Beyond Assumptions: Charting a Course to Clearer Service Design

This fascinating and informative webinar, chaired by Andrew Morris of IRM UK, brings together a panel of Service Design experts to discuss the current state of play and the future of Service Design.
With thanks to panellists Chris Brain, Jonathan Hunsley and Pip Hall.
Topics discussed include:
✔️ Defining Service Design and the current state of play.
✔️ The argument for Service Design - the benefits to users and service providers.
✔️ The four thinking approaches underpinning Service Design.
✔️ The key drivers behind Service design - including accelerating digital change, changing customer expectations and a competitive market.
✔️ New professional recognition, credibility and the new qualification.
✔️ The distinction between product and service.
✔️ How to take those first steps on your Service Design journey.
✔️ Insights (from personal experience) into the successful implementation of Service Design, and the challenges.
Near the end of the webinar, Chris Brain recommends the book Good Services by Louise Downe.
If you are interested in the new Service Designer qualification, and the courses run by AssistKD you can find more information here.
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