Ask DID 2022: Patrick Chia & Kianne

Revisit our Zoom session with DID Tutor, Patrick Chia, alongside DID Year 4 undergraduate student Kianne! Patrick is a DID professor who specialises in Furniture design. He is the founder of the Design Incubation Centre (DIC) at NUS and is currently working alongside SIA and NUS to improve passenger experience inside a cabin. Join Patrick and Kianne as they talk about their experiences in DID and give advice about our course!
[00:00:59] About Patrick
[00:01:53] About Kianne
--- Q&A ---
[00:02:21] For Kianne, what is it like being a student under Patrick?
[00:03:25] How do you know if you have a passion for design and if the course is suitable for you?
[00:05:51] How did you know that you wanted to do design?
[00:09:05] What is your favourite thing about DID students?
[00:12:36] What is the culture like in DID? Is it very competitive or friendly?
[00:17:09] What do you look for in the application portfolio? How can a JC student better prepare for the interview?
[00:22:61] How are students assessed in DID? Do we have exams?
[00:25:25] How are platform projects done in DID? What are some memorable projects you were involved in?
[00:28:45] Any advice on how to hone your skills to better prepare yourself for DID?
[00:35:49] Any advice to a poly student who is more technically inclined and how they can break out of their technical shell?
[00:38:39] Are there people who take H2 art in JC in DID? Can JC students cope up with Poly students?
[00:41:44] What is the ratio of the Poly to JC students in DID usually like?
[00:43:10] Are students in DID more studious or hands-on driven?
[00:44:30] How many international students on average are there in DID?
[00:45:55] How technical DID is and would someone who is interested in soft skills be able to cope up with the coursework?
[00:50:47] Would a failure in GP be detrimental to the application process?
[00:51:36] Any last words of advice for prospective students?
[00:53:20] Closing remarks for the session
