{Audio Version} Brand Visionaries: Growth & Design Strategies


Aloha Friends, I'm Matthew Gray. Welcome to 50 Tastes Of Gray. Today, Laura Sauter (agencybel.com/) , a strategic brand consultant joins me. She's at the dynamic intersection of design and business. For me this is a fascinating topic as Laura combined her potent fusion of strategy in the world of art and design.
In my conversation with Laura, we delve into her deep commitment to serving artistic clients across various fields, including healthcare, finance, and law. as she shares her wealth of knowledge and experiences, offering insights into the delicate balance between creativity and business acumen.
Get ready for a captivating conversation here on 50 Tastes Of Gray with the brilliant Laura Sauter. If you enjoy the show, please like, subscribe, comment and sign-up for my newsletter at LoveLife.com (LoveLife.com) .

