NUS CDE e-Open Day 2022: Division of Industrial Design [Part 1 of 2]

Join us at the morning session of our e-Open House Zoom session with DID alumnus Selene and Wenshu from LinkedIn and Shopify respectively. Our alumnus and tutors share about their experiences studying in DID and as designers in the workplace.
[00:00:06] Introduction of speakers
[00:05:07] Industrial Design course overview - Customise your own learning journey
[00:10:49] Sharing by Wenshu (Senior Product Designer @ Shopify)
[00:12:30] Sharing by Selene (Design Manager @ LinkedIn)
[00:15:32] Q: What was your biggest achievement in design? (Selene)
[00:22:57] Q: What was your biggest achievement in design? (Wenshu)
[00:27:30] Videos and discussion: Innovation and Invention in Healthcare & Medicine
[00:33:13] Videos and discussion: User Experience Design in Retail, Hospitality, Government & Care Services
[00:44:41] Student experiences with platform projects (Zi Ling (Y3), Link Kwa (Y4), Selene)
[00:50:36] Videos and discussion: Food Design, Culture & New Sensory Experiences
[00:56:56] Q: Is it difficult to cope with this course without any sort of art background?
[01:03:19] Q: Are math and science required in DID? Will there be any engineering modules implemented with the merger with Engineering?
[01:04:50] Q: If I am weak in a certain topic or skillset, will there be regular consultations with the profs and tutors? Are they approachable enough?
[01:08:06] Videos and discussion: Invention of Tools, Mechanisms, Materials & New Structures
--- Q&A ---
[01:17:06] Q: May I check the course content for Industrial Design? Is there a specialisation for product engineering and AI? Can I apply with H1 physics instead of H2?
[01:19:08] Q: How do you overcome those slumps during the ideation process?
[01:21:07] Q: Are there many international students in this major?
[01:22:28] Q: What will we have to do in the aptitude test?
[01:24:56] Concluding remarks: last words of advice (Selene & Wenshu)
