Artificial Intelligence 2024-2025 Topic Area: DebateSensei NFA LD

In the season finale of NFALD Debate Sensei, join us for an insightful discussion on the 2024-2025 topic area: artificial intelligence. We're excited to announce this cutting-edge topic that promises to be both challenging and relevant.
In this episode, we're joined by Dr. Justin Kirk from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, who shares his expertise and insights into the world of AI. We discuss the process behind selecting this topic, its timeliness, and the potential impact it could have on the debate community.
As we wrap up this season, we reflect on the debates and discussions we've had, from Chad to Justin, and look forward to the next season with anticipation. Join us as we delve into the complexities of AI and explore the endless possibilities it presents for debate.
Don't miss out on our season finale, and stay tuned for more exciting content in the next season of NFALD Debate Sensei!
