Bravery of Asking for Help with Cancer

Hi, another chat about my continuing experience of fighting Prostate Cancer.
It was all getting a bit too much so I'm glad I picked the phone up and asked for help.
Cancer is not something that's easy to deal with and it can slowly wear down your mental health.
Waiting for scan results the continuous cycle of monthly blood tests all can exact a negative toll on the mind.
It's not weak to ask for help in fact it can be incredibly brave.

Пікірлер: 9

  • @GaryOldSkool
    @GaryOldSkool7 ай бұрын

    Great advice Keith Thank you

  • @Livingwith-prostatecancer


    7 ай бұрын

    Thanks Gary

  • @robertrosanelli444
    @robertrosanelli4448 ай бұрын

    Woody. You are "handling it".....pretty well from what I can see. Look, it sucks having cancer. Those of use who have it or had it know. You are right, others really cannot know what we know, but who cares what they know? How would their awareness make your situation better? If you get something from therapy, then by all means, speak to your therapist. Absolutely. That's not for everyone, but what the hell? Its your life. Try not to let it be 100% of your life. We do not know what you are up to or how you are doing when not on camera, but I sure hope that you can enjoy life while you can. And, I want you to know that your videos are a great service to us all. Do not underestimate what you are doing for all of us. Thanks, and cheer the heck up. Dont focus on the crap in life or you will never appreciate what you have. Best wishes from Phoenix, Arizona. Rob

  • @Livingwith-prostatecancer


    8 ай бұрын

    Thanks Rob On the whole I have a good life. Just sometimes it gets a bit too much but it's good there are numbers we can call when we need help. Today I feel 100% better Today I decided not to chase my PSA result It is what is as they say.

  • @dusanjez2011


    7 ай бұрын

    Cancer brings fatigue, pain, the antihormone drugs make us emotionally weak, too many visits to doctors are exhausting. I can understand it, and talk with friends can help. Some people understand us, some dont. It is not easy to live such life full of uncertainty.

  • @dusanjez2011


    7 ай бұрын

    In tough moments is asking for help and talking to persons who can help the best decision. Antihormonal drugs make emotional problems even deeper and take away mans way of thinking and courage.

  • @dusanjez2011


    7 ай бұрын

    So, be brave, dear Woody, my prayers are with you.

  • @sparkimoto
    @sparkimoto7 ай бұрын

    Asking for help is something I have never felt comfortable doing. I'm gonna consider your suggestion! I've been fighting depression which has been going on before finding out I'd have to fight the big "C" as well. I actually decided to go to my Dr last year to ask about going on TRT ( Testosterone Replacement Therapy ) knowing that It would most likely bring me out of my depression. But after getting the blood work done, the Dr called my into his office to inform me my PSA was too high. The rest is history. I chose the radiation treatment which I finished in April. For now, I am just supposed to check the PSA every 3 months. Dr says it should gradually go down over a 2 year period. It has gone down each time I have tested it. So I suppose that's a good thing. Things are headed on the right track. But now there is always the thought in the back of my mind. Did the radiation cure it. Will it come back. Will the PSA numbers go up with the next test. I suppose these are thoughts we all have. Some of us are able to stay positive more than other. I'm gonna be honest and admit that I decided to REFUSE testosterone blocking meds. I just knew I could handle the side affects and decided I'd rather die that live like that! Losing muscle mass, strength, bone mass, energy, and getting fat? No thanks. I just can't deal with all of that! But this is just my own decision. It may not be the right one for others. So far my PSA is still on the way down regardless of not messing with my natural Testosterone levels which are at the bottom end of the NORMAL scale. For those who are on Testosterone blockers and are managing the negative side effects, I commend you! Keep doing what you are doing!

  • @Livingwith-prostatecancer


    7 ай бұрын

    Thank you for sharing your story Having cancer and depression is as tough as it gets. If it gets tough just pick the phone up and call someone. I did it and I'm proud I did it. I spoke to a trained professional and felt much better afterwards. It's so important not to bottle it all up. Regarding your treatment you have to go with what's best for you, we are all different, good luck and if you ever need someone just to talk to here's my number 07738274033 and I mean that.