or the big bang doesn't satisfy me. But, that question is not enough to draw me back into a place of worshipping some invisible being who has never made themselves known. Thx foe the video.

  • @emmatessier600


    10 ай бұрын

    I'm interested to hear why it's important to understand where we came from other than the technical explanations of planet formation and such

  • @emmatessier600


    10 ай бұрын

    Is it just some feeling of belonging and being made for something that you had before and now are feeling the lack of it?

  • @user-wz7ku7ys9l


    3 ай бұрын

    "Only an evil and adulterous generation would demand a miraculous sign, but the only sign I will give them is the sign of the prophet Jonah" Matthew 16:4 Maybe you didn't know the content of what you claimed to believe.

  • @happyangie674
    @happyangie6745 ай бұрын

    You have described Exactly Why "They" don't want you to even entertain the skeptic.

  • @Larry30102
    @Larry301022 жыл бұрын

    Super great video! I loved your story from start to finish. Your honesty and sincerity is undeniable. I’m also so glad that you and your wife are on good ground. Hopefully that will continue. All the best, from a deconstructed Xian of over 40 yrs.

  • @williamle1895


    2 жыл бұрын

    “One friend asked me to pray. When informed of my atheism, he said, "During your last days you will begin to believe". I said, No, dear Sir, it shall not be. I will think that to be an act of degradation and demoralization on my part. For selfish motives I am not going to pray. Readers and friends, "Is this vanity"? If it is, I stand for it.” Quote by Bhagat Singh. This quote may inspire you.

  • @Baa975


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@@williamle1895Why are you repeating yourself?

  • @johnpalmer653
    @johnpalmer6535 ай бұрын

    Dude, your experience was extremely close to mine. Mad respect for owning who you are and sharing your perspectice with the rest of us.

  • @gregsimmons694


    10 күн бұрын

    Jesus saves sinners and fools like you! Now use that brain God gave you!

  • @agear2
    @agear26 ай бұрын

    ,i went in the opposite direction at age of 23 despite growing up in family full of scientists and physicians (and now being one myself.). It was very much of supernatural or what some people would call “paranormal” experience and interaction with a living being. As the world accelerates into ever-growing darkness, the emptiness of this path will become more apparent.

  • @tewodroz
    @tewodroz6 ай бұрын

    Good man. I hope you’re doing well, brother🤗

  • @thetruthaboutscienceandgod6921


    6 ай бұрын

    Please watch and share with others my four brief videos in which I present examples of scientific facts contained in the Bible, facts that the writers thousands of years ago could not have been aware of without divine knowledge given to them by Jesus Christ / The God of the Bible. And today's scientists agree with those facts!

  • @historicalbiblicalresearch8440
    @historicalbiblicalresearch84402 жыл бұрын

    I remember someone else's deconversion account where he said that his faith was so strong that he would amuse himself by watching a few atheist videos just to see how silly their arguments were.

  • @williamle1895


    2 жыл бұрын

    “One friend asked me to pray. When informed of my atheism, he said, "During your last days you will begin to believe". I said, No, dear Sir, it shall not be. I will think that to be an act of degradation and demoralization on my part. For selfish motives I am not going to pray. Readers and friends, "Is this vanity"? If it is, I stand for it.” Quote by Bhagat Singh. Never Pray for an Atheist

  • @crashtestdummy2337
    @crashtestdummy23375 ай бұрын

    Strange, the opposite happened to me. I went from Atheism to Catholicism growing up in my late 20s. I read all the books of the ancient church fathers, the works of CS Lewis, even the works of prominent atheists like Dawkins and Hitchens. I became increasingly convinced of the arguments made by Lewis and Tolkein ad opposed to Dawkins, who seem to have a 3rd grade understanding of scripture. And this is the problem with evangelical christians. They also have a very poor understanding of scripture. They don't rely on two thousand years of education and History, just the past century. They are woefully unprepared to defend themselves. Their faith has no root because many evangelical and non denominationals are not educated very well on scripture. So as soon, as they 'deconstruct' their religion, it crumbles like a house of Cards because they built their house of faith on Sand. If you still are investigating Christianity, I would highly advise Orthodoxy or Catholicism. Which are in my eyes the true faith as practiced for millenia. Catholics do not read the Bible literally. They believe it be divinely inspired but also fully human. This is a difficult concept for fundamentalist evangelicals to grasp.

  • @Wertbag99


    5 ай бұрын

    It is often said that fundamentalists given Christians a bad name. My fundamentalist bible teacher trying to push a literal version of Genesis was what started me on the road away from religion. I do wonder how it would have been different if my teacher had been a more moderate type, then at least the teachings wouldn't conflict with science.

  • @thedarknessthatcomesbefore4279


    4 ай бұрын

    Weird because I found C.S Lewis's theological arguments unconvincing. Just give me your best reason to start believing a God exists because if it is a good reason I will find myself believing too. And I want to believe as many true things as I can and believe as few false things as I can.

  • @Fritz999
    @Fritz99911 ай бұрын

    Congrats and stay strong!

  • @MilkAndHoney
    @MilkAndHoney2 жыл бұрын

    Aside from the drama from Rationality Rules, I think he's done some really great work. Along with cosmic skeptic, atheist experience etc. Some great channels to check out are Telltale (he was a jahovas witness but his content is relatable and insteresting) Belief it or Not Truth Hurts (I think he was a Mormon, but his "debunking the Bible with the flood myth" video is GREAT)

  • @ereyes6718


    2 жыл бұрын

    Truth Hurts was also a Jehovah's Witness. His content was what opened me up to Atheism.

  • @languagelearningexperience6814
    @languagelearningexperience6814 Жыл бұрын

    Very familiar - well done for getting yourself out.

  • @chottstuff
    @chottstuff3 ай бұрын

    makes me really happy that you made it through Shapiro and Peterson to the other side! not everyone does! you have a strong mind.

  • @Bill_Garthright
    @Bill_Garthright2 жыл бұрын

    Paulogia and Viced Rhino? Yeah, I'm a big fan of those channels. (When you started off talking about Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson, I was really wondering. Heh, heh.) Anyway, I just wanted to say that I greatly admire people like you. Being an atheist was easy for me. I was raised Christian - nominally, at least - but I don't remember ever believing it. I'm 70 years old, so there was no internet when I was a kid. And I didn't know _anyone_ who wasn't a Christian - as far as I knew, at least. But I don't remember ever believing it, myself. But people like _you,_ people who really _did_ believe it and then had to make a wrenching change in their whole worldview, _that's_ impressive. Seriously. I care about the truth, and so when I see someone else who cared enough about the truth to go where the evidence (or the lack of evidence) led them, that's really admirable. Congratulations! And I wish you well going forward. PS. One suggestion: You might increase the volume on your videos. This one got especially low about 19 minutes in (for just 2-3 minutes), but it was always too low to listen to while I did something else. And in a 'talking head' video like this, where all I really need is to _hear_ it, that's a problem. (In this case, I wanted to fix breakfast while I was watching, but the volume was just too low for that. I needed to stick right by my computer in order to hear you.) No big deal. I just thought I'd mention it. Nice job with the video, other than that minor thing.

  • @harmonyrpt
    @harmonyrpt6 ай бұрын

    I hope you and your wife are still happily married. Married couples need to have shared meaning. That can be very difficult but not impossible in interfaith relationships. Best wishes to you, your wife, and especially your kids.

  • @koppite9600


    6 ай бұрын

    Marriage is Christian. He is an atheist and he isn't compelled to keep the marriage.

  • @sheilastutz6436
    @sheilastutz64364 ай бұрын

    Alan Watts was a former priest and left the faith!

  • @tutsandreacts8021
    @tutsandreacts80212 жыл бұрын

    Great vid!

  • @G0SuBunnY
    @G0SuBunnY3 ай бұрын

    15 Then all the tax collectors and the sinners drew near to Him to hear Him. 2 And the Pharisees and scribes complained, saying, “This Man [a]receives sinners and eats with them.” 3 So He spoke this parable to them, saying: 4 “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until he finds it? 5 And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing. 6 And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost!’ 7 I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine [b]just persons who need no repentance.

  • @user-ky5dy5hl4d
    @user-ky5dy5hl4d5 ай бұрын

    Talking snake and talking donkey are the best. Still haven't found one.

  • @noahcole6856
    @noahcole68564 ай бұрын

    Do you know of the simbolism of Abraham and Issac?

  • @sulongenjop7436
    @sulongenjop7436Ай бұрын

    Many people simply refuse to believe that God loves the world so much that He sent his only begotten son to this world that the souls of whoever believe in Him will be born again, gain salvation and have eternal life.

  • @gdshft
    @gdshft8 күн бұрын

    Deconstruct the Shroud of Turin. Good luck! You’re going to need it.

  • @stevepreston7879
    @stevepreston787917 күн бұрын

    Really interesting.

  • @wagsman9999
    @wagsman9999 Жыл бұрын

    For me it was a few things... the foundational aspect of Christianity is 'original sin,' the narrative depicted in Genesis. But evolution destroys any concept of a set of original pairs, so no Adam and Eve. No Adam and Eve, no fall. No fall, no original sin. No original sin, no need for Jesus. Also, it was the fact that Jesus preached a near-term apocalyptic vision (Mark), which failed, and you can literally see the Gospel narrative change to address this awkward failure. Then there is the rather haphazard way early Christians used the Old Testament to support the concept of their suffering messiah, a set of claims any Rabbi will demonstrate were taken out of context. Then there are the astounding events recorded in the NT that are reported nowhere else (the Herod baby massacre, the census that led Joseph to Bethlehem, the walking dead in Matthew, darkness falling over the land, etc.). Then there's the lack of any physical evidence, we can't point to the home of Jesus, we can't point to his tomb, he wrote nothing down that survives, we can't say when he was born, we can't say when he died. Then I asked myself the following question. If I was standing next to Jesus just before his execution, and God came down and said... "I am going to crucify this Jesus in the most brutal way, and I am going to torture this man to death for you!" ... I might have said... "I wish you wouldn't, I'll atone for my own sins when it's time." It was at this point I realized Christianity is a blood cult, underwritten by a scapegoat mentality.

  • @davidsabillon5182
    @davidsabillon51822 жыл бұрын

    Like commented and subscribed 👍

  • @williamle1895


    2 жыл бұрын

    “One friend asked me to pray. When informed of my atheism, he said, "During your last days you will begin to believe". I said, No, dear Sir, it shall not be. I will think that to be an act of degradation and demoralization on my part. For selfish motives I am not going to pray. Readers and friends, "Is this vanity"? If it is, I stand for it.” Quote by Bhagat Singh. This quote may inspire you.

  • @scienceownsimposters2142
    @scienceownsimposters21426 ай бұрын

    It is called having a spiritual awakening and discovering the truth =)

  • @evangelicalsnever-lie9792


    5 ай бұрын

    Sounds gay. Especially since nobody can prove a "spirit" exists. It could also be called a Magical Thinking Mental Breakdown.

  • @MilkAndHoney
    @MilkAndHoney2 жыл бұрын

    I love finding new Atheist channels. Watching now! 💚

  • @MilkAndHoney


    2 жыл бұрын

    Pretty sure these are the comments I have to make as of now. Sorry if it was a bit bombarding, hope it boosts your channel through the algorithm. Have a great day sir. 💙

  • @MilkAndHoney


    2 жыл бұрын

    That was a great listen. Hope to hear more from you in the future, maybe specific situations or views, or even stories from a slice of your deconstruction. Hope you, your wife and children all the best! 😊

  • @egbewattarrahnaomi332


    2 жыл бұрын

    So that you can see that you aren't alone . What if you have exchanged heaven for hell?. Come back to God your story shows that you had not been regenerated

  • @MilkAndHoney


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@egbewattarrahnaomi332 my story?

  • @williamle1895


    2 жыл бұрын

    “One friend asked me to pray. When informed of my atheism, he said, "During your last days you will begin to believe". I said, No, dear Sir, it shall not be. I will think that to be an act of degradation and demoralization on my part. For selfish motives I am not going to pray. Readers and friends, "Is this vanity"? If it is, I stand for it.” Quote by Bhagat Singh. This quote may inspire you.

  • @nicholasgee9127
    @nicholasgee9127 Жыл бұрын

    As a Christian if you believe in macroevolution you have to wrestle with how sin came after millions of years of death.

  • @timisa58
    @timisa58 Жыл бұрын

    Another problem with Pascal's wager I always like to ask..."Okay, I should believe in a god. Which one? How do you know that the one you believe in is the right one? Why do you believe in the one you believe in?" The responses are always inadequate. As a non-believer I don't claim that there is no god or gods. Just that I don't see any compelling evidence that it or they exist. The world has always been and continues to be composed of non-Christians. People, for thousands of years before and now, have been living w/o the Christian god. Of course your journey is do-able. Good luck!

  • @bnotyet3236
    @bnotyet32362 жыл бұрын

    Absolutely agree with your wall art that all religions are highly corrosive! Teach impressionable young minds to fear an invisible gawd, and fear the boogie man below even more. Your deconstruction gives me hope that more southern mens can stop blind worship of an awful book, and even worse ree pub lick cans who're wanna-be gawds ...

  • @videnkirui4455


    Жыл бұрын

    😅😅highly corrosive

  • @franixbw3593
    @franixbw35936 ай бұрын

    I am praying for you.

  • @briankenyon1543


    5 ай бұрын

    We are thinking for you.😉

  • @tom47opm3
    @tom47opm3 Жыл бұрын

    Good job.

  • @gsdtravels6457
    @gsdtravels64574 ай бұрын

    Welcome to logic and rationality!😊

  • @robdielenberg4234
    @robdielenberg42344 ай бұрын

    When you look at countless "why I left Christianity" testimonials, some clear patterns emerge. The main one is that Christianity promotes the creation of communities in society that live in their own echo chamber. This causes psychological stunting of the individuals in that community. It is when individuals of that community start broadening their search for knowledge (belatedly), that they begin to encounter alternative models of reality. When this happens, those individuals that have latent cognitive capacity and mental flexibility begin to question their beliefs. This starts the deconversion process, and the road to psychological integration. Because Christianity fundamentally creates mentally compartmentalized brains. Contrary to what it professes, Christianity is anti-spiritual. Spiritual does not mean prostrating oneself before sacred icons, or meditating in caves. Spirituality mean psychological integration and free flowing psychic energy. This can only be achieved by integrating unconscious content into consciousness, i.e., the process of psychological integration. Thus, you will find that ALL those who leave Christianity are less mentally compartmentalized and more psychologically integrated. Individuals who are not aware of the mechanics of this simply perceive themselves as feeling mentally healthier. Much more can be said about the work that this involves, but I will leave it here. Suffice to say that atheist are not perfect human beings, but they are further developed on the road to psychological integration and brain maturity.

  • @jeremiahhardin4453
    @jeremiahhardin44535 ай бұрын

    I'm struggling with my faith and have been seriously doubting my salvation for several years now. I'm not saying I'm going full blown athiest, but I am beginning to question a lot of things. I was "saved" when I was 6 or 7, and I'm 43 now. I believe a lot of things that the Bible says, but I also have a lot of questions as well.

  • @richman8082
    @richman80822 жыл бұрын

    Good decision

  • @williamle1895


    2 жыл бұрын

    “One friend asked me to pray. When informed of my atheism, he said, "During your last days you will begin to believe". I said, No, dear Sir, it shall not be. I will think that to be an act of degradation and demoralization on my part. For selfish motives I am not going to pray. Readers and friends, "Is this vanity"? If it is, I stand for it.” Quote by Bhagat Singh. This Quote may inspire you

  • @sallymay4178
    @sallymay41783 ай бұрын

    Jesus saved my life many time in my life and every time something happens he is there ! God does love us and he is in all our live look around the evidence is everywhere !

  • @melindajudy8742
    @melindajudy87422 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for your testimony. It took a lot of coursge. I am secular myself because I have a hard time believing in the stories of the Bible and I don't think you need to believe in a God to be a good person

  • @betty754
    @betty754 Жыл бұрын

    Hmm It sooo obvious why someone would leave christianity to go to atheism but what seems hard to understand is why people would go from lifetime of atheism to christianity or even go back to christianity? Sometimes the smartest people scientist even leaving years of atheism and all a sudden firmly clinging onto christianity. Do you ever wonder what the reason for this is? Maybe they encountered a miracle that goes beyond scientific explanation, physics or any reality. I myself used to tune out anyone speaking about the craziness of certain hidden beliefs. I always dismissed it as specific to someone’s feelings or even crazy talk until literally I witnessed the reality of demons and had no choice but to run to a church to have these attacks stop since everywhere else casted it off as crazy talk just as I once did! I was lucky in that moment I had a church from my early upbrining to fall back on. I think christian faith is clinged onto the way it is not because it is a desired fantasy/preference but because it is really a matter of life and death. Some people are lucky enough to witness a miracle or life threatening warning early on, convert and do something about it and others sadly only get caught onto the truth in the very end. If my experience never happened I would still be a nonbeliever. Maybe a bad 4th grader comparison would be smoking cigarettes. Overall a life without God or smoking cigarettes would be bad for your health and our bodies would all react to smoking differently but it will ultimately have a horrible end. For some people the complications do manifest and they end up with cancer, needing to place a voice box at their throat and others are fine all throughout life disregarding the implications with a few others since nothing visible is happening to them until old age when many complications catch up. I used to even say let the kids think for themselves don’t force them into a religion. If this was a hobby then absolutely but honestly once you know the fatal truth of it all you can’t just let a child you lovingly raise drink gallons of soda or not teach them to cross the street without looking twice until they leave the nest and decide that they are ready to make their own fatal mistakes...and hopefully correct them if there is enough time.

  • @scottmoore7588
    @scottmoore75885 ай бұрын

    “Some people end up right back in religion, however I left Christianity altogether.” The video is titled “Christianity to Atheism - My Religious Deconstruction Story”. So wouldn’t it make more sense to say you left theism altogether? You do know Christianity is only one religion, right? There are many others. Just because you left Christianity doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve left religion altogether.

  • @anichols2760
    @anichols27603 ай бұрын

    You ever tried the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?

  • @naturalobserver1322
    @naturalobserver13222 жыл бұрын

    Matthew 24:12

  • @JoeHinojosa-bd9hu
    @JoeHinojosa-bd9hu10 ай бұрын

    You're right. The story of science and the Bible are polar opposites

  • @agear2


    6 ай бұрын

    a certain philosophy of science is opposed yes but it is also littered with suppositions….and contradictions.

  • @bobbyjimenez4482
    @bobbyjimenez44826 ай бұрын

    There's a vacuum in every man's heart that only God can fill......

  • @evangelicalsnever-lie9792


    5 ай бұрын

    How do you know the version of god that you think exists is actually the right version? Maybe it just doesn't matter.

  • @robmorris4056
    @robmorris40562 жыл бұрын

    Here's one for you if God is beyond time and space how did he put himself into this universe to create it without being restricted by the laws of physics in this universe, then leave it.

  • @williamle1895


    2 жыл бұрын

    “One friend asked me to pray. When informed of my atheism, he said, "During your last days you will begin to believe". I said, No, dear Sir, it shall not be. I will think that to be an act of degradation and demoralization on my part. For selfish motives I am not going to pray. Readers and friends, "Is this vanity"? If it is, I stand for it.” Quote by Bhagat Singh. This quote may inspire you.

  • @tedgrant2
    @tedgrant27 ай бұрын

    I've been reading the Gospels and found something really interesting. Jesus did not want money (Matthew 10:9). So why do Christian websites ask for donations ?

  • @tylergatewood1652


    2 ай бұрын

    It’s the only way they can continue to grow and “spread the word”

  • @tedgrant2


    2 ай бұрын

    @@tylergatewood1652 Surely, faith is all they need. In any case, I don't think God needs help.

  • @davidspencer343
    @davidspencer3435 ай бұрын

    Pascals wager is the weakest religious argument ever made. Incredibly easy to dismantle if you think about it for more than 2 seconds

  • @gregory4154
    @gregory41547 ай бұрын

    There is a non-Christian philosopher/rabbi who saw the many contradictions of the Bible as the motive to resolve those contradictions, that is, those contradictions are the reason for struggling toward belief. Maimonides saw the resolution of the contradictions of the Bible as the motive to search for God. I write this as a traditional Catholic who believes in both the literal and non-literal truths of the Bible. I would only suggest this, the person who tells you "there is no truth" ......ask yourself is that true? The wonderful contradiction.

  • @ebbebauer8790


    6 ай бұрын

    What a weird argument... So the bible is contradictory, bigoted (considering slavery, women, g****ide) and more, because God wants to test us if we still believe in him ignoring these issues? Like why dont you believe in the Quran then? Allah is only testing you and you currently are failing because you arent a muslim yet.

  • @TheMahayanist


    6 ай бұрын

    Sounds like you've never talked to anyone other than traditional Catholics.

  • @gregory4154


    6 ай бұрын

    ​@@TheMahayanistyou assume very wrong.

  • @exvangelicarol5336
    @exvangelicarol53364 ай бұрын

    thx for doing this video 💖 I'm so glad that I also got out of it many yrs ago. #exvangelical #GoodWithoutGod

  • @johnnybegood9119-ww8we
    @johnnybegood9119-ww8we9 ай бұрын

    None of you dare present your reasons for deconstructing because you know that they are merely feeble justifications for your preference toward evil. And you know I will crush everything you say with logic and leave you utterly humiliated.

  • @TheMahayanist


    6 ай бұрын

    Uhhhhh, so what's the argument that God is good? You don't have any arguments. If you did, I wouldn't have left Christianity to begin with. Christians have two things, LIES and EXCUSES. I get enough of that from my parents.

  • @Raydensheraj
    @Raydensheraj Жыл бұрын

    Glad I never dealt with the cultural indoctrination many go thru in the US. I grew up in Berlin Germany and moved when I turned 20 to the USA. My parents never forced Religion onto me...and I was so much into Dinosaurs, Science and the exploration of nature...when I first was confronted with Christianity....I immidiately rejected it as it looked ridiculous to me... I never once in my life followed Authoritarian ideologies. I later developed a interest into the cultural and historical aspect of Religion and why certain humans believe in supernatural claims....but faith in one of the many versions of invisible supernatural superbeeings....was NEVER part of me or my way of life. I still have not came across one argument by religious apologetics....that can't be answered better by modern, enlightenment & the ancient philosophers (in some cases the philosophy of Epicurus, Lucretius, Spinoza, Voltaire, Locke and others) and the collected knowledge of modern science... Arguments like those of David Hume in "On Miracles" or Darwin's "On the Origin of Species" are so destructive to theology....I don't know how anyone can still remain convinced of a invisible supernatural superbeeing.... The nearest I have ever been at a god believe was the idea of "Pantheism"....that nature is "God."

  • @thetruthaboutscienceandgod6921
    @thetruthaboutscienceandgod69216 ай бұрын

    Please watch and share with others my four brief videos in which I present examples of scientific facts contained in the Bible, facts that the writers thousands of years ago could not have been aware of without divine knowledge given to them by Jesus Christ / The God of the Bible. And today's scientists agree with those facts!

  • @Will_Roman7
    @Will_Roman7 Жыл бұрын

    Good video welcome to the club of reality and away from bull shit fairly tales

  • @tonymiller3788
    @tonymiller37885 ай бұрын

    You didn't keep your journey hidden. You didn't know you were even on a journey UNTIL you arrived at your destination. When I deconverted it was the result of trying to bolster my faith by researching the evidence. I never intended to become an atheist and I'm guessing you didn't plan to either.

  • @thedarknessthatcomesbefore4279


    4 ай бұрын

    Yes a wish to pursue the truth and a willingness to follow where the evidence leads when assessed with intellectual honesty will do that.. Although apologists must never acknowledge this... you were probably never a true believer 😂 Glad you made it back to reality Tony.

  • @robdielenberg4234
    @robdielenberg42343 ай бұрын

    I'd like deconversionists to try a little experiment. If you watch over many dozens of these stories (and there are that many now), you hear the phrase. "I told so and so (theists) that I no longer believed in Christianity and they were shocked" - and this is said with gravitas by all, you know, with deeply felt emotion and seriousness. Now, replace the word "Christianity" with "Harry Potter" and say it again. You know, "I told so and so that I no longer believed in Harry Potter and they were all shocked!" LOL I mean, come on! You can't be serious! It's so funny. That an entire generation takes themselves so seriously over a total fantasy trip. It's not rocket science! Religion is a fantasy! I mean, come on, a seven year old should be able to figure that out. I did.

  • @sallymay4178


    3 ай бұрын

    no matter how you hide from God or try to not believe in him you know there he is ! God made you and he loves you

  • @MilkAndHoney
    @MilkAndHoney2 жыл бұрын

    Wasn't aware that reddit automatically subbed you to atheism. I had to sub myself.

  • @troywalstra9300
    @troywalstra93003 ай бұрын

    15 Love not the world, neither the things [that are] in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that [is] in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. 18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. 19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would [no doubt] have continued with us: but [they went out], that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. (1 John 2:15-19, KJV)

  • @gregsimmons694
    @gregsimmons69410 күн бұрын

    Time to wake up my friend and use that brain God gave you! Jesus saves sinners like you and I! Time to get a new gig atheists!

  • @grayintheuk8021
    @grayintheuk80212 жыл бұрын

    I left Christianity as well. I tried better to find and understand this god that was hidden and silent to me. I thought I was not good enough. I never had that "Holy Spirit" fuzzy warm feeling most christians claim they have. I was told I was not good enough or did not trying hard enough so I thought I should research what I needed to do. After all in different churches I attended I was told different things about this god. So many different conflicting claims about this one god, what was going wrong? Did he love or hate same sex couples, well that depends where you went and who you spoke to. It was like everyone's own god was just like them. If they hated 'gay' people then so did their god and so on. I concluded that clearly people didn't know from street preachers to mega churches, from unknown ministers to famous TV jet owning rich preachers. Each was so different. I researched myself and from source material and the more I found out the more I realised that there was just no god, people made up these stories and I could not find any 'good' evidence for the claims being made about the supernatural world. The more I actually researched to more I realised that I was just indoctrination as a young child like most people are. Indoctrinated like Muslims/Hindus/Christians before the age of critical thinking. Then we use our bias to find anything that fits this god. We employ cognitive dissonance to separate and discard anything that does not fit this god model. We actively find the arrows in the side of the barn door and paint the targets round those arrows. Currently I am simply unconvinced and therefore, I am unable to believe as you have to be convinced first. I am open to any ideas but none have ever been presented to back up the 'claim' that a god exists. I am not saying there are no gods but I am yet to be convinced that the supernatural world exists. We live in a natural world and I would not expect anything after this life, as sad as that is I am OK with it. Maybe that is why I could break my childhood programming and become a free thinking and acting person. Thanks for your video. Best Gray

  • @williamle1895


    2 жыл бұрын

    “One friend asked me to pray. When informed of my atheism, he said, "During your last days you will begin to believe". I said, No, dear Sir, it shall not be. I will think that to be an act of degradation and demoralization on my part. For selfish motives I am not going to pray. Readers and friends, "Is this vanity"? If it is, I stand for it.” Quote by Bhagat Singh. This Quote may inspire you

  • @grayintheuk8021


    2 жыл бұрын

    @KTTGHMTJWYCBLAC I think you need professional help, clearly you have a serious problem and I am not adding to it. Please go and get some actual medial help for your condition. Sorry that something dramatic happened in your life that you now think like this. Keep well and get some help.

  • @sallymay4178
    @sallymay41783 ай бұрын

    Jesus Died for you to live and love one another

  • @chriscosby2459
    @chriscosby24596 ай бұрын

    I can relate, I was always a doubting Christian. The Bible makes no sense -- logically or historically. I listen to Ben Shapiro and Dr. Peterson, but I disagree with them on religion.

  • @TheMahayanist


    6 ай бұрын

    So... You listen to right wing religious theocrats and fascists, but ignore their religious theocratic opinions. Why? It's like eating an ice cream cone without any ice cream on it.

  • @chriscosby2459


    6 ай бұрын

    @@TheMahayanist What a stupid statement you made. I can disagree with someone on certain issues and still follow and agree with them on other issues. An empty ice cream cone? Typical leftist nonsense.

  • @TheSonOfGodWorshipsTheFather
    @TheSonOfGodWorshipsTheFather14 күн бұрын

    Vengeance belongs to who?❔❔❔❓

  • @jmdsservantofgod8405
    @jmdsservantofgod8405 Жыл бұрын

    All your words for 24 minutes and Jesus got a brief mention…..I get you!

  • @thekidwhodraws
    @thekidwhodraws Жыл бұрын

    Damn bro you need a less flammable room to record in

  • @Mike-qt7jp
    @Mike-qt7jp8 ай бұрын

    By the way, the Bible says in 1st John 2:19, "They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us." According to this scripture you were never really saved. You may have gone to church, and handed out tracks, and worn a cross, but you weren't really saved. This is NOT my opinion but God's word. If you were talking about some other youtuber's opinion, then you could say, "Well, I think..." But we are talking about the ETERNAL, ALL-POWERFUL, CREATOR of the universe. Who says, "Can the gods of the other nations (religions) tell you the future? No! They are mere lifeless idols." But I..." and then He proceeds to give us over one thousand prophecies in the Bible to demonstrate that God's word can be trusted. He also adds over one hundred scientific facts in scripture in all fields of science that were written down, thousands of years BEFORE the great scientists of the world would discover them. For example, up to a few hundred years ago surgeons used to wash their hands in basins of water, until they discovered it became a bowl of germs. They started using running water. The Bible instructed the use of running water thousands of years earlier. Soldiers used to die from disease, until they finally figured out to do their toilet business outside the camp. The Bible thousands of years before this, instructed the Israeli soldiers to take a small shovel outside the camp and bury their waste. Doctors used to drain blood (blood-letting) from sick patients, but thousands of years ago the Bible said, the life is in the blood. It wasn't until a couple hundred years ago, that oceanographers discovered mountains rising off the ocean floor, but the Bible thousands of years ago spoke of these mountains. The Bible says, "It is God who spreads out the stars." Astrophysicists now say the very fabric of space is spreading out taking the galaxies along for the ride. Up until about five hundred years ago, astronomers thought there was about 4,000-5,000 stars. But the Bible in Genesis compares the number of stars to the grains of sand along the seashore. Astronomers now say there are at least twice as many stars as sand on all the beaches of the world. Albert Einstein in his paper on relativity stated that matter, energy, space and time itself all had a beginning. But thousands of years earlier in Genesis chapter one the Bible says, "In the beginning (a reference to time having a beginning) God created the earth (matter) the heavens (space) and said let there be light (energy). I don't want to make this so long people won't read it, but you can go any Christian bookstore and find books on the hundreds and hundreds of fulfilled prophecies, in the Bible. There were 256 totally fulfilled prophecies concerning the birth, life, ministry, and death of Christ alone. So, God in HIS word has told of science thousands of years in advance of it being discovered by the great scientific minds of the world, He has spoken prophetic utterances that have come true, over and over again, in a literal, not metaphorical sense, again, to demonstrate His authority. He is God, we are His creation. This is His world, His universe. He is sovereign. Look, it's a great deal; surrender to His only means of forgiving our sins and reconciling ourselves to HIM, Christ dying on the cross, and reap eternal life, eternal peace, eternal health, and eternal joy. OR reject His offer of pardon and receive your just punishment. I choose Jesus Christ.

  • @ebbebauer8790


    6 ай бұрын

    "This is NOT my opinion but God's word." Youre not giving us any reason to believe that this is Gods word. You just assume it is his word because you want to believe that you are the special one that will go to heaven. Youre literally gatekeeping a hardcore christian by saying that he wasnt fucking christian enough... Like what more did you want from him??? Your "scientific predictions in the Bible" are apologetic bullshit and are easily explained with either a lucky guess, modern interpretation (oh, he MEANT to say tap water when he said "running water") etc. Also why arent you talking about the unfullfilled prophecies or the scientific errors (e.g. plants were created before the sun, how does that work out for the plants?)

  • @lamarcusguiton3007
    @lamarcusguiton3007 Жыл бұрын

    My deconstruct began when I found Yahweh and Satan in the Sumerian cuneiform....The Bible God has a daddy

  • @robdielenberg4234
    @robdielenberg42343 ай бұрын

    God loves you is like saying your unconscious loves you. Lol